In October 1888, the Welsh-American explorer Henry Stanley started his African expedition to rescue the colonial governor Emin Pasha, whose colony in Eastern Sudan was burning with a revolt. Stanley's expedition was tired, and in search of food, he sent a couple of his team members to the closest village. They came back with a couple of locals, which sight was different from other African tribes. That was one of the first encounters with pigmees, an ancient African known from Homer's Illiad. The presented book is an accurate account of Stanley's travel into the depths of Africa and his discoveries.
"Stanley's tocht ter opsporing van Livingstone" van Henry M. Stanley. Gepubliceerd door Good Press. Good Press publiceert een ruim aanbod aan titels in alle genres. Van bekende klassiekers & literaire fictie en non-fictie tot vergeten−of nog niet-ontdekte pronkstukken−van de wereldliteratuur, wij publiceren boeken die u beslist moet lezen. Iedere Good Press editie is zorgvuldig aangepast en geformatteerd om de leesbaarheid voor alle e-lezers en apparaten te verbeteren. Ons doel is om e-books te maken die gebruiksvriendelijk en toegankelijk voor iedereen zijn in een digitaal formaat van een hoogwaardige kwaliteit.
"Kalulu: prinssi, kuningas ja orja" – Henry M. Stanley (käännös Helmi Krohn). Julkaisija – Good Press. Good Press on moneen tyylilajiin keskittynyt laajamittainen julkaisija. Pyrimme julkaisemaan klassikoita ja kaunokirjallisuutta sekä vielä löytämättömiä timantteja. Tuotamme kirjat jotka palavat halusta tulla luetuksi. Good Press painokset ovat tarkasti editoitu ja formatoitu vastaamaan nykyajan lukijan tarpeita ottaen huomioon kaikki e-lukijat ja laitteet. Tavoitteemme on luoda lukijaystävällisiä e-kirjoja, saatavilla laadukkaassa digitaalisessa muodossa.
In October 1888, the Welsh-American explorer Henry Stanley started his African expedition to rescue the colonial governor Emin Pasha, whose colony in Eastern Sudan was burning with a revolt. Stanley's expedition was tired, and in search of food, he sent a couple of his team members to the closest village. They came back with a couple of locals, which sight was different from other African tribes. That was one of the first encounters with pigmees, an ancient African known from Homer's Illiad. The presented book is an accurate account of Stanley's travel into the depths of Africa and his discoveries.
"My Dark Companions and Their Strange Stories" by Henry M. Stanley. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
"Through South Africa" by Henry M. Stanley. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
"My Kalulu, Prince, King and Slave" by Henry M. Stanley. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.