Love Affairs. Louise Allen

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Название Love Affairs
Автор произведения Louise Allen
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474032827

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popped a slice of lobster cutlet in her mouth, could only look the question.

      ‘Lord Wykeham is her godson,’ Bishopstoke murmured. ‘I think she is wife-hunting on his behalf.’

      Laura disposed of the lobster in two irritable bites. ‘You mean at his request?’

      Bishopstoke nodded. ‘He’s too downy a bird to find himself the victim of a managing old lady’s matrimonial schemes. No doubt he has decided it is time to settle down.’

      ‘I imagine he is perfectly capable of finding himself a spouse without help. He is not a green youth in need of guidance.’ Was he ever? It was difficult to imagine Avery was once as unsophisticatedly open as Piers had been.

      ‘He has been out of the country a great deal and can hardly be familiar with the field, shall we say.’

      ‘The field, as you put it, must be familiar with Lord Wykeham’s standing and reputation, though. They can mark out an eligible bachelor when they see one: titled, wealthy, intelligent, powerful and acceptably good looking. He only has to stand around and the pack will hunt him down, if that is not mixing our metaphors somewhat.’

      Mr Bishopstoke gave a snort of laughter. ‘If you find him only acceptable, then the rest of us must surely give up the contest. I have it on the authority of all my sisters that the man is a positive Adonis.’

      ‘Hmm. Are you not a trifle tactless in discussing Lady Birtwell’s motives with someone who might be one of the field, Bishopstoke?’

      ‘Would you have him? You will never give any of the rest of us a second’s serious consideration, cruel one.’

      ‘Oh, poor Bishopstoke! And I never realised you were dying of love for me.’ She spared him a teasing pout and flutter of her lashes before she recalled her determination to be done with such nonsense. ‘I am sure I am too scandalous for Lord Wykeham. Besides, there is a slight problem with his impeccable credentials, is there not?’

      ‘The child, you mean? Would that matter to you?’

      ‘No.’ She made a show of considering it. ‘Not if I liked the man.’

      ‘And you do not even like him?’ Bishopstoke raised an eyebrow. ‘You amaze me, Lady Laura. Wykeham is being held up as a paragon of desirability.’

      ‘I find him arrogant, manipulative—’

      ‘Both useful characteristics in his profession, wouldn’t you say? The hauteur to maintain his country’s position and the ability to turn people and events to his will.’

      ‘Admirable in a diplomat, but not comfortable characteristics in a husband, though.’

      ‘Aha! Wicked girl, you want a man you can dominate.’

      ‘Of course. And if I found one that I could, then I would despise him for it. Do you wonder I have not married?’

      ‘It will have to be a marriage of equals for you then, Lady Laura my dear.’ He raised a glass. ‘Here is to that impossible creature, a man who is your equal.’

      Laura forced a smile and touched her glass to his. ‘To a mythical beast, I fear.’

      * * *

      Lady Birtwell withdrew with the ladies after dessert, leaving the gentlemen in no doubt that they were not to linger over their port and nuts. Laura drifted over to the married ladies, unwilling to join the unmarried ones who, she was certain, would be chattering about the gentlemen and comparing their virtues. Or lack of them.

      ‘Lady Laura, how pleasant to see you again. Such a sad business, the loss of your parents.’ Lady Herrick patted the sofa next to her. ‘Come and tell me how you get on these days. Who is chaperoning you?’

      ‘My mother’s cousin, Lady Carstairs.’ She really must write and confirm the arrangements with Cousin Florence or word would get around that she was living scandalously alone with only the servants to maintain the proprieties and that would just about finish her reputation. Lady Herrick looked around and Laura added hastily, ‘Lady Birtwell is chaperoning me here. I hardly liked to impose another guest on the party when I know I can rely on her.’

      ‘She is a notable matchmaker, our hostess. I have hopes that she will steer someone suitable in the direction of my Emma.’ Lady Herrick nodded in the direction of her daughter, a very shy brunette who was hovering on the fringes of the group of girls.

      ‘There are a number of eligible gentlemen here, certainly.’

      ‘And one for you perhaps, my dear.’ Lady Herrick lowered her voice. ‘Lord Hillinger, perhaps?’

      Lord Hillinger was forty, a widower with two daughters and a passion for racing. His looks were distinguished, his stomach flat, his hair all his own and his fortune large. ‘He is certainly a most eligible gentleman, from what I hear,’ Laura agreed with caution.

      ‘You have not met him? He is a connection of my husband’s family, I will introduce you. See, the gentlemen have returned to us.’ She waved to the third man through the door and he bowed slightly and came over. ‘Max, my dear, may I present you to Lady Laura Campion? Lady Laura, Lord Hillinger.’

      They exchanged greetings and the earl took the chair opposite them and launched into perfectly unexceptionable small talk. Laura reciprocated with half her attention. She could discuss the Prince Regent’s latest building projects in her sleep.

      ‘I’m not certain Nash is the man for the job, though,’ Lord Hillinger remarked. ‘What do you think, Wykeham? Is Nash the man to create what Prinny wants down in Brighton?’

      Laura was sure the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up as Avery’s deep voice came from right behind her. ‘Depends whether Nash can pander to the Regent’s shockingly bad taste. If he can, then he’ll do as dire a job as any architect. If he tries for restraint or elegance, he’ll be out on his ear. He’s got an eye to the main chance though, so no doubt he will prostitute his talents to order.’

      ‘Lord Wykeham!’ Lady Herrick turned with a shake of her head for his choice of words. ‘How nice to see you again. It seems an age since we met at the Congress, does it not? Come and sit down, do.’

      He could hardly refuse, Laura realised, not without being unacceptably rude to the older woman. Avery came round the end of the sofa and took the other armchair in the little conversation-grouping.

      ‘Do you know Lady Laura, Wykeham?’ Lady Herrick was obviously more than happy to introduce Laura to men she would not consider suitable for her own, very young, daughter.

      ‘We are acquainted, yes, ma’am.’ There was nothing but polite acknowledgment in his slight bow to Laura and she flattered herself that no one could read a thing in her careful social smile in return. ‘Do you have an opinion on the planned works to the Pavilion, Lady Laura?’

      ‘They will certainly add to its entertainment value for those who spend the summer in Brighton. Whether it is an aesthetic experience or a circus show remains to be seen. Are you familiar with Brighton, Lord Wykeham?’

      ‘Only on the most fleeting visits when it has been necessary to report to his royal highness. I may consider it for a summer break this year. I imagine my daughter would enjoy the seaside.’

      Beside her Laura felt Lady Herrick stiffen so she kept her voice light. ‘The beach is pebbles, unfortunately. But it is safe for swimming and her governess could take her out in a donkey cart. And there are delightful walks.’

      The older woman relaxed, reassured, presumably, that Laura was not going to faint at the mention of the scandalous love child. ‘Will you excuse me? I see my daughter wishes to speak to me.’ The men rose and then sat again as she swept off.

      ‘And boat trips,’ Laura added, rather desperately. She really did not want to be talking to Avery at all, not in public and certainly not in front of anyone else. ‘And the air is very healthy. Do you not agree, Lord Hillinger?’
