The Kincaids: New Money. Jennifer Lewis

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Название The Kincaids: New Money
Автор произведения Jennifer Lewis
Жанр Эротическая литература
Серия Mills & Boon M&B
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472012647

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wished she could find words to admire them, but words deserted her as sensation overtook her body.

      He entered her very gently, kissing her as he sank deep. Brooke arched against him, relishing the feel of him inside her, his powerful arms wrapped around her. The weight of his body settled over her, pushing her into the mattress as she clung to him.

      “Oh, RJ.” The words slipped from her mouth as she brushed his rough cheek with her lips. She’d waited years for this moment. She could feel him inside her, hard, yet so gentle as he moved with her.

      A shiver of pleasure crept over her as he slid deeper, and she felt herself opening up to him. She snuck a peek at his face, and their eyes met in a single, electric moment. The expression on his face was almost pained, so intense, his blue eyes stormy with emotion.

      Brooke felt her heart swell with feeling for this man. So strong and capable, he led the company with such energy and pride, and at this moment his entire being focused on her. His arms wrapped around her, enveloping her in their protective warmth, while he moved with precision and passion.

      “You’re an amazing woman, Brooke.” His whispered words stirred something deep inside her. He shifted slightly, sending arrows of pleasure darting through her. Was she amazing? She certainly felt special right now.

      Or were they both just caught up in the moment? Or in the madness that had brought her into his arms that night in his office.

      A ripple of fear made her hold him tighter. “I’m not amazing.” She couldn’t bear for him to be making love to some imaginary woman who had nothing to do with the real Brooke Nichols. “I’m just … me.”

      RJ paused for a moment and their eyes met. Again that fierce gaze almost stole her breath. “You’re amazing because you are just exactly you. The most beautiful, capable, sweet, organized, sexy and irresistible woman I’ve ever met.”

      A giggle rose in her chest. “That’s quite a mix of adjectives.”

      “You’re a unique person.” He brushed soft kisses over her cheek and the bridge of her nose, making her smile. “And it’s my very great pleasure to be sharing this bed with you.” His penis stirred inside her, sparking a ripple of laughter along with a rush of erotic pleasure.

      Her eyes slid closed as she kissed him on the mouth, drinking in the rich taste of him. She’d imagined moments like this, but not that she’d feel so totally swept away on a tide of intense pleasure.

      RJ’s strong arms eased them into a new position where she was sitting in his lap. As they moved together, the powerful penetration took her deeper into the mysterious otherworld they shared. RJ’s hands on her skin, his thighs wrapped around her, his hair brushing her forehead …

      Feelings raced through her. She wanted to shout, or cry. I love him. The thought flashed in her brain and she held him tighter. Is it just my body talking? Her brain grappled with powerful emotion while her body clung to his, moving with him in a thick sea of pleasure.

       I love you, RJ.

      She let her mind release the thought, though she didn’t allow her lips to voice it. It was enough for her to know. She didn’t want to throw pressure at him and ruin this beautiful moment. She’d never felt closer to anyone, and maybe she never would again.

      For now, it was precious.

      Her climax crept over her gradually, starting with little waves that lapped at her fingers and toes, and ending in a big breaker that crashed over her.

      RJ joined her, exploding with a gruff cry, crushing her against his chest and pressing his face to hers as they collapsed back on the bed. Overwhelmed by sensation and emotion, she lay limp in his arms.

      “I don’t remember the last time I felt this good.” RJ cradled her, stroking her softly. “You’re a miracle.”

      Brooke’s chest, already bursting with happiness, almost exploded. Being here with RJ felt so absolutely right. It seemed odd that they hadn’t come together earlier, when they were so perfect for each other. He stroked her cheek and she sighed. She’d made RJ feel good, too. Maybe that was the best part of all.

      Lying here in his embrace she could imagine them living happily as a couple. They’d worked together successfully for five years, which was quite an accomplishment already. They’d always got on and never argued, and he obviously respected her opinion. “I’m glad I dragged you out of that meeting and plied you with liquor.”

      “Me, too. Not many people would have dared.” He kissed her cheek softly and nuzzled against her. Again her chest swelled with joy. “You’re a brave woman, Brooke Nichols.”

      She was, wasn’t she? Not many women would chance a weekend away with their boss. For a moment the familiar doubts started to creep back in. How would they behave at the office? Would he be affectionate or would they go back to professional cordiality? What would she do if he kissed her in front of the other employees?

      She blushed just thinking about it. She’d love it, of course. She’d be so proud and happy to be RJ Kincaid’s girlfriend. A dream come true. And here she was, living it.

      They kissed, then dressed and went to enjoy more music and dancing, then undressed and made love again. This time they fell asleep together, with seductive music still throbbing away in the living room. Brooke slept deeply, totally relaxed and at ease in RJ’s arms.

      In the morning she awoke with an odd mix of anticipation and anxiety. They had two whole days to spend together with no interruptions.

      Then again, what if they had nothing to talk about? What if he grew bored with her?

      “Morning, gorgeous.” RJ pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.

      “Hi.” A wave of pleasure lapped over her at the touch of his lips and her doubts scattered. “Did you sleep okay?”

      “Never slept better in my life. You’re the best medicine in the world.”

      She smiled. “I’m glad. Last night was fun.”

      He kissed her cheek. “More than fun. You’re full of surprises, Brooke.”

      “I am?”

      “I had no idea you had such a sensual side.”

      “I try to keep it under wraps when I’m at the office.” She winked. “Might not be appropriate.”

      “There’s a whole different Brooke that I never knew about.”

      “Actually I think the Brooke you know is about ninety percent of the real Brooke.” She didn’t want him to start thinking she was really a temptress super-spy or something, and then be disappointed. “There are just a few facets of me best not viewed under fluorescent lighting.”

      RJ glanced down at her body and lifted the covers to reveal a peaked pink nipple. “I think you’d look amazing under any lighting.”

      The way he stared at her made her feel beautiful. She worked hard to keep her body in reasonably good shape, but she’d never felt ultra gorgeous—until RJ’s appreciative blue gaze touched her skin.

      She trailed a finger over his muscled chest. “I’m not sure what I expected under all that crisp suiting, but let’s just say I can tell you work out.”

      “I play a lot of tennis and squash. They’re a full-body workout.”

      “I used to play tennis in high school.” She said it shyly. She’d been their team’s star player, but never pursued it in college since she didn’t want to take too much time away from her studies and she needed to work almost full-time.

      “No kidding? We’ll have to hit some balls together. We can go to the club when we get back.”

      The club? The ultra-exclusive country club that cost over fifty thousand dollars a year just for the privilege of membership? She swallowed. “I haven’t played in years. I probably wouldn’t even be able to