Scandal Becomes Her. Shirlee Busbee

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Название Scandal Becomes Her
Автор произведения Shirlee Busbee
Жанр Сказки
Серия Becomes Her
Издательство Сказки
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781420110739

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he touched it.

      Julian nodded. “And if I was prepared to fight a duel with him, what should I do with you for daring to say the same thing about the woman I am going to marry, hmmm?”

      Nell couldn’t think. He was too close. She was too aware of his hand beneath her chin, too conscious of his wide-shouldered body and blatant masculinity, to do more than stare, her reaction to him evident.

      Something clenched painfully within him at her wide-eyed expression and, giving into the whim that had been with him since they’d met at the toll keeper’s cottage, his lips captured hers. Her mouth was soft and startled, the taste and texture of it beyond his imagination. He had known that he would enjoy kissing her, had known that her lips would be sweet and warm, but he could never have guessed at the fierce, powerful desire that would twist and knot within him the moment his mouth touched hers.

      Nell gasped, her fingers clutching at his shoulders as his lips caught hers. His mouth was firm and knowing as it slid across hers, the roiling emotions it left in its wake like none she had ever experienced. Her blood raced and warmth bloomed within her, her entire body responding to the caress of his lips like a bud to the April sun. Instinctively she arched nearer, her mouth eager for him to continue the kiss.

      The effect of her nearness on him was no less dramatic for Julian, but while he had never felt such explosive desire before, he recognized the signs…and the danger. If he did not bring a halt to this sweet dalliance now, within minutes, he would have that charming gown up around her waist and he would be securely notched between her legs. With an effort, he tore his lips from hers and set her away from him.

      “That,” he said in a thickened tone, “was not why your father left us alone together.”

      Fighting off the giddiness his kiss engendered, she asked with credible command, “Why did he leave us alone?”

      “To allow me to formally ask for your hand.” A faint smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “We both thought that you might like to receive a proper offer.”

      Her resentment returned and turning away from him, she said, “My lord, you are wasting your time. I will be honest: I do not wish to wed—you or any other man. And having you formally request my hand is not going to change my mind.”

      He turned her back to face him. “Are you so very certain that you don’t wish to marry me? Do you find me so very distasteful?”

      “I could name several gentlemen that I do not find distasteful,” she hedged, “but that does not mean that I wish to marry them.”

      Julian grimaced. Aware of his worth and used to being much courted and petted by the opposite sex, he did not know whether to be amused or insulted by her refusal to fall in with his wishes. One thing he did know: he wanted her, and her rejection of him roused the hunter within him. Having her resist him was a novel occurrence for him. He could not remember a time when he had cast out his lures and a woman had made it so plain that his advances were not desired. He smiled, anticipation curling through him. He was going to have to work hard at wooing his reluctant bride…and he rather thought that he was going to enjoy it…immensely.

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