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    Dear Enemy

    Jean Webster

    Dear Enemy is the sequel to novel Daddy-Long-Legs and follows the story of Sallie McBride, Judy Abbott's classmate and best friend in Daddy-Long-Legs. Dear Enemy shows how Sallie McBride grows from a frivolous socialite to a mature woman and an able executive. It also follows the development of Sallie's relationships with Gordon Hallock, a wealthy politician, and Dr. Robin MacRae, the orphanage's physician, (to whom Sallie addresses her letters: «Dear Enemy»). Both relationships are affected by Sallie's initial reluctance to commit herself to her job, and by her gradual realization of how happy the work makes her and how incomplete she'd feel without it.

    Jerry Junior

    Jean Webster

    Jerry is a wealthy upper-class American who gets stuck in a small Italian village waiting for his company to arrive. He's getting very bored, so when the hotel waiter tells him about a lovely young American woman named Constance staying in a nearby villa, he decides to drop by unannounced and meet her. Jerry's attitude puts Constance off and she dismisses him without a whole lot of thought. But Jerry sees this as a challenge and goes through a series of charming attempts trying to conquer Constance's heart.

    Last of the Great Scouts

    Helen Cody Wetmore

    Last of the Great Scouts is a biography of William F. Cody a.k.a Buffalo Bill, written by his sister Helen Cody Wetmore. Buffalo Bill was of the most famous and well-known figures of the American Old West. His legend began to spread when he was only 23. Shortly thereafter he started performing in shows that displayed cowboy themes and episodes from the frontier and Indian Wars. In authors words the reason for writing this biography were twofold. Primarily, her intention was to provide an authentic biography of her brother in response to many books of varying value that have been published. The second reason was purely personal. Helen wanted to share with readers who Bill was personally and to present his true personality. Contents: The Old Homestead in Iowa Will's First Indian The Shadow of Partisan Strife Persecution Continues The «Boy Extra» Family Defender and Household Tease Indian Encounter and School-day Incidents Death and Burial of Turk Will as Pony Express Rider Echoes From Sumter A Short but Dashing Indian Campaign The Mother's Last Illness In the Secret-service Will as a Benedict How the Sobriquet of «Buffalo Bill» Was Won Satanta, Chief of the Kiowas Will Made Chief of Scouts Army Life at Fort M'pherson Pa-has-ka, the Long-haired Chief The Hunt of the Grand Duke Alexis Theatrical Experiences The Government's Indian Policy Literary Work First Visit to the Valley of the Big Horn Tour of Great Britain Return of the «Wild West» to America A Tribute to General Miles The «Wild West» at the World's Fair Cody Day at the Omaha Exposition The Last of the Great Scouts

    Judaism: Sacred Texts, History, Theology & Philosophy

    Graetz Heinrich

    Musaicum Books present this meticulously edited collection of the most sacred texts of Judaism, as well as most important historical and theological books about the Jewish faith. Content: Religious Texts: "Tanakh" – The Hebrew Bible "Talmud" – The Central Text of Rabbinic Judaism "Torah – Bilingual (English/Hebrew)" – Five Books of Moses "Tales and Maxims from the Midrash" – Biblical Exegesis by Ancient Judaic Authorities "The Kabbalah Unveiled" – Translations and commentaries of the Books of Zohar "The Sepher Ha-Zohar" – Zohar, or Splendor is the most important text of Kabbalah. "Siddur – The Standard Prayer Book" – The Authorized Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations "The Union Haggadah" – Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder. History: The Jewish Wars (Flavius Josephus) Antiquities of the Jews (Flavius Josephus) History of the Jews (Heinrich Graetz) The Legends of the Jews (Louis Ginzberg) Philosophical Works: Kitab al Khazari (Kuzari) (Judah Halevi) The Guide for the Perplexed (Moses Maimonides) Ancient Jewish Proverbs (Abraham Cohen)

    Treatise On the Soul and the Resurrection

    Gregory of Nyssa

    On the Soul and the Resurrection is work by Gregory of Nyssa, written upon his brother Basil's death, about the immortal soul and the infinity of God. The work is written in form of Socratic dialogue between Gregory who plays the part of an interlocutor and his older sister, St. Macrina, who plays the part of Socrates. Gregory deals with two topics of considerable importance in Christian theology: the immortality of the soul and the physicality of the resurrection. He confronts many of the arguments made by those who deny the existence of the soul or resurrection and gives thorough answers to the questions about the soul and the resurrection.

