Tatiana Oliva Morales

Список книг автора Tatiana Oliva Morales

    Comparative typology of English and Spanish. Adapted fairy tale for translation and retelling. Book 1

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    The book consists of an exercise to translate an English fairy tale, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same tale. Exercise 1 has the key. The tale contains 1142 English / Spanish words and phrases. By complexity, the book corresponds to levels B1 – B2. It is recommended for schoolchildren, as well as for a wide range of people studying English and Spanish.

    Ruso como Lengua Extranjera. Cuento de hadas no adaptado para traducción del español y recuento. Libro 1 (niveles B1-В2)

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    Es un cuento de hadas no adaptado para la traducción del español. Para traducir es necesario saber tiempos verbales, voz pasiva, gerundio, participios, etc. El libro contiene 1142 palabras y expresiones idiomáticas. El cuento de hadas tiene la clave: su variante rusa. Se recomienda para escolares, así como para una amplia gama de personas que estudian ruso.

    Sueños de yogurt. Cuento antes de dormir

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    Es un cuento de hadas sobre un niño que no podía acostarse a tiempo. En cambio, se sentaba en la ventana mirando las estrellas. Todos estaban molestados por esto, y él también. Sus padres consultaron a médicos famosos, pero esos no pudieron hacer nada. No se sabe cómo terminaría esta historia si su abuela no hubiera venido a visitarle.

    Russian as a foreign language. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English and retelling. Book 1 (levels A2–В1)

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    This is a non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as tenses, passive voice, gerund, participles etc. The book contains 1142 words and idioms. The fairy tale has the key – its Russian variant. It’s recommended for schoolchildren, as well as for a wide range of people studying Russian.

    Yogurt Dreams. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English and retelling. Levels A2 – В1

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    Thia is a non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as tenses, passive voice, gerund, participles etc. The book contains 1142 words and idioms. The fairy tale has the key – its Russian variant. It’s recommended for schoolchildren, as well as for a wide range of people studying English.

    Yogurt dreams. Bedtime story

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    This is a fairy tale about a little boy who could not go to bed on time. Instead, he sat on the window watching the stars. Everyone around was very saddened by this, and he too. His parents consulted famous doctors, but they could not do anything. It is not known how this story would end if granny had not come to visit him.

    Diseño de portada de libro. Tutorial

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    El tutorial consta de 2 partes. La Parte 1 presenta una teoría con explicaciones detalladas de los principios de diseño, ejemplos y ejercicios para elaborar varias técnicas. La parte 2, el taller, consta de 28 diseños para procesamiento y recreación. El manual está diseñado para estudiar los principios del diseño de portadas de libros «desde cero». En parte, se presta atención a las ilustraciónes. Al completar este curso, podrá realizar el diseño de cualquier complejidad y tema.

    Book cover design. Tutorial

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    The tutorial consists of 2 parts. Part 1 sets forth a theory with detailed explanations of design principles, examples and exercises to work out various techniques. Part 2, the workshop, consists of 28 designs for processing and recreation. The manual is designed to study the principles of book cover design «from scratch». Partly the attention is paid to illustration. On the completion of this course, you will be able to make the design of any complexity and subject matter.

    Ruso como Lengua Extranjera. Cuentos rusos con traducción paralela al español. Libro 1 (niveles A1-B2)

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    En el libro hay 5 cuentos rusos con traducción paralela al inglés (el texto ruso está en la columna derecha, el español está en la izquierda). Se recomienda a una amplia gama de personas, a partir del nivel A1: debe poder leer en ruso. Los principiantes pueden practicar habilidades de lectura y aprender nuevas palabras y modismos. En un nivel superior, no solo hay que leer historias y memorizar palabras, sino recitar el contenido cerca del texto. En el libro hay 1938 palabras y modismos.

    Russian as a foreign language. Russian stories with parallel translation into English. Book 1 (levels A1—B2)

    Tatiana Oliva Morales

    There are 5 Russian stories with parallel translation into English (the Russian text is in the right column, the English one is in the left) in the book. It is recommended to a wide range of people, starting from level A1 – you should be able to read in Russian. The beginners should practice reading skills and learn new words and idioms. At a higher level, you should not only read stories and memorize words, but retell the content close to the text. There are 1938 words and idioms in the book.