This account of the Gallipoli Campaign was written from the perspective of a British Army officer. The Gallipoli Campaign was a military campaign in the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula February 1915 to January 1916. The Entente powers, Britain, France and Russia, sought to weaken the Ottoman Empire, one of the Central Powers, by taking control of the straits that provided a supply route to the Russian Empire. The Allies' attack on Ottoman forts at the entrance of the Dardanelles in February 1915 failed and was followed by an amphibious landing on the Gallipoli peninsula in April 1915 to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople. In January 1916, after eight months' fighting, with approximately 250,000 casualties on each side, the land campaign was abandoned and the invasion force withdrawn. It was a costly defeat for the Entente powers and for the sponsors, especially First Lord of the Admiralty (1911-1915), Winston Churchill. The campaign was considered a great Ottoman victory. Contents: The Start The Straits Egypt Clearing for Action The Landing Making Good Shells Two Corps or an Ally? Submarines A Decision and the Plan Bombs and Journalists A Victory and After K.'s Advice and the P.M.'s Envoy The Force – Real and Imaginary Sari Bair and Suvla Kavak Tepe Attack Collapses The Last Battle Misunderstandings The French Plan Loos and Salonika The Beginning of the End
Ava Lee, charismatisch, clever und tough, ist in der Welt des großen Geldes zu Hause. Die chinesisch-kanadische Wirtschaftsprüferin ist darauf spezialisiert, veruntreutes Vermögen wiederzubeschaffen. Diesmal ist sie in eigener Sache unterwegs: Der von ihr, May Ling Wong und Amanda Yee gegründeten Investmentgesellschaft «The Three Sisters» droht ein Riesenverlust, kaum haben sie Millionen in eine Möbelfabrik im Besitz zweier Schwestern auf Borneo gesteckt. Ava Lee versucht die Hintergründe einer mysteriösen Insolvenz aufzudecken und gerät schon bald in große Gefahr …
Eine faszinierende Heldin: Ava Lee, die kanadische Wirtschaftsprüferin mit chinesischen Wurzeln, ist so schön wie scharfsinnig und verfügt über ein Charisma, das Frauen wie Männer in Bann schlägt. Sie ist in der Welt des großen Geldes zu Hause und darauf spezialisiert, veruntreutes Vermögen wiederzubeschaffen. Der anfangs wenig lukrativ erscheinende Auftrag einiger Geschäftsleute aus der vietnamesischen Community in Toronto führt die toughe Ermittlerin nach Surabaya und entwickelt sich dort rasant zu ihrem bislang persönlichsten Fall …
Dem kanadischen Erfolgsautor Ian Hamilton ist mit dem temporeich erzählten neuen Band der Ava-Lee-Serie ein brillanter Page-Turner gelungen.
This 2-volume book represents a personal account of the Gallipoli Campaign written from the perspective of a British Army officer. The Gallipoli Campaign was a military campaign in the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula February 1915 to January 1916. The Entente powers, Britain, France and Russia, sought to weaken the Ottoman Empire, one of the Central Powers, by taking control of the straits that provided a supply route to the Russian Empire. The Allies' attack on Ottoman forts at the entrance of the Dardanelles in February 1915 failed and was followed by an amphibious landing on the Gallipoli peninsula in April 1915 to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople. In January 1916, after eight months' fighting, with approximately 250,000 casualties on each side, the land campaign was abandoned and the invasion force withdrawn. It was a costly defeat for the Entente powers and for the sponsors, especially First Lord of the Admiralty (1911-1915), Winston Churchill. The campaign was considered a great Ottoman victory. Contents: The Start The Straits Egypt Clearing for Action The Landing Making Good Shells Two Corps or an Ally? Submarines A Decision and the Plan Bombs and Journalists A Victory and After K.'s Advice and the P.M.'s Envoy The Force – Real and Imaginary Sari Bair and Suvla Kavak Tepe Attack Collapses The Last Battle Misunderstandings The French Plan Loos and Salonika The Beginning of the End