Errico Malatesta

Список книг автора Errico Malatesta


    Errico Malatesta

    Anarchy is one of Errico Malatesta's most influential writings. The book sets forth the basic principles of anarchism. Besides expressing the basics of Anarchism he also gave arguments against Socialism and Capitalism. Malatesta shows in a concise way, using skeptic and philosophy, the goal, which Anarchists should achieve: new and better society.

    Fra Contadini

    Errico Malatesta

    "Fra Contadini" di Errico Malatesta. Pubblicato da Good Press. Good Press pubblica un grande numero di titoli, di ogni tipo e genere letterario. Dai classici della letteratura, alla saggistica, fino a libri più di nicchia o capolavori dimenticati (o ancora da scoprire) della letteratura mondiale. Vi proponiamo libri per tutti e per tutti i gusti. Ogni edizione di Good Press è adattata e formattata per migliorarne la fruibilità, facilitando la leggibilità su ogni tipo di dispositivo. Il nostro obiettivo è produrre eBook che siano facili da usare e accessibili a tutti in un formato digitale di alta qualità.

    The Method of Freedom

    Errico Malatesta

    For sixty years, Errico Malatesta's involvement with international anarchism helped fuel the movement's radical approach to class and labor, and directly impacted the workers' movement in Italy. A talented newspaper journalist, Malatesta's biting critiques were frequently short and to the point—and written directly to and for the workers. Though his few long-form essays, including «Anarchy» and «Our Program,» have been widely available in English translation since the 1950s, the bulk of Malatesta's most revolutionary writing remains unknown to English-speaking audiences. In The Method of Freedom, editor Davide Turcato presents an expansive collection of Malatesta's work, including new translations of existing works and a wealth of shorter essays translated here for the first time. Offering readers a thorough overview of the evolution of Malatesta's revolutionary thought during his half a century as an anarchist propagandist, The Method of Freedom explores revolutionary violence and workplace democracy, the general strike and the limitations of trade unionism, propaganda by the deed, and the revolution in practice. Errico Malatesta (1853–1932) was an enormously popular Italian anarchist, perhaps most well-known for his strong support of direct action and the general strike. A talented newspaper journalist and editor, Malatesta spent much of his life exiled from Italy because of his political beliefs. Davide Turcato is a computational linguist and an independent historian. He is the author of Making Sense of Anarchism and the editor of Malatesta's collected works, a ten-volume project currently underway in Italy, to be released in English by AK Press.

    The Complete Works of Malatesta Vol. III

    Errico Malatesta

    • This is a key title for anyone interested in the history of anarchist ideas.• Malatesta's revolutionary ideas have considerable importance outside of anarchist circles, and this title will be very attractive to all those concerned with political philosophy.• This entire collection will be essential for libraries.


    Errico Malatesta

    This book is one of Errico Malatesta's most influential writings. It sets forth the basic principles of anarchism. Besides expressing the basics of Anarchism he also gave arguments against Socialism and Capitalism. Malatesta shows in a concise way, using skeptic and philosophy, the goal, which Anarchists should achieve: new and better society.