IOP Concise Physics

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    Discrete Quantum Mechanics

    H. Thomas Williams

    After a quarter century of discoveries that rattled the foundations of classical mechanics and electrodynamics, the year 1926 saw the publication of two works intended to provide a theoretical structure to support new quantum explanations of the subatomic world. Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and Schrodinger’s wave mechanics provided compatible but mathematically disparate ways of unifying the discoveries of Planck, Einstein, Bohr and many others. Efforts began immediately to prove the equivalence of these two structures, culminated successfully by John von Neumann’s 1932 volume «Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.» This forms the springboard for the current effort. We begin with a presentation of a minimal set of von Neumann postulates while introducing language and notation to facilitate subsequent discussion of quantum calculations based in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Chapters which follow address two-state quantum systems (with spin one-half as the primary example), entanglement of multiple two-state systems, quantum angular momentum theory and quantum approaches to statistical mechanics. A concluding chapter gives an overview of issues associated with quantum mechanics in continuous infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.

    Organ Printing

    Dong-Woo Cho

    This book introduces various 3D printing systems, biomaterials, and cells for organ printing. In view of the latest applications of several 3D printing systems, their advantages and disadvantages are also discussed. A basic understanding of the entire spectrum of organ printing provides pragmatic insight into the mechanisms, methods, and applications of this discipline.
    Organ printing is being applied in the tissue engineering field with the purpose of developing tissue/organ constructs for the regeneration of both hard (bone, cartilage, osteochondral) and soft tissues (heart). There are other potential application areas including tissue/organ models, disease/cancer models, and models for physiology and pathology, where in vitro 3D multicellular structures developed by organ printing are valuable.

    Introduction to Focused Ion Beam Nanometrology

    David C. Cox

    This book describes modern focused ion beam microscopes and techniques and how they can be used to aid materials metrology and as tools for the fabrication of devices that in turn are used in many other aspects of fundamental metrology. Beginning with a description of the currently available instruments including the new addition to the field of plasma-based sources, it then gives an overview of ion solid interactions and how the different types of instrument can be applied. Chapters then describe how these machines can be applied to the field of materials science and device fabrication giving examples of recent and current activity in both these areas.

    Kinematic Labs with Mobile Devices

    Jason M. Kinser

    As technology advances, education has expanded from the classroom into other formats including online delivery, flipped classrooms and hybrid delivery. Congruent with these is the need for alternative formats for laboratory experiences. This explosion in technology has also placed in the hands of a majority of students a sensor suite tucked neatly into their smartphones or smart tablets. The popularity of these devices provides a new avenue for the non-traditional kinematic lab experience. This book addresses this issue by providing 13 labs spanning the common topics in the first semester of university-level physics. Each lab is designed to use only the student's smartphone, laptop and items easily found and big-box stores or a hobby shop.
    Each lab contains theory, set-up instructions and basic analysis techniques. All of these labs can be performed outside of the traditional university lab setting and initial costs averaging less than $8 per student, per lab, excluding the smartphone and laptop. This text is not intended to replace in-lab experiences, but instead is designed to be a guide for those situations where an in-lab experience is not feasible. Instructors should feel free to modify the labs and the author looks forward to seeing the modifications and successes achieved.

    Nonlinear Optics of Photonic Crystals and Meta-Materials

    Arthur R. McGurn

    Jet physics is an incredibly rich subject detailing the narrow cone of hadrons and other particles produced by the hadronization of a quark or gluon in a particle physics or heavy ion experiment. This book is a general overview of jet physics for scientists not directly involved in the field. It presents the basic experimental and theoretical problems arising when dealing with jets, and describing the solutions proposed in recent years.

    Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization

    Akhlesh Lakhtakia

    Electromagnetic homogenization is the process of estimating the effective electromagnetic properties of composite materials in the long-wavelength regime, wherein the length scales of nonhomogeneities are much smaller than the wavelengths involved. This is a bird’s-eye view of currently available homogenization formalisms for particulate composite materials. It presents analytical methods only, with focus on the general settings of anisotropy and bianisotropy.
    The authors largely concentrate on ‘effective’ materials as opposed to ‘equivalent’ materials, and emphasize the fundamental (but sometimes overlooked) differences between these two categories of homogenized composite materials. The properties of an ‘effective’ material represents those of its composite material, regardless of the geometry and dimensions of the bulk materials and regardless of the orientations and polarization states of the illuminating electromagnetic fields. In contrast, the properties of ‘equivalent’ materials only represent those of their corresponding composite materials under certain restrictive circumstances.

    Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers

    Matt A Wood

    This book provides an introduction to the core features of the Python programming language and Matplotlib plotting routings for scientists and engineers (or students of either discipline) who want to use Python™ to analyse data, simulate physical processes, and render publication-quality plots. No previous programming experience is needed before reading the first page.
    Readers will learn the core features of the Python programming language in under a day. They will be able to immediately use Python to implement codes that solve their own problems and make beautiful plots and animations. Python code is extremely fast to prototype, allowing users to achieve results quickly and accurately. The examples within the book are available for download at
    Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers is accessible for motivated high-school students, but will likely be most useful for undergraduate and graduate students as well as working professionals who have some background with the basic mathematical concepts. This book is intended for technical people who want to get things done.

    Atoms and Photons and Quanta, Oh My!

    F Todd Baker

    This is the second book in the “Ask the Physicist” series. The first book, From Newton to Einstein: Ask the physicist about mechanics and relativity, provides an excellent foundation for this book that covers topics in ‘modern’ physics. The main emphasis of this volume is providing an accessible introduction to quantum physics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics to anyone with at least high-school physics knowledge.

    Atomic Bomb: The Story of the Manhattan Project

    Bruce Cameron Reed

    This volume, prepared by an acknowledged expert on the Manhattan Project, gives a concise, fast-paced account of all major aspects of the project at a level accessible to an undergraduate college or advanced high-school student familiar with some basic concepts of energy, atomic structure, and isotopes. The text describes the underlying scientific discoveries that made nuclear weapons possible, how the project was organized, the daunting challenges faced and overcome in obtaining fissile uranium and plutonium, and in designing workable bombs, the dramatic Trinity test carried out in the desert of southern New Mexico in July 1945, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Designing Hybrid Nanoparticles

    Maria Benelmekki

    In the last few years, several “bottom-up” and “top-down” synthesis routes have been developed to produce tailored hybrid nanoparticles (HNPs). This book provides a new insight into one of the most promising “bottom-up” techniques, based on a practical magnetron-sputtering inert-gas-condensation method. A modified magnetron-sputtering-based inert-gas-condensation (MS-IGC) system is presented, and its performances under different conditions are evaluated.
    Designed for graduate students, researchers in physics, materials science, biophysics and related fields, and process engineers, this new resource fills a critical need to understand the fundamentals behind the design and tailoring of the nanoparticles produced by the MS-IGC method. It shows that the morphology, the size and the properties of the nanoparticles can be modulated by tuning the deposition parameters such as the energy, the cooling rate, and the collision and coalescence processes experienced by the nanoparticles during their formation. The mechanisms of formation of different HNPs are suggested, combining the physico-chemical properties of the materials with the experimental conditions.
    This book illustrates the potential of MS-IGC method to synthesize multifunctional nanoparticles and nanocomposites with accurate control on their morphology and structure. However, for a better understanding of HNPs formation, further improvements in characterization methods of aggregation zone conditions are needed. In addition, the optimization of the yield and harvesting process of HNPs is essential to make this method sufficiently attractive for large-scale production.