Von realen Ereignissen inspiriert:
Niemand ahnt, was die beiden verbindet. Dieses tiefe Band zwischen Sub und Dom. Vertrauen, Macht und Hingabe. Die Anziehung ist ungebrochen. Ein paar Worte reichen, um die Flamme auflodern zu lassen und eine Anweisung genügt, um Hanna* gefügig zu machen. Tatsächlich verschiebt sich immer mehr ihre Grenze. Was vor Monaten unmöglich schien, ist nun reizvoll und verbreitet ein wohliges Kribbeln zwischen ihren Beinen. Bestärkt das Gefühl des Zusammenhaltes. Die Heimlichkeit macht alles umso aufregender. In vielerlei Hinsicht wirkt Gregor* auf sie ein und führt bewusst oder unbewusst Veränderungen herbei. Immer wieder fällt ihr auf, in wie vielen Bereichen er mitmischt. Natürlich immer mit ihrer Erlaubnis. Er tut nichts ohne ihre Zustimmung. Das gefällt ihr unglaublich gut und verleiht dem Ganzen den nötigen Respekt. Doch etwas hat sich trotzdem verändert. Hanna übergeht immer wieder dieses dunkle Gefühl und genießt ihren Dom. Sie schiebt trübe Gedanken beiseite und fokussiert sich auf die positiven Momente. Im Grunde sind es auch nur Ahnungen, nichts Gewisses, was ihr Sorgen bereitet. Wenn sie die Bedenken beiseiteschiebt, erlebt sie nur hoch erotische Momente. Gregor schafft es, ihr dauernd Vergnügen zu bereiten. Den ganzen Tag gehen sie schon ihrem heißen Spiel nach und sie freut sich sehr, als sie zu ihm kommen darf. Sie macht sich nach dem Büro mit dem Rad auf dem Weg zu ihm. Er hat den Abend für sie geplant und durchdacht, doch dann kommt es doch anders…
Der zwölfte Teil der 20teiligen Kurzgeschichte um die Sub Hanna, ihren Dom Gregor und ihre leidenschaftliche Affäre in Berlin.
*Die Namen wurden für dieses Buch geändert.
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
Gregor* surprises her with how he handles things. He supports her. Naturally. He feels how torn she is and gives in. If she wishes so, they can take precautions and arrange a date on their terms. Hanna* would never have thought to feel such a desire and connection.
Gregor just wants to make her needs met no matter how crazy they are. Instead of giving orders to the sub, he accepts and realizes his sub's wishes. He wants to possess her and will do anything for her. And he protects her. Her satisfaction and happiness come first. He offers her such security when they are together that everything seems possible with him. She grows with the tasks and challenges that he repeatedly places in front of her. They definitely won't get bored. If she ever goes there, then only with him. Clearly. It is incredibly exciting. For him too. How his little one acts with another man and yet only has eyes for him. He doesn't take his eyes off her for a second. She belongs to him. He can see it clearly. She is beautiful. So strong and yet so sensitive. He will give everything and she will never be hurt … and the one who tries to will regret it … She is his.
The eighth part of the 20-part short story about Sub Hanna, her dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
They learnt from each other. The efficient businessman Gregor* has found more time for his passions through Hanna*. Her training was easy, because her submissive streak was apparent and she always followed him obediently. She has learned to drop control and give herself to him. But he, of all the people, violated what made this relationship so special.
By stupid coincidence, she found out he was collecting data on their relationship. For her, they are done. If the trust has been broken, you can repair it, but it has taken away the lightheartedness. But does Hanna want to forgive and connect with him at all? What does Gregor think about his faux pas and is there a real chance for them to get back to how it was?
In any case, he leaves her no time to think and comes up with unusual surprises in order to get her attention. While his actions keep tearing open the old wound, Hanna tries not to show anything at her work. This only works until the fateful appointment at the law firm. She is feeling bad. She has been repressing grief for weeks. And she is now firmly convinced that there will never be anyone like Gregor in her life again. She has no idea where she gets the strength to resist him every day. Doesn't he deserve a second chance? She's missing someone to talk to about it. The emotional chaos leaves her unhappy. The mind works against the heart. And she sets off to give his gift back to him…
This is the tenth part of the 20-part short story about Sub Hanna, her dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
She adores him. Respects the successful businessman in him and feels incredibly comfortable at his feet. He gives her courage, strength, and security. She is fascinated by what he awakens in her, what desires and waves of pleasure he arouses. She does everything for him. Her dependence on him ensures that she keeps pushing her boundaries and with each day they get to know each other better. He has a very special way of looking at her, looks inside her, and knows so well how to light her desire and set her on fire. She has never associated such a passion with anyone. She loves sex. Always has, but what she can experience with Gregor* is … special.