    Verne-Abenteuer-Reihe: 70 Romane und Geschichten

    Jules Verne

    Verne-Abenteuer-Reihe («Voyages extraordinaires») ist der Zyklusname der Abenteuerwerke von Romanen und Kurzgeschichten des französischen Schriftstellers Jules Verne aus 68 Bänden, der von Pierre-Jules Hetzel verlegt wurde. Die Reihe erschien zwischen 1863 und 1905. Diese Romane wurde von Kindern und Erwachsene aus der ganzen Welt beliebt, gerade weil die lyrischen Helden von Vernes Büchern Realitätstransformatoren sind, überzeugt davon, die Geheimnisse der Existenz zum Wohle aller Menschen enthüllen zu können. Diese Romane sind auch deshalb interessant, weil die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts eine Zeit des sozialen Optimismus und der Hoffnung war, dass sowohl die Welt als auch die Menschen besser werden. Die Generationen, die mit diesen fantastischen Geschichten aufgewachsen sind, haben von Vernes Helden gelernt, dass ein Mensch freundlich und ehrlich sein sollte, sowie loyal zu Freunden und seine Kräfte zum Wohle der Gesellschaft einsetzen sollte. In der modernen Welt sind Jules Vernes Romane wertvoll für ihre interessante Handlung, den Stil des Autors, die unvergessliche Atmosphäre und unvergessliche Charaktere. Daher ist diese Sammlung vor allem für Kinder und Jugendliche sehr zu empfehlen. Inhalt: Fünf Wochen im Ballon Reisen und Abenteuer des Kapitän Hatteras Reise nach dem Mittelpunkt der Erde Von der Erde zum Mond Die Kinder des Kapitän Grant 20 000 Meilen unter'm Meer Reise um den Mond Eine schwimmende Stadt Die Blockade-Brecher Abenteuer von drei Russen und drei Engländern in Südafrika Das Land der Pelze Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen Die geheimnißvolle Insel Der Chancellor Martin Paz Michael Strogoff: Der Courier des Czar Reise durch die Sonnenwelt Schwarz-Indien Ein Kapitän von 15 Jahren Die 500 Millionen der Begum Die Meuterer von der Bounty Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China

    Fünf Wochen im Ballon Reisen und Abenteuer des Kapitän Hatteras Reise nach dem Mittelpunkt der Erde Von der Erde zum Mond Die Kinder des Kapitän Grant 20 000 Meilen unter'm Meer Reise um den Mond Eine schwimmende Stadt Die Blockade-Brecher Abenteuer von drei Russen und drei Engländern in Südafrika Das Land der Pelze Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen Die geheimnißvolle Insel Der Chancellor Martin Paz Michael Strogoff: Der Courier des Czar Reise durch die Sonnenwelt Schwarz-Indien Ein Kapitän von 15 Jahren Die 500 Millionen der Begum Die Meuterer von der Bounty Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China Das Dampfhaus Die Jangada oder 800 Meilen auf dem Amazonenstrom Die Schule der Robinsons Der grüne Strahl Zehn Stunden auf der Jagd Keraban der Starrkopf Der Südstern oder Das Land der Diamanten Der Archipel in Flammen Mathias Sandorf Robur der Sieger Ein Lotterie-Loos Frritt-Flacc Nord gegen Süd Zwei Jahre Ferien Die Familie ohne Namen Der Schuss am Kilimandscharo oder Kein Durcheinander Cäsar Cascabel Mistreß Branican Das Karpathenschloß Claudius Bombarnac Der Findling Meister Antifer's wunderbare Abenteuer Die Propeller-Insel Vor der Flagge des Vaterlands Clovis Dardentor Die Eissphinx Der stolze Orinoco Das Testament eines Excentrischen Das zweite Vaterland Das Dorf in den Lüften Die Historien von Jean-Marie Cabidoulin Die Gebrüder Kip Reisestipendien Ein Drama in Livland Der Herr der Welt Der Einbruch des Meeres Der Leuchtturm am Ende der Welt Der Goldvulkan Das Reisebüro Thompson & C° Die Jagd nach dem Meteore Der Pilot von der Donau Die Schiffbrüchigen des «Jonathan» Wilhelm Storitz' Geheimnis Eine Idee des Doctor Ox Meister Zacharius Ein Drama in Mexico Ein Drama in den Lüften Eine Ueberwinterung im Eise

