Tough Justice: Exposed (Part 1 Of 8). Carla Cassidy

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Название Tough Justice: Exposed (Part 1 Of 8)
Автор произведения Carla Cassidy
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия Harlequin
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474045292

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make sure your men do a thorough sweep of the hotel room to see if he left one there,” she said. “Now, what did you find on him?”

      “A black ink pad and a wooden stamper.”

      Lara frowned and looked around the table at the others. An ink pad? She stared back at the phone. “What did the stamp look like?”

      “I just sent you a photo.”

      Lara quickly checked. The past collided with the present, creating something close to madness inside Lara’s brain. “Thanks for the info,” she managed to say and then ended the call.

      The photo showed a letter M superimposed over an upside down M. She turned to show everyone the image. Everyone except Victoria looked at her expectantly. “That’s the insignia of the Moretti crime organization.” Lara’s voice was flat, not reflecting the raging turmoil that twisted her gut. “Everyone who worked for Moretti or who was trafficked by him had that symbol either tattooed on their arm or someplace else on their body. Dunst was connected to Moretti.”

      “Why would low-level Dunst have something like that in his pocket? Did he use it on the little girl?” Ty asked.

      “Negative,” Cass replied. “According to the autopsy report Tina had nothing like that on her body when she was found.”

      Lara barely heard the conversation of suppositions and possibilities as it swirled around the table. An icy chill had taken over her entire body.

      She feared that the ghosts she’d dreamed of chasing her in her nightmares were now very real monsters, and they had finally found her.

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