Gold Eagle

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    Kill Shot

    Don Pendleton

    The terror begins with ruthless precision when the clock strikes noon. Gunfire rings out in major cities along the East Coast.Innocent Americans fall, each from a direct kill shot. After witnessing a hit in Baltimore, Mack Bolan dives into battle against an unknown but powerful enemy. Across the country, the coordinated strikes continue, but law enforcement is unable to stop the deadly sniper attacks.Bolan goes hard, shouldering the burden of dismantling a plot to turn the United States into a police state. At the heart of the conspiracy, sworn enemies have joined for a unified goal: the nuclear devastation of the Middle East. As blood spills and the country heads toward martial law, Bolan sights his crosshairs on ruthless radicals and their nightmare agenda.


    Don Pendleton

    With bloodied hands in everything from child porn to identity theft and spam scams, an elusive Russian cybercrime organization is poised for the big score. They've hacked into Wall Street's financial systems with a big prize at stake.Called upon for a blitz, Mack Bolan takes the network's top hacker into custody. Using the tech wizard to help him infiltrate the group's Manhattan ranks, Bolan poses as a gun for hire.Battered by intelligence leaks and enemy fire from New York to Boston, Bolan stays in grim pursuit. The complete destruction of the organization's infrastructure is priority one. If he stays lucky–and alive–Bolan will turn his sights on the scheme's mastermind. Nothing less than all-out war at the kingpin's Hamptons fortress and his Russian stronghold will deliver the justice Bolan demands for the victims of this ruthless enterprise.

    Grave Mercy

    Don Pendleton

    The horror of the Ton Ton Macoute has returned. At its helm, a mastermind of religious fanaticism and military strategy.This Haitian madman commands an army of machete-wielding hordes, stripped of their humanity by powerful toxins. He backs his alchemy with automatic weapons and Jamaican gangsters. And he's plotting a swift, brutal invasion of a troubled island. Once the dead past is brought back to life, he will resume his place as the power behind the throne.Mack Bolan witnessed this madman's horror show up close. The crazed leader's death warrant was signed when the first victim fell. Now the zealot is about to experience the Executioner's trademark version of hellfire–righteous, hardcore and everlasting.


    Don Pendleton

    RAINING HELLFIREA deadly series of lightning strikes confounds experts and pits Mack Bolan against a new kind of terror that comes out of the sky. The death toll spreads as a plane loaded with innocent victims is blown apart, an office building ignites, killing hundreds, and refinery and munitions factories burst into fireballs. Whoever's responsible leaves no fingerprint. And the strikes continue–unpredictable, undetectable and unstoppable.Posing as the front man of a rival terrorist organization claiming responsibility for the attacks, Bolan lures the enemy–Iraq's Republican Guard–out of the shadows. And by coaxing them to put this latest lethal incendiary weapon on the black-market auction block, traitorous old friends and reformed enemies converge…right into the center of Bolan's crosshairs.

    Enemy Arsenal

    Don Pendleton

    A massive black-market weapons bazaar, where someone with enough money could outfit a small nation, becomes Stony Man's highest-priority target. And Mack Bolan is determined to be on this year's guest list.Setting out undercover into the African desert, he's about to close in when U.S. aircraft and armored vehicles–operated by men in American uniform–annihilate the crowd.The truth soon becomes clear. A growing syndicate struck the site in disguise to behead the smaller crime organizations and absorb what was left. While all eyes are on the U.S. to explain what happened, Bolan goes on the hunt for the real power behind the bloodbath. And the trail leads to the South China Sea, where a mysterious billionaire has launched an assault on the world's major ports. Hijacked cargo ships are heading for international cities. Unless Bolan can stop them…

    Decision Point

    Don Pendleton

    The Pacific Rim's most vicious human predators, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, are on the move again. But old-school terror tactics have given way to a more clandestine approach to hijacking global power.The Tigers have grassroots fundraising inside the United States and the death of a uniquely positioned software engineer tips to something big in the works. A young woman from a powerful family is ransomed at the same time a powerful new technology is stolen. Following the trail of both, Mack Bolan finds that it leads to Singapore and the murky waters of the Bay of Bengal. The Tigers have acquired a top secret satellite and soon the terror will go online.Staying one step ahead of their stone-cold pursuer and finding refuge in their fortified compound, the Tigers and their calculating leader give Bolan a fight for his life. He's willing to pay that price, but he'll take the terrorist leader and his pirates to hell with him for their crimes.

    Terror Trail

    Don Pendleton

    An extremist group is launching a full-scale attack to bring death to America's streets. The plan is allout destruction–in malls, schools, streets and public venues across the land.Stony Man puts a man undercover in the enemy training camp, while the other team members race to uncover the identity of the group's powerful financier. Facing relentless fire in their grim assault against the soldiers of hate, Stony Man fights back with everything it's got to keep innocent blood from flooding America's communities.

    Seismic Surge

    Don Pendleton

    A plot orchestrated to destabilize the Western world has its roots in a mysterious business conglomerate with ties to Chinese conspirators. And the established battleground is a volcanic island off the coast of Spain.There, an army of multinational terrorists bound by hate and violence is about to trigger a tsunami that will wash hell across two continents. While Stony Man's cybercrew runs real-time command and control, Phoenix Force and Able Team launch a multipronged ground assault on the corporation behind the planned tidal wave and its ruthless backers.

    Power Grab

    Don Pendleton

    When a crisis is too sensitive for conventional intervention, when politics and diplomacy won't work, the President calls on Stony Man. Ultrasecret and devastatingly effective, this antiterrorist unit employs sophisticated technology combined with crack commandos to strike at the heart of the enemy.When Stony Man is deployed, the situation is red-hot…An explosion at a shopping mall in upstate New York launches an all-out Stony Man effort against the new face of terror. A brilliant and brutal warlord turned dictator is poised to destabilize the entire Middle East through blood politics. He has money, motivation and access to a new kind of underworld weapon: a smart bomb. A horrific series of planned attacks are about to plunge the United States into desperate chaos that will carry across the globe. The enemy isn't just targeting American soil, he's poised to savage the world.


    Don Pendleton

    When Stony Man is called to battle, the crisis is real and immediate. Cybernetics experts run logistics from the war room of a secret facility known only to the President.The commando teams of Able Team and Phoenix Force lead the ground fight–consummate soldiers dedicated to protecting the innocent. The world isn't aware of Stony Man, but Stony Man remains vigilant: guarding that fine line between hell and earth.Small farming towns across America, Europe and Asia have come under attack by a virulent new biochemical cocktail that induces the ravages of starvation in less than a day. The group behind it promises to decimate the human population unless its twisted demands are met by government heads. As this radical anti-industrial group launches its deadly countdown, Stony Man works feverishly to stop the horrifying plague from spreading–before a global megacull leaves only a handful of people to weep for the earth.