In fifty informative and inspiring steps, Beth Kaplan shows you how to write your story by putting on your writer's hat, then your editor's hat, then digging down to bring out the vital details of the story, and finally living the writing life. Steps include:<ul><li>Read Like a Writer</li><li>Unleash the "I" Word</li><li>Claim Your Truth</li><li>Write from Scars, Not Wounds</li><li>Enter the Marketplace</li></ul>
A memoir of the vibrant mid-Sixties that illuminates both the real life and powerful imagination of an articulate Beatlemaniac spending a lonely year in Paris. <br><br>She didn’t want to go overseas with her family when her dad takes a sabbatical from his university to study in France. That would mean leaving leaving her school friends in her hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia. But when her friends reminded her that she’d be closer to the Beatles, she decides to keep an open mind. <br><br>In a series of poignant and humorous diary fantasies about a romance with Paul McCartney, a young Beth Kaplan writes her way into adolescence, the dawning of sexual awareness, and the world of real boys.