A Priceless Find. Kate James

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Название A Priceless Find
Автор произведения Kate James
Жанр Эротическая литература
Серия Mills & Boon Heartwarming
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474076036

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sorry I’m late. How about salmon for dinner to make up for it?” Chelsea asked to appease the cat.

      Mindy responded with a mournful grumble as she sauntered toward the kitchen.

      Chelsea tossed her keys on the hall table, hung her dry cleaning in the coat closet and slipped off her shoes. Following the sound of Mindy’s meowing, Chelsea headed for the kitchen. She put the pizza box on the counter, opened a can of Mindy’s favorite food and scooped the contents into the cat’s dish. Then she hurriedly put away the groceries she’d picked up.

      With the late start to her workday because of the time she’d spent at All That Glitters and Shines, and subsequently everyone wanting to talk about the robbery, she’d left the gallery quite late. Luckily, considering all the excitement, she’d remembered Paige was coming over for dinner.

      Paige and her adorable son, Jason, had been her downstairs neighbors from the time Chelsea moved in until Paige had married Daniel Kinsley. Paige was also Chelsea’s closest friend. The house Paige and Daniel had bought wasn’t far, but Chelsea still missed seeing Paige nearly every day, as she had for almost three years. And it wasn’t just Paige. She missed Jason, too. He was ten and a half now, and how wonderful that he’d been free of cancer for almost three years.

      This was one of the rare nights that Paige wasn’t with her family, since Daniel and Jason had a father-and-son event at Jason’s school, and Daniel’s parents had insisted on watching baby Emily for the evening. Chelsea had planned to cook dinner, but she’d run out of time. Thankfully, Paige was undemanding and understanding...and it was probably for the best. Cooking wasn’t one of Chelsea’s strengths, which was why she liked to practice on Paige when she had the opportunity.

      She selected a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from her little wine rack and uncorked it to let it breathe.

      Checking her watch, Chelsea realized she had exactly seventeen minutes to get changed before Paige was due to arrive.

      She was in and out of the shower in less than five minutes, and quickly dressed in her usual leisure wear of black leggings and a chunky sweater. She rubbed her wet hair with a towel before working a small blob of mousse into it to get her preferred style.

      Chelsea heard the knock on the door just as she was rinsing her hands. She took a quick look in the mirror before rushing out of her bedroom.

      “Paige, it’s so good to see you,” Chelsea said as she gave her friend a warm hug. Taking a step back she ran an approving eye over Paige, her tall slender frame, the long glossy blond hair and clear blue eyes. “How is it possible that every time I see you, you look better than before? Isn’t a baby supposed to wear you out?”

      Paige waved the compliment away. “Emily’s been a dream.”

      “No, I’m serious,” Chelsea said. “Marriage and motherhood agree with you.”

      “I’m very fortunate to have found Daniel,” Paige admitted. “And Jason and Emily are my world.”

      “You’re lucky to have found each other,” Chelsea corrected Paige, and accepted the bottle of wine she held out. “Thanks for this. Very nice,” she added, reading the label. “I already have a Cab Sauv breathing in the kitchen. Would you prefer I opened this?”

      “Oh, the Cab’s fine.” Paige hung up her coat and bent down to stroke Mindy. She sniffed the air as she rose again. “Smells good. What are we having?”

      Chelsea laughed. “Well, about that... I was planning on veal parmigiana, but you know what they say about best-laid plans.” She led Paige into the kitchen and filled two glasses with wine.

      “Any excuse to get out of cooking, huh?” Paige teased, then took a closer look at her friend. “Hard day?” she asked with concern.

      Chelsea handed one of the glasses to Paige and took a sip from her own as they sat down at the kitchen table. “Oh, hard isn’t the right word. More...unexpected. You know the nice older couple who own All That Glitters and Shines, the jewelry store next to the gallery?”

      Paige tasted her wine and nodded.

      “Their store was robbed early this morning. Mr. Rochester, the owner, was there at the time and he was attacked.”

      “Oh, no! Is he okay?”

      “The paramedics said he should be. He got a deep gash in his head, and they took him to the hospital to check for concussion. He looked so pale and weak.” She closed her eyes for a moment, her worry resurfacing. “I’m glad Adam, his nephew, showed up in time to go to the hospital with him. Otherwise, I would’ve gone.”

      “You were there when it happened?” Paige asked with alarm.

      “No. It happened very early in the morning. The police and paramedics were already there when I...barged in.”

      “Barged in?” Paige probed.

      “Yeah.” Chelsea grinned. “That’s exactly what I did. The detective in charge wasn’t very happy about it, especially when I first got there.”

      At the ding of the oven timer, Chelsea hopped up. “I’ll tell you more—especially about the good-looking detective—but our dinner should be warm by now. And I didn’t answer your question about what we’re having. Since I was running behind all day, pizza was the quickest option for me. I hope you don’t mind.”

      “Not at all. I’m just happy we have a chance to spend time together.”

      Chelsea slid a couple of slices on each of the plates and took them to the table.

      “I have to say, it’s worrying to have something like this happen in Camden Falls,” Paige said. She took a bite of pizza before continuing. “One of the reasons I originally moved here with Jason was because it was such a safe, friendly place. That was also why Daniel and I decided to stay here after we got married.”

      Chelsea and some of her colleagues had expressed similar sentiments during the day. “The police seem to be taking it seriously, if the number of cops at the store was any indication. I’m sure it’s an isolated incident and nothing to worry about,” she said, trying to mollify Paige. “I got the sense that the detective leading the investigation knew what he was doing and will get to the bottom of it soon.” She thought back to all the damage in the store. “I wouldn’t discount the possibility that it was kids causing trouble.”

      “I’m not sure that makes me feel any better,” Paige responded. “Is that what the police believe?”

      Chelsea shook her head. “I have no idea what they’re thinking. The detective in charge—Eldridge, Sam Eldridge—was tight-lipped about it.” Remembering how frustrated he’d been with her when she’d first shown up, but how he was more...tolerant, maybe even amused, by the time she’d left, Chelsea grinned.

      “What’s so funny?” Paige asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

      “Not funny, really. The detective in charge has got to be one of the most intense, serious people I’ve ever met.”

      “Sounds like a recipe for a personality clash with you,” Paige said, returning Chelsea’s smile.

      “You’d think so...”

      Paige studied Chelsea with interest. “You like him?”

      Chelsea swirled the wine in her glass as she considered Paige’s question. When Mindy strolled over, she reached down to stroke her. “I suppose I do. I can’t put my finger on why, though. He’s not the sort of guy I’d usually be attracted to. He seemed so somber and...brooding.” She glanced at Paige, with unconcealed amusement. “It would be an interesting challenge to see if I could get him to lighten up! As for his looks...” Her smile spread. “He’s the best-looking cop—heck, the best-looking guy—I’ve seen in a while.”

      “You haven’t been interested in anyone since you and Joel stopped dating,” Paige observed. “I was hoping the two of you might get back together,