This world-famous reference work has been enlarged and updated without tampering with its tried and tested format. Around 550 alphabetically ordered, monographic entries consider the physicochemical properties, production methods and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals; discuss 70 fuels, additives and oxidizing agents; and describe test methods. The extensive thermodynamic data have been thoroughly updated. Other key features include: the 1500-entry combined index and glossary (comprising terms and abbreviations in English, French and German), the conversion tables and the many literature references. This book is suitable for explosive experts and also for indirectly interested parties – such as translators, public authorities and patent lawyers. From reviews of previous editions: 'This wealth of information and an index that comprises some 1500 keywords and several conversion tables make this a unique source of knowledge for anybody working with explosives.' (Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics)
Aus Rezensionen voriger Auflagen: Die zehnte Auflage dieses Nachschlagewerkes ist erneut erweitert und aktualisiert worden, das bewahrte Konzept wurde beibehalten. Der Textteil beschreibt ausfuhrlich mehr als 550 Begriffe in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, darunter uber 120 mit Strukturformel und Daten versehene chemische Verbindungen mit Explosivcharakter. Zu fast jeder Verbindung werden die wichtigsten chemisch-physikalischen und sicherheitstechnischen Kenndaten aufgefuhrt; die Gefahrgutregularien wurden grundlich uberarbeitet. Der Leser findet au?erdem Angaben zu den Herstellungsverfahren und Verwendungsmoglichkeiten dieser Stoffe sowie zu etwa 70 Additiven, Brennstoffen und Oxidantien. Etwa 1500 Eintrage im Schlagwortregister, die Angabe der englischen und franzosischen Ubersetzungen und die Erklarung von Kurzbezeichnungen machen dieses Buch zu einem umfassenden und aktuellen Lexikon. Es eignet sich fur Fachleute, die in irgendeiner Form mit Explosivstoffen zu tun haben, aber auch fur Interessenten, wie Ubersetzer, Behorden und Patentanwalte. ' Ein Buch, das in mehr als 60 Jahren 8 Auflagen erlebt hat, bedarf keiner besonderen Empfehlung…' Archiv fur Kriminologie
This world-famous work has been enlarged and updated without tampering with its tried and tested format. Around 500 alphabetically ordered, monographic entries consider the physicochemical properties, production methods and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals, while discussing 70 fuels, additives and oxidizing agents and describing the relevant test methods. The extensive thermodynamic data has been thoroughly updated and now also provided on a CD-ROM compiled by the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology. This excerpt from the ICT Thermodynamical Database not only includes additional thermodynamic data, and references to further reading, but also features enhanced search facilities. Other key features include a 1,500-entry combined index and glossary with terms and abbreviations in English, French and German, conversion tables and numerous literature references. A handy reference for explosive experts and also for translators, public authorities and patent lawyers. From reviews of previous editions: '… This wealth of information and an index that comprises some 1500 keywords and several conversion tables make this a unique source of knowledge for anybody working with explosives.' (Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics)
This world-famous reference work has been enlarged and updated without tampering with its tried and tested format. Around 500 alphabetically ordered, monographic entries consider the physicochemical properties, production methods and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals; discuss 70 fuels, additives and oxidizing agents; and describe test methods. The extensive thermodynamic data have been thoroughly updated and for the first time are also provided in electronic format. The included CD-ROM was compiled by the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology (Pfinztal, Germany) and represents an excerpt from the ICT Thermodynamical Database. Not only additional thermodynamic data, and references to further reading, but also enhanced search facilities are provided. Other key features include: the 1500-entry combined index and glossary (comprising terms and abbreviations in English, French and German), conversion tables and many literature references. This book is suitable for explosive experts and also for translators, public authorities and patent lawyers. From reviews of previous editions: '… This wealth of information and an index that comprises some 1500 keywords and several conversion tables make this a unique source of knowledge for anybody working with explosives.' (Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics)
The unrivaled, definitive reference for almost 40 years, this classic work on explosives is now in its seventh, completely revised and updated edition. Some 500 monographic entries, arranged alphabetically, consider the physicochemical properties, production methods, and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals. In addition, 70 fuels, additives, and oxidizing agents are discussed as well as the corresponding test methods. Trade, company, and military short names are provided for many of the materials listed, while further key features include a combined index and glossary with terms and abbreviations in English, French, and German, as well as conversion tables and many literature references. Finally, this indispensable source also contains safety data and transport regulations.