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responsible for the photographs. I just want to hear any stories you have from the days before Mustang Village was built. For inspiration.”

      They entered the half-empty restaurant and were promptly seated.

      “If I do, you’ll fall asleep,” Conner said, opening his menu.

      “I doubt that. The last thing you are is boring.”

      He looked up at her.

      When their gazes connected, a zing went through Dallas, half warm and pleasant, half...


      So much for keeping their relationship professional.

      Was he feeling it, too? Did he also sometimes think about what might have been?

      Attempting to distract herself, she perused the diner’s daily specials and waited for her unpredictable stomach to protest. It didn’t. Whew. She wasn’t going to embarrass herself in front of Conner.

      After giving their orders to the waitress, he removed a pen from his shirt pocket and began making notes on a paper napkin. “I was thinking of Saturday for our trip into the mountains. Unless you have plans for the weekend.”

      “No plans.” She peered at the list he was making, tilting her head and reading upside down. Water, snacks, twine, a tarp, a map, GPS, first aid kit, rain ponchos.

      “Is eight o’clock too early?” He continued to scribble as he talked.

      “No. I’m up at six most days.”

      “Any preference on a mount?”

      “Just something broke. Very broke. Like, if there’s a freak earthquake while we’re out, the horse won’t so much as swish his tail.”

      Conner’s brows drew together. “You’re an experienced rider, aren’t you?”

      “Yes, but I’d rather not take any chances.”

      “If you’re worried about the trails being rugged, we can always take the easier ones.”

      “It’s not that.” She set her fork down, suddenly nervous.

      “What then?”

      She hadn’t planned on making any announcements until she started showing.

      “Well.” She mustered a smile while rubbing her damp palms on her slacks. “I’m pregnant.”

      Conner spilled several drops of coffee onto the table before managing to steady his mug. “Pregnant! Wha...when?”

      “When did I find out? A couple weeks ago. And to answer both questions you’re too polite to ask, yes, Richard knows about the baby and no, we didn’t discover I was pregnant until after we’d called off the engagement.”

      Chapter Two

      Twice in one morning Dallas had thrown Conner for a loop. First, when she’d told him about her broken engagement. Then the really big bombshell.

      She was pregnant. With Richard’s baby.

      A hundred thoughts raced through Conner’s head. First and foremost, there went the possibility of him asking her on a date.

      “Do you think it’s wise, riding a horse in your condition?”

      “The thought occurred to me, too. What if we took ATVs?”

      “Motorized vehicles aren’t allowed in the preserve.” Conner shook his head. “We’ll cancel the trip. Gavin can find another photographer.”

      “I’m doing this. With or without you.”

      He’d forgotten how stubborn she could be when she set her mind to something.

      “I know the book’s important to you,” he stated.

      “Honestly, I don’t think you have any idea. Yes, it will educate people on the plight of wild mustangs. And the profits will benefit the sanctuary. But this book has the potential to launch my career. Take it to an entirely new level.” She continued in a gentler tone. “It may also be my last opportunity before the baby’s born.”

      “What if you’d fallen off that fence earlier?” Conner asked. “You might have been hurt. Or worse.”

      “What if you walk in front of a moving car when we leave the diner? There are no guarantees in life.”

      “And no reason to take foolish chances—which riding a horse when you’re pregnant is.”

      “You said yourself we can take the easy trails.”

      “Not happening.” He could be as stubborn as Dallas. “And don’t think you can find someone else. I’ll put the word out. Most cowboys in these parts are my friends.”

      Dallas startled him by reaching across the table for his hand, slipping her fingers easily, naturally, into his. “I appreciate your concern.”

      Conner stared at their joined hands, unable to tear his gaze away. The rest of what she said dissolved into a jumble of unintelligible words.

      Her fingers, with their pink-tipped nails, were delicate and soft as silk. He could imagine them stroking his cheek or caressing his arm. Imagine lifting her hand to his mouth and brushing his lips across her warm, smooth skin.

      He suddenly straightened, reason prevailing.

      She was pregnant. With Richard’s baby.

      He should not, under any circumstances, be having these kinds of thoughts about her.

      “Please, Conner.” Her index finger drew tiny circles on the back of his knuckles. “There isn’t anyone else I want to work with on this assignment.”

      So much for reason prevailing.

      Instead of telling her to stop, he prayed she would go on indefinitely.

      “Does, um, Gavin know about the baby?” he managed to ask in a hoarse voice.

      “No.” The tracing of circles abruptly stopped. “I haven’t told him.”

      “Because you’re afraid he wouldn’t give you the job?”

      “I’m only ten weeks along.” She withdrew her hand and squared her shoulders. “I can do this. My pregnancy will not interfere. And if you’re considering telling Gavin—”

      “I’m not telling him.” Conner picked up his coffee mug. It didn’t feel anywhere near as nice as Dallas’s fingers. The haze surrounding his brain, however, had dissipated. “You are.”


      “Seriously, Dallas. He has a right to know.”

      “Are you making that a stipulation of working with me?”

      “No. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.” He’d also do whatever was necessary to protect her.

      “Except into the mountains.”

      “Not until you tell Gavin and he agrees.”

      “You’ll let me ride a horse?”

      “Hell, no!” His loud response had several heads swiveling in their direction.

      “You just said—”

      “We’ll take the wagon. Less jarring than on horseback.”

      Her eyes lit up. “I’ve never ridden in a wagon before.”

      “We can’t go everywhere we could on horseback.”

      “What about the canyon where you captured Prince?”

      “I’ll check the maps, verify the trails. We might have to take a longer route, but we’ll get there.”

      She sat back, a satisfied and most appealing grin