    The Servile State and Other Analytical Studies

    Hilaire Belloc

    Musaicum Books presents Hilaire Belloc's most controversial and influential historical and sociological studies: The Servile State Definitions Our Civilisation was originally Servile How the Servile Institution was for a Time Dissolved How the Distributive State Failed The Capitalist State in Proportion as It Grows Perfect Grows Unstable The Stable Solutions of this Instability Socialism is the Easiest Apparent Solution of the Capitalist Crux The Reformers and Reformed Are Alike Making for the Servile State The Servile State Has Begun Europe and Faith What Was the Roman Empire? What Was the Church in the Roman Empire? What Was the «Fall» of the Roman Empire? The Beginning of the Nations What Happened in Britain? The Dark Ages The Middle Ages What Was the Reformation? The Defection of Britain The Jews The Thesis of This Book The Denial of the Problem The Present Phase of the Problem The General Cause of Friction The Special Causes of Friction The Cause of Friction Upon Our Side The Anti-Semite Bolshevism The Position in the World as a Whole The Present Relation Between the English State and the Jews Zionism Our Duty Their Duty Various Theories Habit or Law?

    Falkland (Musaicum Romance Series)

    Эдвард Бульвер-Литтон

    Edward Bulwer-Lytton was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. He wrote in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, mystery, romance, the occult, and science fiction. Bulwer-Lytton's literary works were highly popular and bestselling novels at the time.
    Excerpt: "You are mistaken, my dear Monkton! Your description of the gaiety of «the season» gives me no emotion. You speak of pleasure; I remember no labour so wearisome; you enlarge upon its changes; no sameness appears to me so monotonous. Keep, then, your pity for those who require it. From the height of my philosophy I compassionate you. No one is so vain as a recluse; and your jests at my hermitship…"

    Sci-Fi Classics: Illustrated Anthology

    Damon Knight

    Musaicum Books presents to you this meticulously edited and formatted collection of space adventures, alien contacts and intergalactic wars stories written by some of the greatest masters of the Sci-Fi genre: Ray Bradbury: Jonah of the Jove-Run Zero Hour Rocket Summer Lorelei of the Red Mist The Creatures That Time Forgot Asleep in Armageddon Defense Mech Lazarus Come Forth Morgue Ship The Monster Maker A Little Journey Leigh Brackett: Black Amazon of Mars Child of the Sun Citadel of Lost Ships Enchantress of Venus Last Call From Sector 9G Outpost on Io Queen of the Martian Catacombs Shannach Terror Out of Space The Beast-Jewel of Mars The Blue Behemoth The Dragon-Queen of Jupiter The Jewel of Bas The Stellar Legion The Vanishing Venusians Thralls of the Endless Night Poul Anderson: Captive of the Centaurianess Lord of a Thousand Sun Out of the Iron Womb Sargasso of Lost Starships Star Ship Swordsman of Lost Terra The Virgin of Valkarion Tiger by the Tail Witch of the Demon Seas Jerome Bixby: Cargo to Callisto Tubemonkey The Crowded Colony Vengeance on Mars Clifford D. Simak: Message From Mars Mr. Meek Plays Polo Mr. Meek—Musketeer The Shipshape Miracle Damon Knight The Star Beast Doorway to Kal-Jmar The Third Little Green Man The Avenger Frederik Pohl: Asteroid of the Damned Conspiracy on Callisto Double-Cross Let the Ants Try Gardner F. Fox: When Kohonnes Screamed The Warlock of Sharrador Werwile of the Crystal Crypt Sword of the Seven Suns Vassals of the Lode-Star Engines of the Gods by Gardner Tonight the Stars Revolt! The Last Monster Man nth The Man the Sun-Gods Made

    The Blood of the Arena

    Vicente Blasco Ibanez

    Juan Gallardo rises to the position of a torero from a humble background. His passion and courage for bull-fighting makes him a hero and determines his destiny. But is that all to Gallardo's life? Excerpt: "It was a number of years ago, not long after he had been given «the alternative» in the bull-ring of Madrid, that he came to lodge at a certain hotel on Alcalá Street where his hosts treated him as if he were one of the family, and the dining-room servants, porters, scullions, and old waiters adored him as the glory of the establishment. There, too, he had spent many days wrapped in bandages, in a dense atmosphere heavy with the smell of iodoform, in consequence of two gorings, but the unhappy recollection did not weigh upon him…"