Mills & Boon Spice

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    The Duchess, Her Maid, the Groom & Their Lover

    Victoria Janssen

    Wretched be the woman of wealth and fortune who fails to produce a suitable heir. . . And wretched is what Duchess Camille feels living with the cruel and debauched duke. But that soon turns to desperation when she learns her lecherous husband is plotting to have her killed to make way for a more nubile and fertile companion. Knowing she cannot sit idly by and wait for death, she flees into the night, taking with her her own young lover—the stable hand Henri—and her most loyal servants.With a mind to finding refuge with Maxime, her first love who years ago ignited her sexuality, Camille and her servants take cover in brothels along the way and succumb to the physical delights on offer, sating their longings and fueling jealousies with one another.But the duke's men are not far behind, and Camille knows they must press on, hoping against hope that the man who has every reason to turn her away will remember the fervent passion that once coursed between them. . . .

    The Gift

    Eva Cassel

    Even the most torrid couples have to keep the passion burning—so Mia is determined to give her husband, Evan, a birthday present that will blow his mind.And she's found just the thing: an erotic massage. . . for both of them. But while a touch of jealousy has always been a great aphrodisiac for Mia and Evan, will this gift go too far?

    Knightley's Tale

    Destiny D'Otare

    Maeve and Devlin are back with another erotic tale—this time featuring two of Maeve's favorite characters as you've never seen them before. . . .Mr. Knightley is shocked that his beloved Emma would risk her reputation by visiting the scandalous pleasure garden where the ton's sexual fantasies came to life. He's even more astounded—and aroused—by Emma's transformation into a sensual goddess intent on being initiated into the secrets of love. . . by him!

    Medusa's Folly

    Alison Paige

    She'd lived for centuries without the pleasure a man could give her. For Medusa was a goddess with a heart full of vengeance. And even a man's briefest glance transformed her into a hideous, snake-haired monster who turned men to stone. But she was filled with an insatiable lust that compelled her to mount the stone erection of a lasciviously posed gargoyle atop an ancient castle. Then something remarkable happened. . . the gargoyle came to life. And even more remarkable, rather than turning back to stone at the first glimpse of her, he fell in love at first sight.Uphir was a demon who, in human form, had stolen the hearts of countless women, until Athena cursed him into his stony existence. But Medusa was not so easily vanquished. It would take all his seductive power and sexual prowess to win this wrathful goddess's heart.


    Crystal Jordan

    Marra's body burned with desire. It was Wild time, the first week of spring, when Lynx from all over North America gathered in the Sierra Nevada foothills to mate. The time when every Lynx female went into heat. But Wild is bittersweet for Marra. She's past the age when most Lynx find their mate. She only comes to Wild for sex and always leaves as she came: alone.Yet this year is different. A new male Lynx has come to Wild, a foreigner who will claim her in ways she only imagined. . .

    The Blonde Samurai

    Jina Bacarr

    Spring 1873:I arrived in Japan a virgin bride, heartsick and anxious beyond measure. Yet I embraced this perplexing world with my soul laid bare after uncovering an erotic, intoxicating power I hardly knew that I, Katie O'Roarke, possessed. Japan was a world away from my tedious Western existence, a welcome distraction from my recent marriage to a cold and cruel husband. But when James attacked me in a drunken rage, I could tolerate it no longer…. I had no choice but to escape into the surrounding hills.I awoke in the arms of Akira, a young Samurai, and it was he who took me to Shintaro, the head of the powerful Samurai clan. At first distrustful, Shintaro came to me every day for a fortnight until my need for him made my heart race at the very sound of his feet upon the wooden floor. He taught me the way of the Samurai—loyalty, honor, self-respect—and the erotic possibilities of inner beauty unleashed.It is his touch that shatters my virginal reserve, evoking danger and physical pleasures that linger beyond our fervent encounters. But James means to find me, to make me pay for his humiliation. I can no longer hide amongst the orange blossoms as rebellions rage, and as my own secret continues to grow….

    Tucker's Claim

    Sarah McCarty

    Tucker McCade has known violence his whole life: orphaned in a massacre, abused as a «half-breed» child, trained as a ruthless Texas Ranger, he's learned the hard way that might makes right. So even he is shocked when he falls for Sallie Mae Reynolds, a Quaker nurse. Unable to resist Tucker's charm and chiseled body, she throws herself into their torrid affair, indulging her wildest sexual fantasies. Tucker's job, however, is the one thing she can't embrace.A staunch pacifist, Sallie Mae can't understand how his strong, caressing hand can clench in fury or pull a trigger. In this lawless land, Tucker knows you have to fight to survive. But when Sallie Mae becomes pregnant, he's willing to do anything to have his family—including hanging up his guns.Every night they spend together binds them closer, slowly erasing their differences. . . until the day Tucker's past comes calling, precipitating an explosive showdown between her faith, his promise and the need for revenge. . . .

    Getting Even

    Kayla Perrin

    For the past year, self-proclaimed Black American Princess Claudia has been planning her perfect wedding, destined to be the event in Atlanta's black society.But when her prince gets cold feet, she's stunned and humiliated. She's done things in the bedroom with this man that her mother would disown her for! Annelise is frustrated. How long can a woman go without getting some from her husband? The man she supported through law school, who she signed a prenup for. But it seems the man who used to want it all the time is still getting it. . . from another woman. Thank goodness their devotedly single friend Lishelle has a couch to spare.But when The Guy Who Got Away in college reappears in her life, she starts envisioning a walk down the aisle. Ignoring her friends' advice, she agrees to guarantee his bank loans for a new business. A girl's got to invest in her future husband, right? But once he gets his hands on her money, he disappears.After a little digging, the women discover that the jerks they've trusted have betrayed them in ways they'd never imagined. As the scorned friends bitch over a bottle of wine, an idea begins to take shape – letting these weasels slink quietly out of their lives is too good for them. These women want revenge.


    Kayla Perrin

    After her husband confesses to a racy but ultimately unfulfilling affair, Sophie Gibson's rage leaves her raw, unable to process his attempt to repair the damage by suggesting she have her own tryst. Soon, though, the idea of sex as retaliation begins to intrigue her—a no-strings-attached, sexually subversive liaison may be just what she needs before she can forgive Andrew. Hooking up with Peter, a dark and dangerous artist willing to push the limits of Sophie's lustful, quivering need, fits the bill perfectly.Sophie's covetousness for Peter was always about experiencing intensity in the moment, but soon the affair runs its course and now it's time for her to focus on her future…with Andrew. Except, Peter is convinced he can't live without her.Then come the cards, the presents, the calls…the hint of a threat. One way or another he will have Sophie. Even if that means exacting revenge of his own.