A Home For Christmas. Linda Ford

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Название A Home For Christmas
Автор произведения Linda Ford
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474046367

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She patted her chest.

      “Is that what your mama said?” Susan had been such a romantic.

      Annie shook her head. “I just know it. Right, Joey?”

      Joey considered her question. “I don’t know.” At the fear and hope laced through his words, Wade’s throat tightened. Joey was awfully young to be afraid of love, though perhaps he had as much reason as Wade did. But Wade didn’t care to see such doubt in his nephew and decided he would tell a story about a cowboy who loved a lady.

      “She was a beautiful lady,” he said.

      Annie sighed. “Like Missy.”

      Wade didn’t argue the point. How could he when he pictured Missy in the role? Not that he saw himself as the cowboy. Nope, that wasn’t a part he intended to take.

      “This young lady liked to cook and sing and play the piano. She liked children and hoped she could have dozens of them.” He swallowed back a bitter taste in his mouth. How had his story gone from thinking of Missy to thinking of Tomasina?

      “Did she?” Joey asked.

      “What?” He’d gotten lost in his thoughts.

      “Did she have lots of kids?”

      “She did. Six little boys and six little girls.” Might as well make the story big and give it a happier ending than his own.

      “And the cowboy played games with them?” Joey leaned over him, his face so close Wade could smell his little-boy scent. Joey’s eyes were intent. Wade realized play was very important to this child.

      “He sure did. He played ball and chase and tag and taught all the children to ride and rope.”

      Joey flopped to the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “I wish...”

      Wade waited and when Joey didn’t finish he pulled him back to his chest so they stared into each other’s eyes again. “What do you wish?”

      Joey looked at Wade’s chin. “It doesn’t matter.”

      “Hey, it’s Christmas. What better time to wish for something?”

      Joey’s eyes slowly came to Wade’s. “I wish we had a home and...”

      “Our mama and papa.” Annie finished for him.

      Joey flung himself from Wade’s arms and lay stiffly on the bed. “See? I knew it was impossible.”

      “I’ll make sure you have a nice home.”

      Both children sat up and looked at him. “Here? With you?”

      “We’re all going to stay here until I sort things out.”

      The pair looked at each other, their mouths in matching frowns. It was the best he could offer. Someday they would understand that.

      “Miss Porter is going to help look after you.” He hoped they would see it as a fair exchange for him not being able to fulfill their dreams.

      “I like Missy Porter,” Joey said, a goofy look on his face.

      “You should address her as Miss Porter.”

      The boy’s brow furrowed. “What’s the difference between Miss and Missy?”

      “One letter. Y.”

      “Because I was wondering.”

      Wade grinned secretly at Joey’s literal understanding of why and y. It would be fun to watch the kids grow and learn. He clamped down on the thought. He wouldn’t be the one enjoying it.

      Before the sadness could find lodging in his heart, he heard footsteps in the hall. The household was awake. Good. He could get up before the children delved any deeper into the mysteries of life. “Get dressed and then we’ll go to the kitchen.”

      Both children hopped off the bed.

      “Mind you be quiet in case the babies are asleep.”

      Annie’s rushing footsteps stalled. “I wish we had a baby brother or sister.” A ragged breath rushed from her lungs, then she sighed dramatically. “Guess Mary and Martha will have to be my babies.” She trudged to the adjoining room as if she had lost something she valued.

      Wade slipped into his shirt and trousers and began to follow, intending to comfort the child, but he made it as far as the doorway and saw she was dressed and singing to her dolls. He grinned. Drama should have been her middle name. “Are you two ready to go downstairs?”

      They sprang to his side, as eager to go down as he was suddenly reluctant. He did not like uncertainty and at the moment everything about his life was a question. Would the Fort Macleod family continue with adoption plans? How long would it be before he could be on his way to Stuart’s ranch? And most uncertain of all...was he asking for a continual dose of disapproval by enlisting Missy’s help with the children?

      He filled his lungs and squared his shoulders as they reached the bottom step. He was about to find out what he’d gotten himself into.

      * * *

      Missy had been up for some time. She’d made coffee, mixed up biscuits and put them to bake. She’d set the table, sliced bacon and put it to fry.

      Linette had come downstairs several minutes ago, her eyes shadowed. “I think Jonathan has his days and nights mixed up,” she’d said. “I hope we didn’t keep you awake.”

      “Not at all. I had a good sleep.” Apart from a few moments when Missy wondered what she’d gotten herself into by agreeing to care for the children, then insisting Wade be involved. Not that she regretted the first. Not in the least. In fact, her mind flooded with things she could do to make the time special and comforting for the children.

      But with Wade at her side?

      There was something about that man that put her nerves on edge. It was more than the fact she thought him too much like Gordie. Not that she thought him dishonest and living outside the law. No, that wasn’t what bothered her. It was his attitude toward the children. He seemed to be doing his best to be rid of them, and yet he was so obviously fond of them. It was such a strange contrast that she couldn’t decide what to think. But then what did it matter? He’d offered to pay her and she’d take his money, but more than that, she’d enjoy her time with the two children.

      She’d fallen asleep with a smile on her face as she’d played over the scenes with them—opening gifts, going through their belongings, hugging each other, feeling little Annie’s arms about her neck...

      Missy heard a footstep in the hall and turned, a smile filling her face. It was only Eddie. She told herself she wasn’t disappointed and returned to setting out preserves for the biscuits.

      At the sound of more footsteps she looked up again, slowly this time. It was Louise and Nate with baby Chloe.

      Louise looked as if she had gotten little sleep. “Chloe still won’t sleep without being rocked.”

      “You two sit,” Missy told the two new mothers. “I’ll take care of breakfast.” She tended the bacon and broke a dozen eggs into a fry pan.

      “Good morning.”

      At Wade’s greeting she almost dropped the next egg. With one hand pressed to the thudding pulse in her neck, she spun about. His hair was slicked back and his eyes bright. Obviously he’d slept well. A child clung to each hand.

      Annie held her dolls. Joey swung back and forth as if clutching a school yard swing, making Wade sway slightly.

      Missy grinned. “Good morning.” Her gaze rested on each child, then came to Wade.

      He grinned back as if realizing she found Joey’s play amusing. “These two are raring to go.”

      Joey paused. “We’re going to the barn, aren’t we?”
