Das Versepos «Parzival» erzählt die Lebensgeschichte des jungen Parzival, der sich vom naiven Jüngling zu einem reifen Gralsritter entwickelt. Die Erlebnisse und Begegnungen Parzivals lassen das Mittelalter mit seinen Bräuchen, Gesetzmäßigkeiten und seinem Aberglauben lebendig werden. Die vorliegende Übersetzung aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen ist modern und bleibt dennoch nahe am Original. Jeder Abschnitt wird mit einer Zusammenfassung des Inhalts eingeleitet, so dass auch inhaltlich anspruchsvolle Reime gut verständlich werden. Dieses E-Book enthält eine vollständige Übersetzung aller 16 Bände des Werkes «Parzival» von Wolfram von Eschenbach.
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Wolfram von Eschenbach erzählt im Parzival aus dem frühen Mittelalter. Bevölkert wird diese uns ferne Welt von schönen und mutigen Rittern, die sich für die Liebe edler Damen in Kämpfe stürzen und dabei ihrer Lieblingsbeschäftigung nachgehen können: ihren Gegner mit der Lanze vom Pferd zu werfen. Parzival ist der prächtigste Ritter seiner Zeit. Mit seiner Schönheit nimmt er jeden für sich ein, er ist mutig und im Zweikampf unbesiegt.
Parzival is a medieval romance by the German poet, knight, and troubadour Wolfram von Eschenbach. The story belongs to the most significant examples of medieval literature. The poem, dated to the first quarter of the 13th century, tells about the legendary knight of the Round Table Parzival (Percival in English) and his long search for the Holy Grail following his initial failure to achieve it. The story begins with Parzival's birth and early life, continues with his attempts to find King Arthur and join him, together with his friend Gawan and concludes in meeting and marriage to the love of his life Orgeluse. Although the poem is dedicated to the spiritual and physical search for Saint Grail, its central narrative is love, chivalry, and courtship that reward the hero with a happy completion of his deeds.
German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach’s romance story “Parzival” tells the whirlwind tale of a young man’s life as a knight in search for the Holy Grail. It follows the medieval heroic story of Parzival as he tries to balance his desire for love with his quest for the Grail. At first, Parzival is childish and ignorant, and his bad choices prohibit him from obtaining the Grail. Only through purging his soul through a number of trials and hardships is Parzival sanctified enough to be chosen by the Grail. An interesting choice by von Eschenbach in retelling this legend is to not portray the Holy Grail as a cup, as typified by the classic English versions of the Arthurian legends. In his version, the Grail is not even associated with the Christian concept of the chalice of Christ. Rather, the Holy Grail is a life-giving stone that provides food and eternal life to the men and women who live in the castle that protects the Grail. The story is also a close look into the life and culture of the folk traditions that pervaded the time. Wolfram von Eschenbach includes such common events as tournaments and jousts, which add to the realistic properties of the text. He also made a conscious choice with the type of “romance” that the poem uses; von Eschenbach stays true to the courtship and kinship rules of medieval romances, making this work a window into the societal rules that governed the behavior of knights, their relationships, and their pursuit of courtly love.
German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach's romance story «Parzival» tells the whirlwind tale of a young man's life as a knight in search for the Holy Grail. It follows the Medieval heroic story of Parzival (Percival in the English texts) as he tries to balance his desire for love with his quest for the Grail. At first, Parzival is childish and ignorant, and his bad choices prohibit him from obtaining the Grail. Only through purging his soul through a number of trials and hardships is Parzival sanctified enough to be chosen by the Grail. An interesting choice by von Eschenbach in retelling this legend is to not portray the Holy Grail as a cup, as typified by the classic English versions of the Arthurian legends. In his version, the Grail is not even associated with the Christian concept of the chalice of Christ. Rather, the Holy Grail is a life-giving stone that provides food and eternal life to the men and women who live in the castle that protects the Grail. The story is also a close look into the life and culture of the folk traditions that pervaded the time. Von Eschenbach includes such common events as tournaments and jousts, which add to the realistic properties of the text. He also made a conscious choice with the type of «romance» that the poem uses; von Eschenbach stays true to the courtship and kinship rules of Medieval romances, making this work a window into the societal rules that governed the behavior of knights, their relationships, and their pursuit of courtly love.