Her Guardian Shifter. Karen Whiddon

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Название Her Guardian Shifter
Автор произведения Karen Whiddon
Жанр Эротическая литература
Серия Mills & Boon Nocturne
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474063463

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actually did. After a second of hesitation, he nodded in agreement. “Thanks again for everything. I’m just not used to mooching off anyone.”

      When she pulled out the chair across from him, he saw she’d refilled her mug, too. Like him, she drank her coffee black. “Tell me about yourself, Eric Mikkelson. Why are you moving to the Catskills from sunny and hip California? Is it for a new job or do you have family here?”

      Personal questions. Though instead of immediately putting him on the defensive once again, the friendly, casual way she phrased her questions actually relaxed him. She sounded interested rather than inquisitive. “No family. I moved here to go into a new line of work. I’m planning on opening my own business in town, once I find the perfect space.”

      “Awesome.” To his surprise, she didn’t ask him what kind of business. “But still. Why Forestwood? We’re not exactly a metropolis. We’re barely even on the map.”

      Since he knew from her aura that she, too, was a shifter, he felt comfortable enough to tell her the truth. “Because I read the article about the Drakkor. Any town that will lovingly shelter an individual without knowing or understanding what kind of being she might be is the kind of place where I feel I’ll fit in.”

      At first, she didn’t move. Didn’t comment or respond, just watched him, her big green eyes contemplative. “The Drakkor. After that article was published, we got a lot of tourists. Mostly, they just wanted to see a real, live dragon. But no one actually wanted to move here.”

      “For me, it isn’t about seeing a Drakkor.” The earnestness in his voice surprised him. “It’s about finding friendly people. Neighbors who don’t judge you because you’re different. The sort of kindhearted community where I can raise my son.” He stopped, slightly embarrassed to have revealed so much to a stranger.

      Tilting her head, she considered him. Then a slow smile bloomed, transforming her from really attractive to stunningly beautiful. His heart actually skipped a beat.

      “That’s really pretty damn amazing,” she said finally, her warm voice imbibing the compliment with more.

      What was it about this woman? Though they’d just met the day before, he felt as if he’d known her for a long time. He wasn’t sure what to think about that.

      Instead of allowing himself to bask in the glow of her praise, he turned the discussion to her. “How about you?” he asked. “Were you born and raised here or did you make your way from somewhere else, too?”

      Her smile faded. “I’d never been here before until a month ago. A great-aunt whom I didn’t even know existed died. She left me this house and all the furniture, so I moved here.”

      “What about your job? Did you leave that, too, or are you able to work from home?”

      Ducking her head, she shrugged. “I worked at a few different things. Dog walking, which is really in demand in the city, some waitressing and even some temporary secretarial work. None of it was difficult to leave.”

      “In the city?” He couldn’t help but notice she didn’t say where precisely she’d lived before. Since he’d been open with her, he figured he’d ask. “What city?”

      “New York. Manhattan to be exact.” Again a shadow crossed her face. “Only a couple of hours’ drive from here, but it might as well be across the country.”

      He knew what she meant. The difference between some areas of California was also like that.

      When he finished his second cup of coffee, she poured him more without asking. Then she emptied the last of the pot into her own cup before she sat back down. “So far, I like it here a lot,” she said. “Though I haven’t been here very long. I guess we can learn the town together.”

      Together. What the... No, he was overreacting. No doubt she didn’t mean anything by that. Again, he couldn’t let what had happened with his ex-wife destroy his future. He would be vigilant and careful. And cautious. Yes, cautious. But his new landlord appeared kind and genuine. He would believe her to be so unless she proved otherwise.

      “About watching Garth,” he began. “What’s your experience with infants?”

      “Experience?” Shaking her head, she chuckled. “I just love babies. Always have. I’m not a professional nanny or anything, though I did once have a job working in a day care. Not in the baby room, though. But I’m reasonably sure I can manage taking care of him for an hour while you get groceries.”

      She was right. It wasn’t as if he was asking her to be a full-time nanny. “Sorry.” Glancing at his son, still peacefully sleeping, he sighed. “I’ve never left him with anyone before. I don’t—”

      “Really know me all that well,” she finished for him. “I get it. Believe me, I was only trying to help. If you’d rather take him with you, I completely understand.”

      Her statement brought him a measure of relief. “I’ll think about it,” he said. “Out of curiosity, have you found work here yet or are you still looking?”

      She glanced down, which made his stomach twist, though he wasn’t sure why.

      “Oh.” She flushed. “Right now, I’m still unemployed. My aunt left me a small inheritance as well as this house. I’ve only been here a month and haven’t looked for anything yet.”

      Wishing he hadn’t asked, he tried to lighten the mood. “Well then, we’re two of a kind, since I don’t have a job yet, either.”

      Her smile came back, a quick flash of self-deprecating humor. “I guess we are.”

      Startled, he realized he actually liked Julia Jacobs. At least what he knew about her so far. And he would need someone to watch Garth, at least part-time. For now, he’d keep his eyes open and not make any rash decisions.

      “What kind of work do you do?” she asked.

      Briefly, he considered and decided he didn’t see any harm in telling her the truth. “I was a college professor, but I took a sabbatical when Garth was born. Now, I’m planning to open up a customized car shop. It used to be a hobby, but I’m thinking I can make a living doing it full-time.”

      “Customize cars? Like painting them?”

      “That’s part of it. Restoring older cars to their original condition, only better. Turning them into hot rods.” Oversimplified, but adequate.

      “Interesting.” The little shrug that accompanied her comment told him she either knew zero about cars or didn’t care to. “That’s kind of the polar opposite from higher education, isn’t it?”

      “Maybe.” He smiled. “I figure since I came to the complete other side of the country, I might as well make a major change to my life. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

      “Then good for you.” She smiled back. “Not to be nosy, but what about Garth’s mother? Where is she in all of this?”

      He froze, aware his expression had completely shut down. But she couldn’t know and her question had actually been perfectly reasonable, if a bit intrusive. “She and I are divorced. Turns out she didn’t actually want a child. She signed over all parental rights to me.”

      If they’d been discussing any other subject, her disbelief and shock might have been comical. He could almost read her thoughts. Right now, she was dying to ask what kind of woman could abandon an innocent, tiny baby like Garth. From the grim set of her mouth and the way she’d narrowed her eyes, she must be wondering if Eric’s ex was a monster. He didn’t have the heart to tell her Yolanda actually was.

      When he didn’t comment further, she sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

      Now he felt like an ass. After all, she’d opened her home to him and fed him. She’d been nothing but kind and friendly. “It’s okay,” he finally said. “It’s just a sore subject.”
