Smart Reading

Список книг автора Smart Reading

    Summary: The Art of Systems Thinking. Essential Skills for Creativity and Problem Solving. Joseph O’Connor, Ian McDermott

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Art of Systems Thinking: Essential Skills for Creativity and Problem Solving” by Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott. The Art of Systems Thinking goes far beyond formal logic as it considers any phenomenon in its dynamic, in its time. In their book, Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott, as NLP specialists, rework the traditional view of the nature of things, and strive to teach us to see the whole picture – and see things in a new way. We live in a world of ready-made mental models that we ourselves have not created. The world around us is often perceived as a given and we live in a vicious circle created by culture, public opinion, and upbringing. We ourselves come up with artificial restrictions and thereby complicate our lives. This can be corrected by properly influencing our existing mental models. The authors discover ways that allow you to find the trajectories of dynamic systems, eliminate their vulnerabilities, and change your life for the better.

    Summary: Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ. Daniel Goleman

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ” by Daniel Goleman. Everyone knows that a high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until emotional intelligence was discovered we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant research dives into psychology and neuroscience and offers surprising new insight into our «two minds» – the rational and the emotional – and how they together shape our destiny. Using clear examples, Goleman identifies the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they are key our success in relationships, our profession, and even our physical well-being. Today many MBA program have included the importance of emotional intelligence into their curriculum and not only the quantitative side of business. “Emotional Intelligence” was on the New York Times Bestseller’s list for 18 months, has been translated into 40 languages and is sold all over the world.

    Summary: Thinking, Fast and Slow. Daniel Kahneman

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman's book Thinking, Fast and Slow, is dedicated to the workings of human thought. It was the result of scientific research for which the author received the Nobel Prize in Economics. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman proves that any normal person can make systematic errors in reasoning, especially in the face of uncertainty. These mistakes are inherent in a person’s true nature, his or her emotional state does not play a role. The author divides the mechanism of human thinking into two systems. System one uses associations and metaphors to casually sketch reality. System two uses reasoned and considered judgments, but is reluctant to get involved. People are looking everywhere for easy solutions and therefore quickly finds patterns where there are none.

    Summary: How to Live Mindfully with the Help of Meditation. Maria Gorina

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “How to Live Mindfully with the Help of Meditation” by Maria Gorina. Have you ever tried peeling potatoes, devoting to this activity all your fullness and strength? Have you tried to play with your child the way children play: putting aside thoughts about work, forgetting about your phone and immersing yourself in the construction of a Lego castle? Have you tried listening to your partner, focusing on his or her words, emotions, voice, and not on your thoughts? Consciousness, or mindfulness, is the ability to be in the here and now, to experience the fullness of life. This skill not only makes us healthier, happier and more stress-resistant, it also gives us back our lives – those hours and minutes when we failed to live properly, when we were lost in our thoughts about who knows what. This article is a brief guide to mindfulness: using it to benefit your body, emotions and thoughts, as well as actions and relationships. Read it and live life to the fullest!

    Summary: Chatter. The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It. Ethan Kross

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Chatter. The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It” by Ethan Cross. A Buddhist monk once said, “There’s a radio playing in our head, Radio Station NST: Non-Stop Thinking.” And this is definitely the case. It broadcasts every minute of every day and only stops working at night. And its content is mostly dramatic: every now and then thoughts pop up in our head about what we missed, what we didn’t say, or who was treated unfairly. The flow of thoughts in our head is tiring and annoying, but simply trying to turn off the radio will not work. “And it is not necessary,” psychologists say. Our inner voice is an evolutionary signal that helps us respond to reality. And you will be able to come to an agreement with your inner voice if you know how your consciousness works. Ethan Cross has been studying the nature of conscious thought control for many years and is now ready to offer a simple but effective system for neutralizing the chatterbox in our head.

    Summary: When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Pema Chödrön

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chödrön. In her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chödrön gives practical everyday advice on dealing both with life’s great tragedies and minor announces. Borrowing from her studies under the tutelage of teachers and masters of Tibetan Busshism, Pema proposes that we take a closer look at the nature of suffering and reconsider how we relate to it. The methodology she proposes in her book will help us not only overcome pain, but also turn hell into medicine.

    Summary: Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life” by Thit Nhat Khan. Modern life is full of anxiety, stress, and bad news. Peace of mind is the most valuable currency. And somewhere in the mountains, Buddhist monks sit calmly in their poses, after having reached complete peace, without a care in the world.... Both scenarios are myths. Even in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can feel beauty in the world. Buddhists are by no means out-of-this-world thinkers, proof of which is provided by the example of the Vietnamese monk Thit Nhat Khan, who for many years preached in different countries and has fought for peace in his homeland. In his main book, he offers advice that will be of use to people no matter what age or religion. The Teaching of Tit Nat Khan’s work does not need to be translated into a simple, worldly language – it is already transparent, like water. The meditations he teaches do not require special conditions – they are as simple as breathing. Everything you wanted to know about harmony and happiness is in his wise lessons.

    Summary: The Emotional Compass. How to Think Better about Your Feelings. Ilse Sand

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings” by Ilse Sand. In the book, The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings, Ilse Sand describes which emotions exist and gives us advice on how to recognize better understand what we are experiencing. Relying on her many years of practical experience, she gives tailor-made advice to people with various temperaments on how to deal with unpleasant emotions and avoid conflict situations, allowing them to live in harmony with their feelings and the people around them. She also stresses the importance of finding the right approach not only to those who have difficulty expressing their emotions, but to ourselves as well.

    Summary: The Innovator’s DNA. Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators” by Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen. The thesis of the book is that each of us has in our DNA what it takes to become an innovator.

    Summary: The Book of Joy. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams

    Smart Reading

    Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Book of Joy” by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams. What the reader should know: – The book is designed to help people develop an inner state of joy, independent of external factors and values imposed by others. – Assists people in learning how to cope with difficulties and stress, even the kind that the authors – some of the most renown leaders of our time – have experienced and continue to experience. Offers simple and effective exercises that teach you how to manage your emotions and feelings, using a state of joy to give them balance.