Nobody suspects what has been going on in her ever since and that will probably remain so. Who can she tell about it? She is proud to have the courage that led her to the first date. Without Gregor she would only live out her sexuality with the handbrake on, with him she is surrounded by sensuality and lust. Permanently. His desire for her seems endless. No matter where they are, he takes what he needs. Namely her devotion and dedication. In the middle of the room, he tells her to spread her legs when she doesn't have her panties on – he made sure of that beforehand. With him, it is a constant change of emotions. She was just happy about his surprise and the next moment she just wanted to disappear into the ground. Did Jacques notice it? If so, it is very discreet. But all the time she wonders how he manages not to be distracted. Gregor hired a professional for her, that's for sure. Naturally. Gregor would never let ruin his little one…
This is the sixth part of the series about Sub Hanna*, her dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
A few words are enough to let the flame flare up and one instruction is all it takes to make Hanna* compliant. In fact, their boundaries are shifting more and more. What seemed impossible months ago is now appealing and spreads a pleasant tingling sensation between her legs. Reinforces the feeling of connection. The stealth makes everything all the more exciting. Gregor* influences her in many ways and consciously or unconsciously brings changes. Again and again, she notices how many areas he is involved in. Always with her permission, of course. He doesn't do anything without her consent. She likes it and gives him all the respect he needs. But something has changed anyway.
Hanna seems to ignore this feeling again and again and enjoys her dom. She pushes dark thoughts aside and focuses on the positive moments. Basically, it is only a premonition, nothing certain, that worries her. If she brushes the concerns aside, she only experiences highly erotic moments. Gregor manages to give her constant pleasure. They have been playing their hot game all day long and she is very happy when she is allowed to come to him. After the office, she sets off on her bike to see him. He planned and thought through the evening for her, but then things turn out differently
This is the twelfth part of the 20-part novel about Sub Hanna, her Dom Gregor, and her passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
Everyday life and boredom can only happen at home. Here, in this exciting city, people live, love and come. Often and intensely. She has fallen for him and enjoys his undivided attention and he lets her get closer and closer to him. He often wants her in the apartment and always comes up with new lessons for her apprenticeship as a sub. Her stress limit has shifted quite a bit and what initially seemed impossible has now become an integral part of their lovemaking.
It turns Gregor* on that she endures pain for him. She even starts to enjoy it and needs it to feel inner peace and tranquility. She can't wait to go back to him. He is her haven of peace. He is her constant and understands her without words. He teaches her what kind of woman she really is and shows her that she can't live without him. She often thinks that her life before Gregor was boring and so, so bourgeois.
But back then it was good as it was. Now that she has learned so much about herself and life and love, she can never really be happy again without him. So how could she not be HIS? She is sure that this will go on forever and is afraid of where all this may lead to. But then a sudden event changes everything and her world falls apart and Gregor of all people cannot help her because he is the reason for her pain…
This is the ninth part of the 20-part short story about Sub Hanna*, her Dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
Between the sessions they live together like a «normal» couple in the hip city. They play their roles. With the door closed, they forget the world around them, and hot desire and sadistic harshness come out. Hanna* deals with it well, moreover, she takes pleasure in serving him. She likes to be possessed by him. At first, she always flinched when he would say he owned her. Now her name is his and it makes her proud to be his sub. She can withstand it better and better and knows that a dom can have weak moments. She allows him to make mistakes. Was that what she saw in him, a committed relationship or even love? The thought keeps making her curious. She feels better as long as this question is unanswered. Everything remains as it is. Nothing is missing. He cares about her wellbeing. She often indulges secretly in thoughts of memories of the past night. He's holding her captive. Under his spell. Nobody manages to fuel his lust like her, to make her come, to play with her desire, to provoke her and to really get her high. He demands this power over her extensively. Wants to know everything, was she turned on, did she like his approach … and likes to use that against her in the game. Gregor* has come closer to Hanna than any other man. But is this delicate bond trustworthy and will they manage to keep it in the long run? Or is he hiding something …?
