Olaf Stapledon

Список книг автора Olaf Stapledon

    The Collected Works of Olaf Stapledon

    Olaf Stapledon

    This carefully crafted ebook: «The Collected Works of Olaf Stapledon» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Table of Contents: Novels: Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future Last Men in London Odd John: A Story Between Jest and Earnest Star Maker Darkness and the Light Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord Death into Life Short Stories: The Flames The Seed and the Flower The Road to the Aide Post A Modern Magician East is West A World of Sounds Arms Out of Hand Philosophical Works: A Modern Theory of Ethics: A Study of the Relations of Ethics and Psychology Interplanetary Man?

    The Complete Novels of Olaf Stapledon

    Olaf Stapledon

    Stapledon's science fiction novels often present the strivings of some intelligence that is beaten down by an indifferent universe and its inhabitants who, through no fault of their own, fail to comprehend its lofty yearnings. It is filled with protagonists who are tormented by the conflict between their «higher» and «lower» impulses. Table of Contents: Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future Last Men in London Odd John: A Story Between Jest and Earnest Star Maker Darkness and the Light Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord Death into Life The Flames

    Star Maker

    Olaf Stapledon

    A human narrator from England is transported out of his body via unexplained means. He realizes he is able to explore space and other planets. After exploring a civilization on another planet in our galaxy at a level of development similar to our own that existed millions of years ago thousands of light years from Earth (the «Other Earth») in some detail, his mind merges with that of one of its inhabitants, and as they travel together, they are joined by still more minds or group-minds. This snowballing process is paralleled by the expansion of the book's scale, describing more and more planets in less and less detail. The disembodied travelers encounter many ideas that are interesting from both science-fictional and philosophical points of view. Star Maker tackles philosophical themes such as the essence of life, of birth, decay and death, and the relationship between creation and creator. A pervading theme is that of progressive unity within and between different civilizations.

    Beyond the Unexplored Space: The Philosophy & Science-Fiction Works of Olaf Stapledon

    Olaf Stapledon

    This meticulously edited Olaf Stapledon collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Novels: Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future Last Men in London Odd John: A Story Between Jest and Earnest Star Maker Darkness and the Light Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord Death into Life Short Stories: The Flames The Seed and the Flower The Road to the Aide Post A Modern Magician East is West A World of Sounds Arms Out of Hand Philosophical Works: A Modern Theory of Ethics: A Study of the Relations of Ethics and Psychology Interplanetary Man?

    Last Men in London

    Olaf Stapledon