"The House in Turk Street" is an early short story by Dashiell Hammett, featuring the Continental Op. It was first published in Black Mask in April 1924. This story indicates Hammett was turning towards themes of increasing violence in his stories, and its savagery has been commented upon by critic Robert Sampson, particularly the ending.<P> The story was loosely adapted into the film No Good Deed (2002), directed by Bob Rafelson.
"The Dashiell Hammett Megapack" collects 20 early and rare stories by the famous mystery writer, plus one poem. Included in this volume are:<P> AFRAID OF A GUN<BR> ARSON PLUS<BR> THE NEW RACKET<BR> BODIES PILED UP<BR> DEATH ON PINE STREET<BR> THE MAN WHO KILLED DAN ODAMS<BR> MIKE, ALEC, OR RUFUS<BR> NIGHT SHOTS<BR> NIGHTMARE TOWN<BR> ONE HOUR<BR> THE ROAD HOME<BR> RUFFIAN’S WIFE<BR> THE SECOND-STORY ANGEL<BR> THE TENTH CLUE<BR> WHO KILLED BOB TEAL?<BR> ZIGZAGS OF TREACHERY<BR> THE WAGES OF CRIME<BR> NIGHT SHADE<BR> THE PARTHIAN SHOT<BR> IMMORTALITY<BR> CURSE IN THE OLD MANNER<P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see many more entries in this series, covering mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, westerns, classics, and much, much more!
"The Thin Man" is set in New York City in December 1932, in the last days of Prohibition. The main characters are a former private detective, Nick Charles and Nora, his clever young wife. Nick, son of a Greek immigrant, has given up his career since marrying Nora, a wealthy socialite and he spends most of his time cheerfully getting drunk in hotel rooms and speakeasies. Nick and Nora have no children but they own a female Schnauzer named Asta. (In the film adaptation, Asta is a male wire-haired fox terrier.) Charles is drawn, mostly against his will, into investigating a murder. The case brings them in contact with the Wynants, a rather grotesque family, and with various policemen and lowlifes. As they attempt to solve the case, Nick and Nora share a great deal of banter and witty dialogue, along with copious amounts of alcohol.