The Military K-9 Unit Collection. Valerie Hansen

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Название The Military K-9 Unit Collection
Автор произведения Valerie Hansen
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474096003

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you die. So as long as I get out of here safe and sound...” He held up a remote detonator. “Then your boyfriend won’t die. Unless I need the distraction, in which case...boom.”

      The air in Serena’s lungs swooshed out, and her stomach plummeted. How long of a range did the detonator have? She couldn’t take the chance he’d blow Jason up once they were away from the shack. “I’ll go with you only if you promise to give me the detonator.” She held out her hand.

      His lips stretched over his teeth as he slipped the device back into his pocket. “Sure. I can do that once we are at the border to Mexico.”

      He was toying with her and enjoying it. Frustration pounded at her temples.

      “Do your job, Serena. Don’t worry about me.”

      Jason’s words sliced through her. She met his gaze. “I’ll do what I have to.” To keep them both alive.

      Boyd put a hand on her shoulder and marched her out the door. She scanned the trees for signs of backup but saw no one. She was glad to see Ginger had obeyed her command. Serena hoped the little dog was in the woods far from harm.

      “See, no one is here.” Serena twisted to face the killer. “Give me the detonator, and you can go free.”

      A scrap of noise lifted the hairs at the back of her neck. She slanted a glance sideways. A blur of red and white raced around the edge of the shack. Ginger!

      The killer spun toward the oncoming threat.

      Taking advantage of the distraction, Serena knocked the rifle aside and did a leg sweep, taking Boyd out at the knees. He fell backward like a giant tree. She stepped on the hand still clinging to the rifle and planted her other boot on his throat as she drew her weapon.

      His right hand went for his pocket.

      She stepped harder on his throat. “Hands up!”

      Men and women from the Sheriff’s Department and the FBI exploded onto the scene from behind the nearest trees. Deputy Mike Burnside and FBI agent Oliver Davison rushed up the stairs.

      Mike patted Serena awkwardly on the back. “We’ve got him, Serena. You can stand down.”

      “He has a remote detonator in his front right pocket.”

      Agent Davison took the device out and handed it to another agent. “We need to get everyone back to let the bomb tech do his thing.”

      The Red Rose Killer was handcuffed, arrested and led away.

      Knees weak with relief, Serena stumbled back into the shack. She had to see Jason. They weren’t out of danger yet.

      “He’s been arrested,” she told Jason. Tension radiated off him. “A bomb tech is here to defuse the explosive.”

      Despite the sweat dripping down his forehead and his hands clenching and unclenching, one corner of his mouth lifted. “Good to know.”

      Agent Davison stepped inside. “Deputy Evans, I need you to leave now. Our bomb expert will take over.”

      She shook her head. “I’m not leaving him.”

      “Serena, please. Go.” Jason sounded close to the breaking point.

      She allowed Agent Davison to escort her out of the shack. Ginger waited for her at the bottom of the stairs. They followed Agent Davison until they were a safe distance away. Huge lights were being set up around the perimeter. Through the trees she could make out headlights of vehicles.

      “Deputy Evans, get over here right now!” The sheriff’s gravelly voice rang out through the trees. She squinted through the lights and could barely make him out standing fifty feet away.

      She waved her hand indicating she’d heard him, but she wasn’t budging from where she stood. Ginger leaned against Serena’s legs as if offering her support.

      As a man dressed in a Tyvek explosive suit entered the shack, Serena closed her eyes and prayed.


      Ten agonizing minutes later, Jason and the bomb tech emerged from the dark shack.

      Elated at the sight of the tall cowboy, Serena bolted up the steps and flung herself into Jason’s arms. He hugged her tight and captured her lips for a deep, life-affirming kiss.

      Stunned and bemused, she returned the kiss, losing herself in the sensation and warmth of his touch. Relief that he was safe melted through her limbs.

      A throat cleared, reminding her they weren’t alone. She pulled back to stare into Jason’s brown eyes. “We got him and we’re safe.”

      He flashed a grin. “Yes, we are. You’re my hero.”

      A flush of pleasure coursed through her veins. “What was that you were saying about when this was all said and done?”

      “We’ll get to that.” His words held a promise she tucked into her heart. He slipped an arm around her waist and led her down the stairs with Ginger at their heels.

      Serena quickly introduced Jason to the FBI agent.

      As the two men shook hands, Jason said, “Agent Davison, we need to talk. I was able to get useful information out of the killer.”

      “Wonderful,” the agent replied. “Good job.”

      The sheriff strode forward and stuck out his hand. “Mr. Hargrove. Well done.”

      “I’m not the hero,” Jason said loudly and he pulled Serena in front of him and put his hands on her shoulders. “It was all Deputy Evans. She took down the Red Rose Killer. She deserves the credit.”

      Serena’s throat closed out of embarrassment. She didn’t need Jason fighting her battles. She met the sheriff’s narrowed gaze and lifted her chin. “We did it together.”

      Jason stepped to her side and draped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her attention back to him. “Naw, it was all you and Ginger.” The dog let out a woof as if in agreement.

      The affection in his eyes set her heart fluttering. She wished they were alone so she could explore the feelings gathering within her.

      “Deputy Evans.” The sheriff’s harsh voice broke the moment.

      She swung her gaze back to him. But then Mayor McIntyre rushed forward, forcing the sheriff and Jason to step aside. She hugged Serena. “I was crazy worried.”

      Serena hugged the woman back. “Me, too.”

      Releasing the mayor, Serena turned her attention to the sheriff. She owed the man an apology. “I’m sorry I disregarded your orders, sir. But I had a lead and I had to follow it.” And she would again if it meant taking someone like the Red Rose Killer out of commission.

      Grudging respect shone in the old man’s eyes. “You did good, kid. We’re all proud of you.”

      She nearly fell over at the words. “Thank you, sir.”

      Jason touched her elbow, drawing her attention. “I’m going with Agent Davison. We’ll talk soon.”

      She watched him walk away, marveling that God had spared them both. But what did the future hold for them?

      * * *

      Three days later Serena dressed in her best sheriff’s uniform and put her hair in its customary braid. Ginger was washed and groomed, her coat shiny beneath her Sheriff’s Department vest. They were ready to go. Yet she hesitated at the front door, not relishing leaving the house.

      Ever since the news broke about the capture and arrest of the Red Rose Killer, the media had been camped outside her home wanting an interview. Everyone was saying she was a hero, but really if Ginger hadn’t distracted Boyd, Serena wasn’t sure what would have happened.
