Cosmic religion of Maitreya. Галина Музаева

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Название Cosmic religion of Maitreya
Автор произведения Галина Музаева
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 2020
isbn 978-5-04-112111-2

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d bodies from pollution. This is a very delicate and complex work that requires special physical and spiritual training, which is not typical of the ordinary representative of the human race.

      During the sessions of communication with Space, especially important projects were transferred – tasks which were accompanied by drawings and diagrams.

      The activities of our contactors in the astral space and on the Earth were planned, regulated, carefully monitored, and evaluated accordingly.

      Those of my disciples who were adherents of the Tsagan Aawa, who learned the knowledge, passed through the steps of high spiritual ascent, withstood the system of tests, were gifted with space energy, in particular, with the gift of healing.

      Dear readers, when reading a book, the manner and style of presentation of the material will sometimes seem to you a little strange, unusual, paradoxical. There we are talking about the transcript of the “solar” language and its translation into Russian.

      It turned out that our dictionary collections lack adequate concepts and terms. In addition, every language has idiomatic momentum that cannot be accurately translated. We are dealing with a very different thought process, its way, and our alphabet is not able to display all the semantic richness of the solar language.

      It is no accident that the entire systems of special devices designed by mankind and sending signals into Space cannot establish contact with intelligent beings of extraterrestrial galaxies.

      These and many other difficulties affected the texts translated by me and the contacts.

      At the same time, we are immensely glad that the daughters and sons of multinational Kalmykia[1] managed to receive this kind of information about the cosmic religion of Maitreya.

      In conclusion, dear readers, I would like to note that books of such content have been published in Russia and in a number of other countries, but this is only the beginning of an amazing dialogue with Space.

Bakshi (teacher, mentor) of the community “Revival”,Professor of folk medicine Galina Muzaeva

      Off-Site Ceremonies in Kalmykia: Cleansing the Area and Human Souls

A trip to the village Tsagan-Usn[2]. 15.07.2000

      This day is a special day. We accept the power of prayer – the prayer of purification. The power that the gods gave us. We lived up to their hope. You are united by unity and the melody of prayer. The prayer of purification is carried by the wind through the steppe, through the streets, into the houses, opens the eyes, ears, and finally, the soul, cleansing the nation, healing the people, pointing to simple human happiness.

      The lands cleared by you will be a help in your movements on your land. These lands will give you the power that will give you the opportunity to safely walk on your hard way. The old generation has seen today the enlightenment, the power of the faith of the young, and has given you the way to the pursuit of perfection. Without our word, without our approval, you couldn’t have done anything. So, open your souls, open your eyes, your ears, hear your thoughts. We’re with you, we lead you. Your credo: without anger, without envy, without greed. And then you can live the law of Life, love, and creation. YOU SEARCHED, YOU FOUND, YOU FOUND EACH OTHER, DO NOT LOSE… This man has experienced the same thing but has not yet realized everything – help him. Don’t judge each other. Love as a simple man with his little shortcomings, bow down to him when he says or does something by the direction of God. You feel the word of God.

Rite Aryabal. Prayer “Om Mani Badme hum”. 17.07.2000

      Higher power: We want to tell you that we love you all very much. It’s lucky we’re all together. Fear nothing, the gods are with you. Faith will save you. Believe it, a person can be so good that he does not need anything except prayer. Pray, pray, pray… I want to hug you all. Ask each other for forgiveness. Today is the day of love for all people. You get the power, give it to the people. Say, don’t be afraid. You’re close.

Bulletin of Mars. 20.07.2000

      Everything comes from the star. It’s on your forehead, Blue and Red. She leads you to her, she’s a Guiding star, you know who she is.

      You had it at 12. We gave it to you alone… So, take it now. This summer is the summer of your hopes, all your dreams. We’ll take you and you’ll know it’s true. Give up the bad. We came, we are with you, we are in you. Poplar will be the star for you.

      It’ll be the same day as when you were 12. Wait for him and take what you didn’t take at 12. Understand – this is your strength!!!

