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New Yorgis on pubi, mis on mitu põlvkonda kuulunud Finneganide perekonnale. Nüüd kuulub see Kieranile ja tema kolmele vennale. Kieran Finnegan on ka kriminaalpsühholoog – sobilik reaktsioon tema ebatäiuslikule teismeeale.
New Yorgi Teemandirajooni on tabanud vargustelaine. Keegi pole saanud surma – kuni praeguseni. Asja määratakse uurima FBI agent Craig Frasier. Nad kohtuvad Kieraniga juveelipoes keset röövi. Naine on seal, et tagastada veatu kivi, mille tema noorim vend oli võtnud kättemaksuks. Craig on seal, et peatada kurjategijad…
"An incredible storyteller." – Los Angeles Daily News Knight Takes Pawn After her husband Afton, Lord of Langley, falls prey to a deadly plague, Englishwoman Igrainia finds herself a captive in her own castle. . .held hostage by Scottish warrior Eric Graham. To Graham, Igrainia is merely a political pawn, a pretty prize to dangle in front of the English king. But when the king refuses a trade–Igrainia for the wife of Scotland's ruler Robert the Bruce–Graham forces Igrainia to marry him. What Graham never expects is the desire that his strong-willed bride stirs in his soul. And when Igrainia discovers the true heart of the fearsome knight, her life–and loyalties–will never be the same…