Exciting new scientific studies reveal the brain's life long capacity to change its structure and function – depending upon how we use it. Yet similar studies tell us that the mind is more than the sum of the brain's physical parts. With our mind, we create our world.<br /> <br />It is our mind that regulates our present and our future. Do you imagine a happier world with better health? More vitality? More success with the ability to fulfil your potential when it comes to sport, business, relationships, healing and peace of mind?<br /> <br />Modern research is confirming ancient wisdom. Truly it is The Mind That Changes Everything and this book tells you how to do it. Full of evocative stories, practical wisdom and 48 techniques that range from the simple to the profound, Ian Gawler is an authentic authority on the mind and its potential.
“People faced with cancer take life seriously – very seriously. They want answers; they need to know what works. I know the feeling. For over twenty years now I have sat in groups with thousands of others going through cancer. Between us we have tried many things. We have worked out what works. My job has been to collect these experiences.”A revolutionary book when first published in 1984, You Can Conquer Cancer has sold more than 250,000 copies worldwide and it’s earlier editions have been translated into numerous languages including German, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Korean and Hebrew. A must-read classic on the topic of cancer it has become one of the most widely read books on the subject emphasising the importance of nutrition, the power of the mind, meditation, family, social support and the spiritual dimension of life.This new edition contains important additional material, as well as whole new sections of updated information. The book highlights the difference between “positive thinking” and “wishful thinking”, shares stories of remarkable survivors of cancer along with an extensive chapter on the theme of “good death” and dedicates whole chapters to the subject of nutrition, explaining how it can affect – for the better – entire families. Remarkable for it’s clarity and conciseness, this new edition of You Can Conquer Cancer enlarges upon what is a truly integrated, holistic approach to cancer.