Kegshin Tsagan Aawa – the Father-Creator. 23.07.2000

      Mahakala: Lepers need to be cleaned, to give them the opportunity to feel the purity. And how they feel it – it depends on themselves. Your work is only in purification.

      The Father-Creator:1) start praying, 2) open yourself, 3) take a notebook and a pen, 4) and write, write, write, 5) do not be afraid – it’s us, 6) do not think about what we dictate to you. Then reread it and you’ll know it’s us, 7) take all Teacher.

      Give instructions to your family. Please be quiet. You’re confusing everything. I’m asking you not to make noise! At least for starters. Vitya, now you have to help your sister. She is having a hard time; the beginning is always hard. You don’t think, no one’s pressuring you, you’re taking it all wrong. She’s just having a hard time. Be with her, be her support. I love you.

      Mahakala: I’m glad you’re working with people. But you work on yourself a few, a lot of laziness. You are lazy, you block, you do not give yourself information. If you continue this, we will punish you and we don’t very much like it.

      White Tara: You have no idea what lies ahead. You will heal the most serious diseases, the dirtiest and “incurable” not only with milk but also with those objects that will be lowered to you, which will be our strength. You have to work out in the same spirit in which you are currently working. Do not stop, you will learn the power of medicinal herbs (steppe, i. e. yours). But remember purification first. Cleansing with milk, prayer, mercy, and then everything else. Everything must be through purification.

Zunda[3], Iki-Burulskiy district. Prayer house

      You’re doing a great job…

      You are already strong and see the tasks set before you. You noticed that for a moment this house turned out to be your home. Believe me, you will still have many such houses where they will be waiting for you… houses, lands, people, cities, villages. You have given the opportunity to stand on your feet to those people who are connected with you. You should know – this is only the beginning. People hear from you their native, forgotten, old, but their own. It exalts. In their Homeland, with their relatives, with their own prayer, the possibilities are endless. Improve, unite, trust each other. Hold hands and go.

      Your teacher is your God. She will go forward without you; you will not come anywhere without her. She can do anything without you; you cannot do anything without her.

White Tara. 24.07.2000

      Your strength depends on your purity. Purity depends on your prayer. Prayer comes from your mind. Improve your mind. Listen more to the people around you, draw conclusions for yourself, not judging anyone, strive for the best. Don’t forget your beginning…

Khar Tolga[4]. 02.08.2000

      For the future: whatever offense, anger was, do not put at risk all faith, all goals, and deeds. Do not forget that there is a difference when a person makes or speaks with the mouth of God and when he is just a man with his little shortcomings.

      Don’t put the young faith at risk. There’s a difference between young and mature faith. Young people are more vulnerable.

Higher power. 02.08.2000

      Today was a visual refinement to a group of people. Believe me, it was not in vain. Today you have seen and heard the language of Satan. Your people should be able to distinguish and destroy the language


The Republic of Kalmykia (Russian: Респу́блика Калмы́кия; Kalmyk: Хальмг Таңһч, Haľmg Tañğç) is a federal subject of Russia (a republic). Kalmykia is the only region in Europe where Buddhism is the most-practiced religion, with Buddhists constituting a plurality of the population. Elista, the capital of the republic, has gained an international reputation for international chess competitions. The republic is located in the southwestern part of European Russia. Being just north of the North Caucasus, it borders, clockwise, with Volgograd Oblast in the northwest and north, Astrakhan Oblast in the north and east, Dagestan in the south, Stavropol Krai in the southwest, and with Rostov Oblast in the west. It is washed by the Caspian Sea in the southeast [].


Tsagan-Usn (Kalm. Tsagan Usn, literally White Water) – a village in the Yashkulskiy District of Kalmykia. The population is 511 people [All-Russian population census 2010].


Zunda Tolga (Kalm. Zunda Tolga, literally Zunda Hill) – the village in Iki-Burulskiy district of Kalmykia. The population is 308 people [Scheme of territorial planning of Iki-Burulskiy RMO RK. Permanent population as of 1 January 2012].


Khar Tolga (Kalm. Khar Tolga, literally Black Hill) – village in Yashkulskiy district of Kalmykia. The population is 381 people [Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of 1 January 2017].