In seiner düsteren Fabel von 1945 verarbeitet George Orwell die Ereignisse nach der Russischen Revolution und den Stalinismus. Erzählt wird darin, wie die Tiere einer Farm sich zusammentun, um die menschliche Herrschaft abzuschütteln und fortan brüderlich in Freiheit zu leben. Doch bald entstehen Konflikte und Rivalitäten. Es erweist sich, dass auch in einer Gesellschaft der Gleichen «manche gleicher sind als andere». Eine politische Parabel und eines der großen Werke des 20. Jahrhunderts – neu übersetzt und erstmals in der Universal-Bibliothek erhältlich.E-Book mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book können parallel benutzt werden.
E-Book mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book können parallel benutzt werden.
1984 is a political and dystopian science-fiction novel set in Airstrip One, a province of the superstate Oceania. It is a mind-numbing world which in a state of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation. Dictated by a political system, called Ingsoc, the lives of its people is under the control of privileged elite of the «Inner Party» which persecutes individualism and independent thinking as «thought crime.» Due to the novel's huge popularity, many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, Room 101, telescreen, 2 + 2 = 5, and memory hole, have entered into common use since its publication in 1949. It has also popularised the adjective «Orwellian», which describes official deception, secret surveillance, and manipulation of recorded history by a totalitarian or authoritarian state.
This Collected Works contain: Nineteen Eigthy-Four (1984), A Clergyman's Daughter, Animal Farm, Burmese Days, Down and Out in Paris and London, Homage to Catalonia, Inside the Whale and other Essays, Down the Mine, England Your England, Shooting an Elephant, Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool, Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver's Travels, Politics and the English Language, The Prevention of Literature, Boys' Weeklies, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Why I Write, Writers and Leviathan, Poetry and the Microphone, The Spike, A Hanging, Bookshop Memories, Charles Dickens, Boys' Weeklies, My Country Right or Left, Looking Back on the Spanish War, In Defence of English Cooking, Good Bad Books, The Sporting Spirit, Nonsense Poetry, The Prevention of Literature, Books v. Cigarettes, Decline of the English Murder, Some Thoughts on the Common Toad, Confessions of a Book Reviewer, Politics v. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver's Travels, How the Poor Die, Such, Such Were the Joys, Reflections on Gandhi, Politics and the English Language, The Lion and the Unicorn, The Road to Wigan Pier.
Eric Arthur Blair, George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterised by lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism. Orwell's work remains influential in popular culture and in political culture, and the adjective «Orwellian»—describing totalitarian and authoritarian social practices—is part of the English language, like many of his neologisms, such as «Big Brother», «Thought Police», «Two Minutes Hate», «Room 101», «memory hole», «Newspeak», «doublethink», «proles», «unperson», and «thoughtcrime».
Winston Smith est un quarantenaire londonien en pleine déprime. On suit son quotidien lors d'une année que l'on suppose être l'année 1984. Dans ce futur affreusement triste imaginé par George Orwell, la vie a profondément changé. Trois grands continents gouvernés par des régimes totalitaires (l'Océanie, l'Eurasie et l'Estasie) se partagent le monde. Winston vit en Océanie, il est employé au Ministère de la Vérité et doit se plier quotidiennement à la discipline de fer imposée par le Parti et plus particulièrement par son grand chef : Big Brother. Dans cette société futuriste, les citoyens sont espionnés vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre par des caméras, jusque dans leur lit. Leur unique droit est d'aller travailler et de rentrer se coucher, ils n'ont aucune distraction, aucune liberté, aucun plaisir. Au cours de cette année 1984, Winston va se dresser contre les tyrans qui l'oppriment. En compagnie de Julia, une autre rebelle comme lui dont il tombe amoureux, ils vont tenter de se libérer de leurs chaînes. Vont-ils y parvenir ?
George Orwells dystopischer Roman von 1949 gehört zu den wichtigsten Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Beamte Winston Smith hält in seinem geheimen Tagebuch die Lebensumstände in der Überwachungsdiktatur Ozeanien fest. Als er mit seiner jungen Kollegin Julia eine Affäre beginnt und die beiden Kontakt zu einer Untergrundorganisation aufnehmen, die der Herrschaft des «Großen Bruders» ein Ende bereiten will, nimmt das Verhängnis seinen Lauf. Ein Klassiker, der im 21. Jahrhundert wieder hochaktuell scheint – neu übersetzt und erstmals in der Universal-Bibliothek erhältlich.
E-Book mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book können parallel benutzt werden.
Burmese days is the first novel by English writer George Orwell, published in 1934. Sit in British Burma during the waning days of Emire, when Burma was ruled from Delhi as part of British Raj. At the centre of the novel is John Flory, the lone and lacking individual trapped within a bigger systime that undermining the better side of human nature. The novel describes both indigenous corruption and imperial bigotry in a society where, after all, natives were natives.
This eBook edition of «Coming Up for Air» has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. George Bowling, the 45 years-old protagonist, wonders what to do with a modest sum of money that he has won on a horserace and which he has concealed from his wife and family. On a trip down the memory lane, he decides to visit the idyllic home of his childhood and spend some quality alone time there. But Bowling is in for a rude shock for everything around him is in state of flux. Even the progress that has come calling to his home leaves him in the midst of painful realisation…
The first half of The Road to Wigan Pier documents his sociological investigations of the bleak living conditions among the working class in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the industrial north of England before World War II. The second half is a long essay on his middle-class upbringing, and the development of his political conscience, questioning British attitudes towards socialism. Orwell states plainly that he himself is in favour of socialism, but feels it necessary to point out reasons why many people who would benefit from socialism and should logically support it, are in practice likely to be strong opponents.
This eBook edition of «Keep the Aspidistra Flying» has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Gordon Comstock has 'declared war' on what he sees as an 'overarching dependence' on money by leaving a promising job as a copywriter for an advertising company called 'New Albion'—at which he shows great dexterity—and taking a low-paying job instead, ostensibly so he can write poetry. Coming from a respectable family background in which the inherited wealth has now become dissipated, Gordon resents having to work for a living. The 'war' (and the poetry), however, aren't going particularly well and, under the stress of his 'self-imposed exile' from affluence, Gordon has become absurd, petty and deeply neurotic…