Danger and desire…for one Interstellar Bride, they prove an irresistible mix.Whitney Mason is the daughter of a Wall Street con man. When he is sent to prison and her family's name is destroyed, she is eager for a new life on a new world. Anywhere but Earth. Tested by the Interstellar Brides Program, she is matched to a strong Viken warrior. What she doesn't know is that her mate and the other two warriors waiting to claim her are on a secret and dangerous mission for the Coalition Fleet's Intelligence Core. From the moment she arrives on Viken, they are forced to lie to her… about everything… except their desire.For Alarr, Oran and Teig, the arrival of a bride is an unexpected complication. The timing couldn't be worse, but IC command is thrilled. A bride is the perfect cover, giving the fighters access to every inch of the famous pleasure resort where they are working undercover. The males are eager to satisfy their new mate, but keeping her safe is their top priority, even if that means lying to her and using her pleasure to take down the enemy. But their sexy mate's past will come back to haunt them all, for even if they survive the mission, the truth will be revealed and their beautiful, curvy female can forgive anythingexcept lies.
Zenos, aus der Legion Astra auf Rogue 5, befindet sich auf einer Mission, ein Gegenmittel für das tödliche Gift zu finden, das durch seinen Körper fließt. Ohne Gegengift ist der Biss eines Forsia-Hybriden wie ihm während der Paarung tödlich für seine erwählte Frau. Zenos muss das Serum um jeden Preis beschaffen, denn wie auch seine atlanischen Brüder wird er allmählich von seinem Paarungsinstinkt zerfressen. Das Letzte, was er braucht, ist eine Ablenkung. Aber nur ein Blick auf die willensstarke Kopfgeldjägerin, und er kann seinem Körper nicht verwehren, was sie ihm anbietetein paar wilde, vergnügliche Stunden.Ivy Birkeland musste zusehen, wie ihre gesamte Aufklärungseinheit nach der Einnahme von Quell getötet wurde, einer psychedelischen Droge, die bekanntlich von den Piraten auf Rogue 5 vertrieben wird. Selbst ihr zutiefst rebellisches Herz brach, als sie ihr Leben als Koalitionskriegerin aufgeben musste. Nun jagt sie als Kopfgeldjägerin nach den Verbrechern, die das Quell verkauft haben, um ihre toten Freunde zu rächen. Befreit von den strengen Regeln der Koalition, will sie sich mit einem unbekannten Abgesandten von Rogue 5 treffen, um darüber zu verhandeln, auf dessen Heimatplaneten eingeschleust zu werden. Sie reist auf die Transportstation Zenith, um ihn dort zu treffen.Als Ivys brandheißer One-Night-Stand sich als der Abgesandte von Rogue 5 herausstellt, macht das ihre sorgfältig ausgetüftelten Pläne zunichte. Denn wenn eine Rebellin und ein Mann von Rogue gezwungen sind, zusammenzuarbeiten, dann fliegen die Funken. Sie brauchen gar keine Bösewichte, wenn sie sich genauso gut gegenseitig an die Gurgel gehen können außer, sie verlieben sich ineinander.
Although Trinity grew up on Earth, she's Aleran. She's been chosen by the artificial intelligence that bestows special gifts upon those deemed worthy. She's been chosen to rule. To lead the planet and avoid the rising tides of war.Leo is hers. She feels the truth every time he touches her. But enemies hunt them, her sisters are off on dangerous missions of their own, the queen is still missing, and in the royal court, nothing is what is seems…Download now for the exciting conclusion to Trinity's story!
Wrongly imprisoned whistle-blower Rachel Pierce would rather take her chances with her court appeal than accept her place as the first Interstellar Bride destined for the Colony. She's stubborn and determined to seek justiceand her freedomon Earth…but her mates are not willing to risk her life or her future on a system they believe to be both primitive and corrupt.Maxim of Prillon Prime fought ten long years in the Hive wars. Captured and tortured with his second, Ryston, they escaped only to be rejected by their own people and condemned to life on the Colony with the other «contaminated» cyborg warriors. As leader of Sector 3, it's Maxim's duty to set an example for his warriors and summon a bride. When she refuses transport, he can't allow her rejection to demoralize an entire planet of battle hardened but jaded warriors. Maxim and Ryston transport to Earth where they decide she's theirs and a maximum security human prison will not keep them apart.Getting Rachel to the Colony is only the first challenge they will face. Convincing their beautiful mate to surrender to not one, but two dominant warriors is another. Even if they can win her love, a new evil is rising on the Colony and someone close to Maxim will be its first victim. Maxim will be its second, unless Rachel's love and relentless pursuit of the truth proves strong enough to save him.
Danielle arrives on Everis excited to meet her new mate. She watches as her friends find happiness while haunted by dreams of an Everian Hunter who will not come for hera mate who refuses to claim her. But something isn't right. The dreams turn dark. Tortured. Her mate is suffering, and nothing will stop her from finding himespecially not his stern orders to choose another, to protect herself above all others, and cherish her life above his own.Gage of Everis is heir to a seat on the Seven, the ruling council of families that have held power on Everis for thousands of years. He's the last prince of his line, the last surviving heir, and someone doesn't want him to rise to his place on the ruling council. Betrayed, tortured and alone, Gage has found solace in knowing he's protected his Marked Mate from sharing his fate. But his stubborn bride refuses to listen to reason.When she finds him, there will be a reckoning. Not only is Gage determined to find those who betrayed him, but to conquer the wild huntress who came for him in the dark and stole his heart.
