This guide to the planning of health promotion programs uses the increasingly popular Intervention Mapping approach, a theory- and evidence-based interactive process that links needs assessment with program planning in a way that adds efficiency and improves outcomes. Students, researchers, faculty, and professionals will appreciate the authors’ approach to applying theories of behavior and social change to the design of coherent, practical health education interventions. Written by internationally recognized authorities in Intervention Mapping, the book explains foundations in Intervention Mapping, provides an overview of the role of behavioral science theory in program planning¾including a review of theories and how to assess theories and evidence¾and a step-by-step guide to Intervention Mapping, along with detailed case examples of its application to public health programs. Planning Health Promotion Programs is the second and substantially revised edition of the bestselling resource Intervention Mapping.
The Intervention Mapping bible, updated with new theory, trends, and cases Planning Health Promotion Programs is the «bible» of the field, guiding students and practitioners through the planning process from a highly practical perspective. Using an original framework called Intervention Mapping, this book presents a series of steps, tasks, and processes that help you develop effective health promotion and education programs using a variety of approaches. As no single model can accurately predict all health behavior or environmental changes, this book shows you how to choose useful theories and integrate constructs from multiple theories to describe health problems and develop appropriate promotion and education solutions. This new fourth edition has been streamlined for efficiency, with information on the latest theories and trends in public health, including competency-based training and inter-professional education. New examples and case studies show you these concepts in action, and the companion website provides lecture slides, additional case studies, and a test bank to bring this book directly into the classroom. Health education and health promotion is a central function of many public health roles, and new models, theories, and planning approaches are always emerging. This book guides you through the planning process using the latest developments in the field, and a practical approach that serves across discipline boundaries. Merge multiple theories into a single health education solution Learn the methods and processes of intervention planning Gain a practical understanding of multiple planning approaches Get up to date on the latest theories, trends, and developments in the field Both academic and practice settings need a realistic planning handbook based on system, not prescription. Planning Health Promotion Programs is the essential guide to the process, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to develop solutions without a one-size-fits-all approach.