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placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the exit, the subtle pressure conjuring up memories of how much his touch affected her. And why did he have to look so good?

      “So where would you like to go?” Donovan asked, breaking into her thoughts.

      “There’s a bar and grill not too far from here.” She told him the name and street address.

      “I know where that is.”

      “Okay. I’ll meet you there.” She started in the direction of her car, and he caught her hand.

      “Ah, I don’t think so.” He shook his head. “A gentleman wouldn’t let his lady drive to a date, especially a first date.”

      His lady? First date...as in, there would be more? “Oh. I was just thinking it might be easier. Then you wouldn’t have to drive back over to drop me off.”

      He unleashed that captivating smile on her. “Believe me, it’s no problem, Simona. Shall we?”

      Simona nodded. He continued to hold her hand as they walked across the lot to his car. Donovan stopped next to a late-model black BMW and held the door open. She melted into the butter-soft leather seat as he closed the door.

      Donovan got in on the driver’s side and started the engine. “It’ll be cool in a minute,” he said as he turned the air on full blast.

      “No problem. Nice car. It still has that new car smell.” He must be pretty well-off to afford this type of car. It made her speculate on just what type of job he had.

      “Thanks. I’ve only had it about four months. I figured after eight years it was time for a new one.”

      She hadn’t been on a date in a while and always hated that first date awkwardness. She searched her mind for something to say. “So, you said your arm is okay? Did you see your doctor?”

      “Arm’s fine. I have an appointment on Thursday. How’s your hip?”

      “It was sore for a couple of days, but I’m good as new now.”

      He came to a red light and turned his head in her direction. “Is that right?” His heated gaze roamed lazily over her, lingered at her hip, then moved back up to her face. “That’s good to hear,” he murmured, focusing his attention back on the road and pulling away.

      Simona’s pulse spiked. She pulled in a deep breath and stared out the window. His comments were innocent enough, but the accompanying look and sensual undertone warmed her in places she’d forgotten about and reminded her of just what she’d been missing. They lapsed into a companionable silence.

      At length Donovan asked, “Is the temperature too cold for you?”

      “No. It’s fine.”

      He pressed a button, and a midtempo R & B groove poured from the speakers. The woman singing had an incredible voice, and Simona couldn’t resist tapping her fingers to the beat. She was just getting into the song when the car stopped. Donovan helped her out of the car and led her inside the restaurant. Luckily it wasn’t too crowded, and they were seated immediately.

      After ordering, Donovan leaned back in his chair. “How was your day? I imagine working in the emergency room can be exhausting.”

      Simona sat, momentarily stunned. She’d just met this man, and he asked about her day. Her ex had never asked about her day—not once in the six months they’d dated. “It’s definitely a challenge and exhausting,” she answered with a chuckle. “Today wasn’t too bad, though.”

      “How long have you been in nursing?”

      “Eight years.” She took a sip of her water.

      “What made you decide to go into that field?”

      “I’ve always wanted to help people. Growing up, I toyed with becoming a doctor and did some hospital volunteer work in the summers. When I saw how little free time they had—not to mention how long I’d be in school—I changed my mind. I wanted to go into the medical field but still have a life. Nursing is the perfect balance for me.”

      He leaned forward and rested his arm on the table, as if he was hanging on to her every word. “I think you made the right decision.”

      “Really? You don’t even know me.”

      “True, but the way you took care of me last Friday says that you’re intelligent and compassionate. And as far as not knowing you...” He reached for her hand and placed a soft kiss on the back. “I plan to change that. I want to know everything there is to know about you, Ms. Simona Andrews.”

      Simona barely stifled a moan. This man is too smooth. Fortunately the server returned with their food because she needed a moment to gather herself. The warmth of his lips against her skin had her fantasizing about how they would feel against other parts of her body.

      * * *

      Donovan stared intently at Simona as she spoke, enjoying the soft melodic sound of her voice, and just being there with her. He reluctantly pulled his gaze away and focused on the food that the server placed in front of him.

      During the meal Simona asked, “What about you? What do you do?”

      Donovan hesitated briefly. Whenever he disclosed his occupation, most of the women he went out with saw it as an opportunity to score free concert tickets or get closer to the artists. A few had even come right out and asked whether they’d be able to accompany him when he went on tour with Monte and acted offended when he said no. “I’m in music management.”

      “Music...as in, out in the public? You’re a musician?”

      He laughed at her reaction. “Hardly. More like sitting in an office with a mound of paperwork this high.” He gestured to the top of his head.

      “But you work with musicians?”

      He studied her. The way she asked the questions gave him pause. Her tone was almost accusatory. “I oversee contracts and a few other things and, yes, I interact with musicians. Does that bother you?”

      “No,” she answered a little too quickly. “Why music?”

      “I love music. My degree is in business economics, and I had intended to go to law school. But when a buddy of mine asked me to help him out in his business, I saw it as a win-win situation. You must see some crazy stuff in the ER,” he said, smoothly changing the subject.

      Simona laughed. “Stuff like you wouldn’t believe.”

      While they ate, she regaled him with tales of the emergency room. Donovan couldn’t stop laughing at some of the stories she shared, including glued body parts and removal of items from places where objects should never go. When he finally calmed down, he realized it had been a long time since he had actually laughed with a woman. He glanced down at their empty plates and then at his watch. Although he wasn’t ready to end the evening, he knew Simona was probably tired. “Would you like anything else? Dessert?”

      “No, thank you.”

      “It’s getting late, and I’m sure you need some rest.” Donovan paid the bill and escorted Simona back to the car.

      On the drive back, she asked, “Who is this singing? Her voice is beautiful.”

      “Her name is Sheila Martin. She’s a relatively new artist.”

      “I think I’m going to buy some of her music.”

      This gave him a perfect opening. “Actually, she’s performing here a week from Saturday. Would you like to go...that is, if you’re not working?”

      “Um... I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be hard to get tickets by now?”

      “Tickets aren’t a problem. What? You don’t like my company?” he teased. “And I’ve been on my best behavior.”

      Simona chuckled.