Read the complete adventures of Faith and Thor in Ascension Saga, Volume 2 (Books 4-6)Faith Jones is an Earth girl…and she's not.She's half Aleran. And not just any half – a royal half.Her mother is the queen, her sister is the heir, and her twin is determined to kill every alien on the planet if that's what it takes to find their kidnapped mother. Faiths job? Infiltrate the Jax household and spy on one of the most powerful families on the planet. There is a traitor in that house, and Faith is determined to find him, no matter the cost.Thordis Jax always gets what he wants. He's rich. He's gorgeous. He's the heir to one of the most powerful families on the planet. But when his body comes alive at the sight of Faith Jones, it will take every ounce of seduction and skill he possesses to get into her bedand to earn her trust.Faith thinks she's got it all under control, until she meets Lord Jax's oldest son, Thordis. He's sexy. He's hot as hell. And the first time he sees her, he tells her the one thing she absolutely does not want to hear…Mine!A real Romeo and Juliet scenario. Which just stinks. Because as Faith discovers, its tough to hunt down a traitor when the only thing her heart wants is to give everything to an enemy.Read now!
He conquers her, body and soul.Makarios of Kronos is a rebel, a smuggler who reports to no one, not even those on Rogue 5. But one betrayal sends him to a Coalition brig, and to a fate worse than deathcapture by the Hive. He escapes but exchanges one prison for another. He now lives on the Colony, contaminated and deemed a risk. He'll do anything to regain his freedom, including agree to a bargain with a beautiful, cunning warrior with secrets of her own.Gwendolyn Fernandez volunteered to defend Earth from the Hive menace. For four years, she was a valued member of Coalition ReCon, until the Hive caught up with her, and a strange Nexus creature took special interest in her integration.Gwen escaped with super-human strength and a will to live that cannot be broken, until the governor of the Colony demands she choose a mate. A bargain with Makarios seems so simple until he conquers her in a way no other hasbody and soulyet the Hive Nexus who wanted her for himself won't take no for an answer.
A human fighter on a secret mission. An Atlan whose inner beast has found its match. Who will win this fight?Nyko of Atlan never hesitates to charge into battle against Hive scum. Seeing a soldier in trouble, he follows, ripping his enemies to shreds to save the human fighter. When that warrior turns out to be a beautiful and curvy female, the beast within him, and the hunger he's been fighting, suddenly breaks free and growls one simple demand…MINE.Megan Simmons is a soldier sent into space to protect Earth as a member of the Coalition Fleet. After eighteen months of ruthless fighting on an alien planet controlled by the enemy, Megan receives a secret assignment. The plan was simple, separate from her unit and sneak behind enemy lines. Her mission was on track until one hot but meddlesome Atlan Warlord thinks she needs saving and worse, declares he wants to keep her for himself.
When Tiffani is mated to an Atlan warrior believed lost to mating fever, she will stop at nothing to save him, including sneaking into an Atlan prison to seduce his beast..Sick and tired of the dead-end path her life is taking, Tiffani Wilson heads to the nearest Interstellar Bride processing center to start over. Shes promised an amazing mate, an Atlan Warlord who will not only relish her plus sized body, but heal her lonely heart.Commander Deek of Atlan has lost control of his inner beast and sits in an Atlan prison cell awaiting execution. Unfortunately, nothing can save an unmated male.When Tiffanis transport to Atlan is denied due to her mates unstable condition, she will stop at nothing to save him and the life she was promised. Her mate is out there, hes in trouble, and she knows shes the only one in the universe who can save him.Deek and his inner beast take one look at Tiffanis soft, lush body and know they will do anything to possess her, even if it means pushing her sensual limits or taking her over his knee. But its not just Deeks tenuous hold on the beast that stands in the way of their happily-ever-after, for Deeks descent into mating fever was no accident, and his enemies will not surrender so easily.
Commander Karter is a Prillon Warrior. His first duty is to protect his people, to defend the Coalition worlds from a fate too terrible to comprehend. Battle is his life. His heart. He fights. He has never once been selfish enough to believe he deserved an Interstellar Bride. Until he's matched at the worst possible time.Astronomer Erica Roberts has always dreamed of seeing the stars. Volunteering as an Interstellar Bride is a win-win, not only will she be able to see the galaxy, but she's more than ready to take on the two alien warriors she's been promised. She's all in. But when she transports directly into the aftermath of a battle, she quickly learns this won't be an easy match. Her two commanders are torn between battling the Hive and battling their need for her.If a new Hive weapon can destroy a Coalition battlegroup in the space of a single heartbeat, what will it do to Commander Karter's match? And how is he and his second supposed to keep their mate safe if they can't even save themselves?