Vaclav Smil

Список книг автора Vaclav Smil

    Energía y civilización. Una historia

    Vaclav Smil

    La energía es la única moneda de cambio universal. Sin transformación de energía, no hay nada. La vida en la Tierra depende de la conversión de la energía solar en biomasa vegetal, mientras que los seres humanos hemos aprendido a utilizar otros flujos de energía, como los combustibles fósiles o la generación fotovoltaica de electricidad.En esta monumental historia, Vaclav Smil ofrece una impresionante panorámica de cómo la energía ha impulsado el progreso cultural y económico de las sociedades humanas durante los últimos diez mil años, desde los primeros grupos de cazadores-recolectores hasta la civilización fósil, pasando por las sociedades agrícolas tradicionales y la «gran transición» que lo cambió todo. Energía y civilización es la gran obra maestra de Vaclav Smil, «el mayor experto mundial en el ámbito de la energía» según la revista Science. Una lectura fascinante en la que se habla de todo: agricultura, transporte, construcción, economía, ecología, guerra, tipos de carbón, petróleo, electricidad, hornos, motores, pirámides y mucho más. «La guía más importante del siglo XXI sobre energía». Ian Morris, Universidad de Stanford «Original y revelador. Léelo y déjate deslumbrar por la panoplia de formas en que la humanidad ha impulsado el progreso». Nature «Espero los libros de Smil de la misma forma que algunas personas esperan el próximo estreno de Star Wars». Bill Gates

    Making the Modern World. Materials and Dematerialization

    Vaclav Smil

    How much further should the affluent world push its material consumption? Does relative dematerialization lead to absolute decline in demand for materials? These and many other questions are discussed and answered in Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization. Over the course of time, the modern world has become dependent on unprecedented flows of materials. Now even the most efficient production processes and the highest practical rates of recycling may not be enough to result in dematerialization rates that would be high enough to negate the rising demand for materials generated by continuing population growth and rising standards of living. This book explores the costs of this dependence and the potential for substantial dematerialization of modern economies. Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization considers the principal materials used throughout history, from wood and stone, through to metals, alloys, plastics and silicon, describing their extraction and production as well as their dominant applications. The evolving productivities of material extraction, processing, synthesis, finishing and distribution, and the energy costs and environmental impact of rising material consumption are examined in detail. The book concludes with an outlook for the future, discussing the prospects for dematerialization and potential constrains on materials. This interdisciplinary text provides useful perspectives for readers with backgrounds including resource economics, environmental studies, energy analysis, mineral geology, industrial organization, manufacturing and material science.

    Natural Gas. Fuel for the 21st Century

    Vaclav Smil

    Natural gas is the world’s cleanest fossil fuel; it generates less air pollution and releases less CO2 per unit of useful energy than liquid fuels or coals. With its vast supplies of conventional resources and nonconventional stores, the extension of long-distance gas pipelines and the recent expansion of liquefied natural gas trade, a truly global market has been created for this clean fuel. Natural Gas: Fuel for the 21st Century discusses the place and prospects of natural gas in modern high-energy societies. Vaclav Smil presents a systematic survey of the qualities, origins, extraction, processing and transportation of natural gas, followed by a detailed appraisal of its many preferred, traditional and potential uses, and the recent emergence of the fuel as a globally traded commodity. The unfolding diversification of sources, particularly hydraulic fracturing, and the role of natural gas in national and global energy transitions are described. The book concludes with a discussion on the advantages, risks, benefits and costs of natural gas as a leading, if not dominant, fuel of the 21st century. This interdisciplinary text will be of interest to a wide readership concerned with global energy affairs including professionals and academics in energy and environmental science, policy makers, consultants and advisors with an interest in the rapidly-changing global energy industry.