The little house pet from Venus didn’t like New York, so New York had to change.
The little house pet from Venus didn’t like New York, so New York had to change.
Nobody knew very much about the Sargasso area of the void; only one thing was certain: if a ship was caught there it was doomed in The Graveyard Of Space.
Ellaby’s society was a perfect democracy, where all men were equal. But some still wanted more personal attention, and they got it, like The Dictator.
Adam Slade was a man who had nothing to lose by making a break for it. The trouble was, he knew that no one had ever escaped from the Prison Of A Billion Years
All she wanted was a mate and she had the gumption to go out and hunt one down. But that meant poaching in a strictly forbidden territory!
The opportunity to swap bodies with those outworld aliens and to see the other planet as its natives saw it was too good to pass up. It would be a unique experience…the chance of a lifetime!