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      John tightened his grip on Faith’s leg.

      “Separation anxiety,” Faith informed her. “This phase of child-rearing is wearing me out.” She shifted Lacey again, bouncing up and down to get her daughter to calm down. Seemed both her children were on the same wavelength.

      Grace rose. “What can I do?”

      Faith nodded over her shoulder. “John’s favorite truck is on the couch.”

      Grace tossed her purse on the sagging chair and fetched the toy. Once again on John’s level, she held it out to him. “Here you go, buddy. Want to play cars?”

      John sniffled, looked up at Faith, then eased his death grip. After a few tentative steps, he walked to Grace. Once the truck had his full attention, Grace rose, questions on the tip of her tongue.

      “Let me get Lacey a bottle,” Faith said. “Then we can talk.”

      “That’ll give me a few minutes to change.”

      Grace disappeared into one of the two bedrooms and quickly shucked her work clothes for a hot pink T-shirt, denim shorts and pink sneakers, then quickly joined her sister in the kitchen.

      Faith was preparing a bottle as Grace walked in and she handed Lacey to her while she finished the job. Inhaling the scent of powder and just plain baby, Grace tried to settle down her fussy niece.

      “When Mama told me you were coming home, I should have known you’d escape here,” Faith said loudly over Lacey’s crying. “As soon as I stepped foot inside the cabin earlier today, I knew someone had aired out the place. Figured it was you after nosing around. Nice outfits, by the way.”

      “Thank you?”

      Faith chuckled. “My first instinct was to leave, but I didn’t want to go home to Lyle or explain to Mama that we aren’t seeing eye to eye. Again.”

      “How long has this been going on?”

      After testing the formula to make sure it was the correct temperature, Faith rubbed the nipple over Lacey’s lips until the baby opened up and started drinking. Silence reigned. “Let’s sit so I can keep an eye on John.”

      Heading back into the living room, Faith collected Lacey from Grace and took a seat in an armchair to feed her daughter, while Grace sat on the nearby couch, tucking one leg under the other.

      “Uncle Roy didn’t tell me you were staying here.”

      Grace grimaced. “Probably on purpose.” Obviously their uncle thought the way to get the sisters speaking to each other again was to stick them in the same cabin. Talk about tough love.

      “I can call him. See about moving over to his place.”

      “He rented his cabin.”

      Faith did a double take. “This is news. Since when?”

      “A day ago.”

      “That doesn’t sound like Uncle Roy.”

      “It might have something to do with a woman he met on his trip.”

      “A woman?”

      “Long story, but when I thought someone was breaking into his cabin last night, I discovered a new tenant. When I called to confirm, Uncle Roy mentioned that he’d extended the trip.” She grinned. “I heard a female voice in the background so I had to ask.”

      “Wow. I don’t know whether to be pleased or confused. Since when did he start dating?”

      Grace shrugged. “Beats me.”

      “I wonder if Mama knows.”

      “Are you kidding? If she did, we’d have gotten an earful by now.” Grace picked at a thread in the couch fabric. “Besides, this is Golden. He probably wants to keep any potential romance private for now.”

      “I can sympathize. Privacy is hard-earned in Golden.” Faith shifted in the chair. “I hate to admit this to you, but you’re going to hear about it anyway.” She took a deep breath, then blew it out in a hearty gust. “My bad decisions have finally come back to bite me. Big-time.”

      Shocked that Faith would admit her failings to her, Grace said, “You know I’d help you if you’d let me.”

      “Right.” Sarcasm twisted her tone. “Like always. Grace to the rescue.”

      Grace opened her mouth to defend herself, then pursed her lips together, before saying, “Look, I don’t want to fight. Since we’re both staying here, can we agree on some kind of truce?”

      More than anything Grace wanted to end the impasse they’d been perpetuating since they were teens. With Daddy long gone, Mama needing help and Grace once again dropping everything to save the day—as they’d see it—her siblings would resent her for it.

      Faith’s tone was begrudging when she said, “I suppose we can handle a truce.”

      She’d been expecting an uphill battle. Faith’s words came as a surprise. “I know things haven’t been—”


      “—in a long time. I hate that we can’t sit in the same room and carry on a conversation.”

      “Don’t put that on me.”

      Dejection swamped Grace. “Are you ever going to let it go about Daddy?”

      Faith could fix it right here, right now, by working with Grace instead of fighting her, but Grace worried old habits died hard.

      “We were kids, Faith. Stuff happened. You have to know I never meant to get Daddy in trouble.”

      “Yeah, but he did and it changed everything.”

      “So I’m guilty forever?” Grace brushed her hair behind her ear. “Mama still expects Daddy to come waltzing through the door like nothing happened. You still hold a grudge for my part in that, and all the other things we fought about when we were kids. And Nathan...where is he by the way?”

      “I have no clue.”


      An uncomfortable silence blanketed the room. John filled it with his sunny chatter about cars and trucks while Lacey dozed off as her belly filled. Maybe it was time to leave the past where it belonged, in the past, and make strides toward becoming closer.

      “We’re family,” Grace continued. “I know I’ll mostly be working while I’m here, but I’d really like to catch up.”

      A strange look flitted over Faith’s face. She opened her mouth and Grace waited on pins and needles to find out what was going on in her sister’s mind when John carried his truck over to Grace. Frustration mounted as the moment passed and whatever Faith was going to say slipped away.

      “Don’t mind him,” Faith said instead. “He’s obsessed with anything on wheels, sleeping with his favorite truck and demanding to watch programs on television about heavy machinery.”

      Lacey had fallen asleep, snuggled against her mother. A rush of love for her niece consumed Grace. Reaching over, she ran a finger over the baby’s soft skin. Lacey shifted and Faith rose to carry her to the crib she’d set up in the second bedroom. Grace was on the floor with John when she returned, racing his little cars around.

      “Dirt,” John said, holding up his truck.

      “Code word for take me outside,” Faith said. “Not now, John. Your sister is sleeping.”

      Not sure how Faith would react to Grace’s suggestion, she said, “I can take him outside if it’s okay with you. You look like you could use a breather.”

      Relief softened Faith’s features. “Are you sure? My sister, the big-time attorney, actually asking to play with a four-year-old?”

      She tried not