Carlos Fuentes

Список книг автора Carlos Fuentes

    Luis Buñuel o la mirada de la Medusa

    Carlos Fuentes

    "Luis Buñuel o la mirada de la medusa" da a conocer un ensayo inconcluso e inédito de Carlos Fuentes, hasta ahora oculto en la Universidad de Princeton, sobre la figura y el cine de Buñuel. Además, se incluyen cartas cruzadas entre los dos autores, que ilustran el proceso creativo de esta obra y constituyen un inestimable testimonio de sus relaciones y de su personalidad.La capacidad visionaria de Buñuel para anticipar los sucesos del 68, su viaje entre la realidad y el sueño, el legado de realismo y surrealismo —en especial en «La edad de oro» y «Belle de jour», que Fuentes ayudó a encumbrar como miembro del jurado del Festival de Venecia de 1967—, la influencia de Sade y la religión, o la presencia de la trinidad hispánica —Don Quijote, Don Juan y la Celestina— en el ideario iberoamericano están presentes en esta obra, en la que el escritor mexicano da voz al cineasta a través de una serie de encuentros.

    Adam in Eden

    Carlos Fuentes

    In this comic novel of political intrigue, Adam Gorozpe, a respected businessman in Mexico, has a life so perfect that he might as well be his namesake in the Garden of Eden—but there are snakes in this Eden too. For one thing, Adam's wife Priscila has fallen in love with the brash director of national security—also named Adam—who uses violence against token victims to hide the fact that he's letting drug runners, murderers, and kidnappers go free. Another unlikely snake is the little Boy-God who's started preaching in the street wearing a white tunic and stick-on wings, inspiring Adam's brother-in-law to give up his job writing soap operas to follow this junior deity and implore Adam to do the same. Even Elle, Adam's mistress, thinks the boy is important to their salvation—especially now that it seems the other Adam has put out a contract on Adam Gorozpe. To save his relationship, his marriage, his life, and the soul of his country, perhaps Adam will indeed have to call upon the wrath of the angels to expel all these snakes from his Mexican Eden.

    Vlad (Unabridged)

    Carlos Fuentes