Swami Vivekananda

Список книг автора Swami Vivekananda

    Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda

    This ebook contains all the books, lecture, discussions, prose, poetry, and letters written by Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual teacher from India at the end of the 19th century who brought Vedanta to the United States and Europe. Vivekananda was a disciple of realized and awakened saint Sri Ramakrishna.
    Volume I Addresses at The Parliament of Religions Karma-Yoga Raja-Yoga Lectures and Discourses
    Volume II Work And Its Secret The Powers of the Mind Hints On Practical Spirituality Bhakti Or Devotion Jnana-Yoga Practical Vedanta and other lectures Reports in American Newspapers
    Volume III Lectures and Discourses Bhakti-Yoga Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion Lectures from Colombo to Almora Reports in American Newspapers Buddhistic India
    Volume IV Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga Lectures and Discourses Writings: Prose Writings: Poems Translation: Prose Translation: Poems
    Volume V Epistles – First Series Interviews Notes from Lectures and Discourses Questions and Answers Conversations and Dialogues Sayings And Utterances Writings: Prose and Poems
    Volume VI Lectures and Discourses Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Writings: Prose and Poems (Original and Translated) Epistles – Second Series Conversations and Dialogues
    Volume VII Conversations and Dialogues Inspired talks Translation of writings Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Epistles – Third Series
    Volume VIII Lectures and Discourses Writings: Prose Writings: Poems Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Sayings And Utterances Epistles – Fourth Series
    Volume IX Letters – Fifth Series Lectures and Discourses Notes of Lectures and Classes Writings: Prose and Poems Conversations and Interviews Excerpts from Sister Nivedita's Book Sayings and Utterances Newspaper Reports


    Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda war einer der bedeutendsten Yogis des 19. Jahrhunderts und der bekannteste Schüler von Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Er brachte als erster Yoga in den Westen und verbreitete die Lehre verschiedener spiritueller Wege. Seine Ausführungen über das Yogasutra sind Teil einer längeren Abhandlung über den Raja Yoga und werden im vorliegenden Buch mit Original-Sanskrit-Text, Kommentar und deutscher Übersetzung von Wilfried Huchzermeyer gesondert herausgebracht.
    Seine amerikanische Schülerin und Sekretärin S. Ellen Waldo berichtete, dass er seine Texte über den Raja Yoga im Jahr 1895 verfasste und vor der Niederschrift seiner Kommentare zu den Yoga-Aphorismen stets in tiefe Meditation ging, um sie ihr anschließend spontan zu diktieren. So handelt es sich um authentische, traditionelle Interpretationen eines Autors, der selbst ein Yogi war und die Sanskrit-Sprache fließend beherrschte.

    Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda

    This ebook contains all the books, lecture, discussions, prose, poetry, and letters written by Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual teacher from India at the end of the 19th century who brought Vedanta to the United States and Europe. Vivekananda was a disciple of realized and awakened saint Sri Ramakrishna.
    Volume I Addresses at The Parliament of Religions Karma-Yoga Raja-Yoga Lectures and Discourses
    Volume II Work And Its Secret The Powers of the Mind Hints On Practical Spirituality Bhakti Or Devotion Jnana-Yoga Practical Vedanta and other lectures Reports in American Newspapers
    Volume III Lectures and Discourses Bhakti-Yoga Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion Lectures from Colombo to Almora Reports in American Newspapers Buddhistic India
    Volume IV Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga Lectures and Discourses Writings: Prose Writings: Poems Translation: Prose Translation: Poems
    Volume V Epistles – First Series Interviews Notes from Lectures and Discourses Questions and Answers Conversations and Dialogues Sayings And Utterances Writings: Prose and Poems
    Volume VI Lectures and Discourses Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Writings: Prose and Poems (Original and Translated) Epistles – Second Series Conversations and Dialogues
    Volume VII Conversations and Dialogues Inspired talks Translation of writings Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Epistles – Third Series
    Volume VIII Lectures and Discourses Writings: Prose Writings: Poems Notes of Class Talks and Lectures Sayings And Utterances Epistles – Fourth Series
    Volume IX Letters – Fifth Series Lectures and Discourses Notes of Lectures and Classes Writings: Prose and Poems Conversations and Interviews Excerpts from Sister Nivedita's Book Sayings and Utterances Newspaper Reports

    Raja Yoga or Conquering the Internal Nature

    Swami Vivekananda

    Each Soul is potentially divine and the goal is to manifest the divinity that is within, by controlling nature, external and internal. We shall have to do this either by work, worship, psychic control, or philosophy – and eventually, all be free. This fascinating book contains a treatise on Raja yoga, and comprises a wealth of enlightening information on the subject sure to appeal to discerning students and enthusiastic beginners. Split into the two sections; 'Raja Yoga' and 'Patanjali’s Yoga Aphorisms', this book contains the chapters: The First Steps; Prana; The Psychic Prana; The Control of Psychic Prana; Patyahara and Dharana; Dhyana and Samadhi; Raja-Yoga in Brief; Powers; and Independence. Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk and disciple of the nineteenth-century saint Ramakrishna. This book was originally published in 1923 and is proudly republished now complete with a new introduction to the subject.

    Complete Works

    Swami Vivekananda