The seventh part of the 20-part short story about Sub Hanna, her Dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
Von realen Ereignissen inspiriert:
Lange hat sich Hanna* darüber Gedanken gemacht und nun ist sie sich absolut sicher das Richtige zu tun. Sie hat sich wochenlang damit beschäftigt und informiert. Nun scheint sie die richtige Institution gefunden zu haben. Sie geht trotzdem persönlich vorbei und legt sich dann vor Ort fest. Als sie falsche Angaben in das Formular des Vereins einträgt, kann sie es nicht erwarten, Gregor* davon zu erzählen. Der Betreuerin, hatte sie zugesagt, erneut vorbei zu kommen und zwar mit ihrem Mann. Bevor die Dame verstanden hat, was passiert ist, ist Hanna auch schon weg. Über Gregors Reaktion ist sie sich einfach nicht im Klaren, schließlich war das auch für ihn keine leichte Situation und wer weiß schon, ob so ein richtiger Abschluss gelingen kann. Als sie ausgehen, scheint alles, wie immer. Doch wie die Zukunft für beide aussieht, ist gar nicht so leicht zu definieren. Klar ist, dass beide die Finger nicht voneinander lassen können und ihr Sex sie verbindet. Aber reicht das aus? Und was bedeutet das, für das Verhältnis als Dom und Sub? Was flüstert er schon wieder mit dem Besitzer des Restaurants und gibt es einen Neuanfang für die beiden? Denn alles andere ist zur Verhandlungssache geworden und Hanna ist längst nicht mehr so unterwürfig und naiv, wie zu Beginn der Affäre. Gregor scheint seinen Fehler einzusehen und bemüht sich sehr ihr ein gutes Gefühl zu geben und passt auf sie auf. Seinen Kontrollzwang wird er zügeln müssen, denn sie hat genaue Vorstellungen, was noch angenehm für sie ist und was nicht. Sie weiß genau, wie sie sich künftig das Verhältnis mit ihm vorstellt und genießt nun ihre Macht über ihn.
Der elfte Teil der 20teiligen Kurzgeschichte um die Sub Hanna, ihren Dom Gregor und ihre leidenschaftliche Affäre in Berlin.
*Die Namen wurden für dieses Buch geändert.
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
When they go out, everything seems normal except for the streak of dominance he will always possess. But what the future looks like for both is not so easy to define. It is clear that they cannot keep apart and sex connects them. But is that enough? And what does that mean for their relationship as a dom and a sub? Is there a new start for the two?
Everything has become a matter of negotiation and Hanna* is no longer as submissive and naive as at the beginning of their affair. Gregor* tries very hard to make her feel good and take care of her. He will have to curb his compulsion to control and follow her ideas about what is comfortable for her and what is not. She imagines the relationship with him in the future and is now enjoying her new power.
This is the eleventh part of the 20-part series about Sub Hanna, her Dom Gregor and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed
The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events.
She reveals her desires and allows deep insights into her inner self. Despite the deep connection, Hanna is constantly afraid that something will change in the time when they are separated and that Gregor might let her go. After all, they are both living secret lives and it is clear that the circumstances make everything possible, but when something happens, the cards are shuffled again and only memories and deep traces remain, especially in their hearts. No one had recognized the submissive tendencies in her before. With Gregor, she is allowed to serve, savor her desire for pain, and is given special training. She enjoys the trip and the feeling of togetherness between the two. He really goes out of his way to make her understand that she is what he wants.
In Berlin they can live. Nobody can disturb their double life. They keep it all in secret. But today it's kind of different. Gregor looks more affectionate. Are Hanna's fears true? Is he just waiting for an appropriate time to talk to her? She is too scared to address it herself. Instead, she surrenders to the sexy moments and savors everything. Creates memories with him that no one can take away. Learning, listening to herself, and trusting someone so much that she lets him take the lead. Not just in bed. In life. Gregor is her dom and is everything she wants. She listens to him and gets involved in his games. But everything is different today, isn't it? What is the other car doing and is Gregor fleeing from her? Is it okay to ask and why does Hanna have to use the safeword…?
The fifth part of the 20-part series about Sub Hanna*, her Dom Gregor*, and their passionate affair in Berlin.
*Names of people and places in this book have been changed