Big Sky Daddy. Linda Ford

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Название Big Sky Daddy
Автор произведения Linda Ford
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Montana Marriages
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472073242

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eyes widened and then she ducked her head.

      Oh glory, he’d been staring long enough to make her uncomfortable.

      He bent over Teddy and stroked one of the cats. Lilly hurried over to the other cow and started milking.

      “What’s her name?” Teddy asked.

      “This is Bossy.”

      Did Caleb detect a note of relief in her voice, as if she were happy to be talking about cows again?

      Teddy seemed to consider the name for a moment. “Is that ’cause she’s mean?”

      “No, she just likes to do things the same way and if I try to change anything, she insists otherwise.”

      Teddy brightened. “That’s like Papa.”

      Caleb stared at his son. “Me? Why would you say that?”

      “You always put your boots in the exact spot every night. Once I moved them ’cause I wanted something and you made me put them back. You always make me sleep on the same side of you even when I want to sleep on the other side. And every morning, you stare at the fire until the coffee is ready. And you tell me not to talk until you have your coffee.”

      It was all true. “That doesn’t mean I’m like Bossy. I can change if I want.” He stole a glance at Lilly. She had her head pressed to the cow’s flank, but—he narrowed his eyes—her shoulders were shaking. “You find this funny?”

      She nodded without lifting her head.

      He crossed his arms and considered the two of them. Teddy innocently petting a lap full of cats. Lilly trying to hide her amusement.

      So his son considered him inflexible. Stuck in a routine. As for the coffee, he simply had to get his first cup before his brain started to perk. It didn’t mean he was bossy or stuck in a rut.

      Lilly gasped, tipped her head back and laughed aloud. She held up a hand to indicate she wanted to say something as soon as she could speak.

      He waited, none too patiently. Did the woman intend to spend the rest of the day laughing?

      She swiped her hand across her eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh, but if you could see your expression...” She chuckled some more and then tried to press back her amusement, but it showed clearly in her eyes.

      From a deep well within, one that felt rusty with disuse, a trickle of laughter escaped. It grew in volume and intensity. He laughed. And laughed. And continued to laugh until his insides felt washed with freshwater. Until his stomach hurt. Until he realized Lilly and Teddy were watching him with wide smiles.

      He sobered and drew in a deep breath. “I guess it is funny to realize a five-year-old has been taking note of my habits.”

      She grinned. “It’s kind of sweet if you think about it.”

      He couldn’t seem to break from her warm gaze. It was as if she approved of him. No. That wasn’t it at all. Really, it was as if she approved of the way he and Teddy were together.

      Bossy tossed her head.

      “Okay. Okay.” Lilly turned her attention to the cow. “I’m done. I’ll let you go.”

      If Caleb had a lick of good sense left, he’d be done, too. He’d be on his way before his brain got any more affected by this woman.

      Only he couldn’t break the promise he’d made to Teddy. He’d stay the night, enjoy one day of being part of a normal family. Then he’d return to the Caldwells and his job with his resolve renewed and his face set to reach his goal.

      He’d dare not linger overlong at the Bell place and risk losing his job with the Caldwells.

      Not that he was tempted. Not at all.

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