Rancher Rescue. Barb Han

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Название Rancher Rescue
Автор произведения Barb Han
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия Mills & Boon Intrigue
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472050014

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was all she had.

      Looking into her violet eyes, damned if he wasn’t the one who wanted to put it there.

      A knock at the door had him to his feet faster than he could tack a horse, and tossing a throw blanket toward Katherine.

      Caleb led Jimmy and Matt into the study. After a quick introduction, Jimmy advanced toward Katherine, carrying a phone. “Found this along the tree line by the Reynolds’ place. Look familiar?”

      “Yes, thank you. That looks like mine.” Katherine’s eyes sparkled with the first sign of optimism since Caleb had found her in the woods. She checked the screen. “Seven missed calls and a voice mail.”

      Another knock sounded at the door. Caleb walked Sheriff Coleman into the study a moment later, before moving to her side. The hope in her eyes was another hint of light in the middle of darkness and blackness, and every worst fear realized.

      “Put it on speaker.”

      “I’m praying the message is from the kidnappers, but I’m scared it’s them, too.”

      Caleb tensed. “Whatever’s on that phone, we’ll deal with it.”

      Her gaze locked on to his as she held up the cell and listened.

      “What’s wrong with the boy? You have twenty-four hours to help me figure it out and get me the file. I’ll call back with instructions. No more games. Think about it. Tick. Tock.”


      Caleb took the phone and scanned the log. “Private number.” He looked at Coleman. “There any way to trace this call?”

      “Doubt it. They’re probably smart enough to use a throwaway. We’ll check anyway.” Coleman scribbled fresh notes. “You mentioned the file before. Has anything come to mind since we last spoke?”

      Katherine shook her head. “I’ve been guessing they mean a computer file, but I’m not positive. It could be anything.”

      Outside, gravel spewed underneath tires. Caleb moved to the window. Two dark SUVs with blacked-out windows came barreling down the drive. “Sheriff, you tell anybody you were coming here?”

      Coleman shook his head. “Didn’t even tell my dispatcher.”

      Katherine’s eyes pleaded. She wrapped the blanket around her tighter, clutching the stuffed rabbit Jimmy had handed her. “I don’t have the first clue what file they’re talking about. As soon as they realize it, they’ll kill us both. Don’t let them near me.”

      “Dammit. They must’ve followed someone here. The sheriff can cover for us.” Caleb pulled Katherine to her feet as she gripped her handbag. He moved to the kitchen door, stopping long enough for her to slip on her sandals before looking back at his men.

      “Can you cover me?”

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