Can I tell you about...?

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    Can I tell you about Auditory Processing Disorder?

    Alyson Mountjoy

    In this friendly guide, a girl called Amy tells all about her Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Together with her friend Tom and sister Lucy, Amy explains how every child with APD is affected in unique ways, and how to get help if you have APD. This illustrated guide is ideal for helping children aged 7+ with APD to understand the condition, while increasing their self-esteem and confidence. Explaining about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and comorbidity in child-friendly terms, it dispels myths and encourages children to self-advocate and seek help at home and at school. It is also an excellent starting point for parents, teachers and other professionals wishing to tailor support to the type and severity of a child's APD, and includes a helpful list of recommended sources for additional support.

    Can I Tell You About Compassion?

    Sue Webb

    Meet Sam. Like most kids his age, Sam loves sport. His class have arranged a special football match to raise money for a charity which helps children who are suffering. Sam finds out more about how the money is spent and asks his mum for this week's pocket money early, so he can donate to the charity. His mum says he does this because he's such a kind boy. But when he asks his teachers about it at school the next day, they say it's because he's compassionate. Sam now has lots of questions about what this means. What is compassion? How can we become more compassionate? And what effects – both good and bad – does being compassionate have? Join Sam as he learns answers to these, and many more, questions about this important part of character education.

    Can I tell you about Down Syndrome?

    Elizabeth Elliott

    Meet David – a boy with Down syndrome. David invites readers to learn about Down syndrome from his perspective, helping them to understand what Down syndrome is and how it affects his daily life. He explains that he sometimes needs extra help at home and school and suggests ways that those around him can help him to feel supported. This illustrated book is ideal for young people aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers, social workers and other professionals working with children with Down syndrome. It is also an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.

    Can I tell you about Depression?

    Susan Martin

    Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to provide 13 to 18 year olds with high-quality support, information and advice about common mental health issues and related conditions. Meet Julie – a women who suffers from periods of depression. Julie and her family help readers to understand what depression is, what it is like to feel depressed and how it can affect their family life. She explains how coping with depression can sometimes be very difficult but there is support and help available that can relieve the feelings of depression. This illustrated book is an ideal introduction to depression – a condition that can be particularly difficult for children to understand. It is suitable for readers aged 7 upwards and shows family, friends and anyone who knows someone affected by depression how they can offer support.

    Can I tell you about having a Stroke?

    Swee Hong Chia

    Meet Fred – a man who has had a stroke. Fred invites readers to learn about what it is like to have a stroke from his perspective, helping them to understand the challenges faced by someone who has had a stroke and the ways in which they might have to adapt their lifestyle. He also gives advice on how to offer support to someone who has had a stroke, from diagnosis through to rehabilitation. With illustrations throughout, this useful book will be ideal for anyone who knows someone who has had a stroke, from child to adult. It will help readers to understand and explain what a stroke is and encourage open discussion among family members, carers and friends.

    Can I tell you about Eating Disorders?

    Bryan Lask

    Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to provide 13 to 18 year olds with high-quality support, information and advice about common mental health issues and related conditions. Meet Alice – a teenage girl with anorexia nervosa. Alice invites readers to learn about anorexia nervosa and how it makes her see herself differently from how other people see her. She also introduces readers to Beth who has bulimia nervosa, Sam who has selective eating problems, Francesca who has functional dysphagia and Freddie who has food avoidance emotional disorder. They all explain why they find food difficult and how their eating disorders are different. This illustrated book is an ideal introduction to understanding the complex issues surrounding eating disorders. It shows family, friends and teachers how they can support a young person with an eating disorder and will also be a good place to start when encouraging open conversations about eating disorders at school or at home.

    Can I tell you about Anxiety?

    Люси Уиллеттс

    Meet Megan – a young girl who has an anxiety disorder. Megan invites readers to learn about anxiety from her perspective, helping them to understand why she sometimes feels anxious and how this affects her thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Megan talks about techniques she has learnt to help manage her anxiety, and how people around her can help. With illustrations throughout, this will be an ideal way to explore anxiety difficulties. It shows family, friends and teachers how they can support someone who experiences anxiety and will be an excellent way to start a conversation about anxiety, in the classroom or at home. Suitable for readers aged 7-12.

    Can I tell you about Dyspraxia?

    Maureen Boon

    Meet Marco – a boy with dyspraxia, which is sometimes called Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD). Marco invites readers to learn about dyspraxia from his perspective, helping them to understand what it is and what it feels like when he sometimes struggles to control his movement and co-ordination. He talks about the challenges of having dyspraxia and lets readers know how he can be helped and supported. This illustrated book will be an ideal introduction for young people, aged 7+, as well as parents, friends, teachers and professionals working with children with dyspraxia. It is also an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.

    Can I tell you about Autism?

    Jude Welton

    Meet Tom – a young boy with autism. Tom invites readers to learn about autism from his perspective, helping them to understand what it is and explaining the challenges he faces with issues such as social communication, sensory overload and changes in his routine. Tom tells readers about all the ways he can be helped and supported by those around him. This illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase understanding about autism, in the classroom or at home. It also includes clear, useful information for parents and professionals.

    Can I tell you about Diabetes (Type 1)?

    Julie Edge

    Meet Debbie – a young girl with diabetes type 1. Debbie invites readers to learn about this type of diabetes from her perspective, describing how it feels to have high and low blood sugar levels. She explains how she can monitor her blood sugar and controls it with medication. Debbie also talks about the challenges of having diabetes and lets readers know how she can be helped and supported. This illustrated book is ideal for young people aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers and nurses. It is also an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.