Fantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1. Рэй Брэдбери

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Название Fantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1
Автор произведения Рэй Брэдбери
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия Positronic Super Pack Series
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781633842403

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even attempt to feed so many ravenous mouths. A magnificent army, ten thousand strong, and all of them seasoned fighting men, trained in a dozen little wars and in the bloody War of the Lakes and Rivers, when Ch’cago had bitten so large a piece from Selui territories.

      The stand was to be at Ormiston, and Norse, the only settlement now between Joaquin Smith and the Confederation, was left to its fate. Experienced leaders had examined the territory, and had agreed on a plan. Three miles south of the town, the road followed an ancient railroad cut, with fifty-foot embankments on either side, heavily wooded for a mile north and south of the bridge across Eaglefoot Flow.

      Along this course they were to distribute their men, a single line where the bluffs were high and steep, massed forces where the terrain permitted. Joaquin Smith must follow the road; there was no other. An ideal situation for ambush, and a magnificently simple plan. So magnificent and so simple that it could not fail, they said, and forgot completely that they were facing the supreme military genius of the entire Age of the Enlightenment.

      It was mid-morning when the woods-runners that had been sent into Ozarky returned with breath-taking news. Joaquin Smith had received the Selui defiance of his representations, and was marching. The Master was marching, and though they had come swiftly and had ridden horseback from Norse, he could not now be far distant. His forces? The runners estimated them at four thousand men, all mounted, with perhaps another thousand auxiliaries. Outnumbered two to one! But Hull Tarvish remembered tales of other encounters where Joaquin Smith had overcome greater odds than these.

      The time was at hand. In the little room beside File Ormson’s workshop, Hull was going over his weapons while Vail Ormiston, pale and nervous and very lovely, watched him. He drew a bit of oiled rag through the bore of the rifle she had given him, rubbed a spot of rust from the hammer, blew a speck of dust from the pan. Beside him on the table lay powder horn and ball, and his steel bow leaned against his chair.

      “A sweet weapon!” he said admiringly, sighting down the long barrel.

      “I—I hope it serves you well,” murmured Vail tremulously. “Hull, he must be stopped. He must!”

      “We’ll try, Vail.” He rose. “It’s time I started.”

      She was facing him. “Then, before you go, will you—kiss me, Hull?”

      He strode toward her, then recoiled in sudden alarm, for it was at that instant that the thing happened. There was a series of the faintest possible clicks, and Hull fancied that he saw for an instant a glistening of tiny blue sparks on candle-sticks and metal objects about the room, and that he felt for a brief moment a curious tingling. Then he forgot all of these strange trifles as the powder horn on the table roared into terrific flame, and flaming wads of powder shot meteor-like around him.

      For an instant he froze rigid. Vail was screaming; her dress was burning. He moved into sudden action, sweeping her from her feet, crashing her sideways to the floor, where his great hands beat out the fire. Then he slapped table and floor; he brought his ample sandals down on flaming spots, and finally there were no more flames.

      He turned coughing and choking in the black smoke, and bent over Vail, who gasped half overcome. Her skirt had burned to her knees, and for the moment she was too distraught to cover them, though there was no modesty in the world in those days like that of the women of the middle river regions. But as Hull leaned above her she huddled back.

      “Are you hurt?” he cried. “Vail, are you burned?”

      “No—no!” she panted.

      “Then outside!” he snapped, reaching down to lift her.

      “Not—not like this!”

      He understood. He snatched his leather smith’s apron from the wall, whipped it around her, and bore her into the clearer air of the street.

      Outside there was chaos. He set Vail gently on the step and surveyed a scene of turmoil. Men ran shouting, and from windows along the street black smoke poured. A dozen yards away a powder wagon had blasted itself into a vast mushroom of smoke, incinerating horses and driver alike. On the porch across the way lay a writhing man, torn by the rifle that had burst in his hands.

      He comprehended suddenly. “The sparkers!” he roared. “Joaquin Smith’s sparkers! Old Einar told me about them.” He groaned. “There goes our ammunition.”

      The girl made a great effort to control herself. “Joaquin Smith’s sorcery,” she said dully. “And there goes hope as well.”

      He started. “Hope? No! Wait, Vail.”

      He rushed toward the milling group that surrounded bearded old Marcus Ormiston and the Confederation leaders. He plowed his way fiercely through, and seized the panic-stricken greybeard. “What now?” he roared. “What are you going to do?”

      “Do? Do?” The old man was beyond comprehending.

      “Yes, do! I’ll tell you.” He glared at the five leaders. “You’ll carry through. Do you see? For powder and ball there’s bow and sword, and just as good for the range we need. Gather your men! Gather your men and march!”

      And such, within the hour, was the decision. Hull marched first with the Ormiston men, and he carried with him the memory of Vail’s farewell. It embarrassed him cruelly to be kissed thus in public, but there was great pleasure in the glimpse of Enoch Ormiston’s sour face as he had watched her.

      The Ormiston men were first on the line of the Master’s approach, and they filtered to their forest-hidden places as silently as foxes. Hull let his eyes wander back along the cut and what he saw pleased him, for no eye could have detected that along the deserted road lay ten thousand fighting men. They were good woodsmen too, these fellows from the upper rivers and the saltless seas.

      Down the way from Norse a single horseman came galloping. Old Marcus Ormiston recognized him, stood erect, and hailed him. They talked; Hull could hear the words. The Master had passed through Norse, pausing only long enough to notify the eldarch that henceforth his taxes must be transmitted to N’Orleans, and then had moved leisurely onward. No, there had been no sign of sorcery, nor had he even seen any trace of the witch Black Margot, but then, he had ridden away before the Master had well arrived.

      Their informant rode on toward Ormiston, and the men fell to their quiet waiting. A half hour passed, and then, faintly drifting on the silent air, came the sound of music. Singing; men’s voices in song. Hull listened intently, and his skin crept and his hair prickled as he made out the words of the Battle Song of N’Orleans:

      “Queen of cities, reigning

      Empress, starry pearled

      See our arms sustaining

      Battle flags unfurled!

      Hear our song rise higher,

      Fierce as battle fire,

      Death our one desire

      Or the Empire of the World!”

      Hull gripped his bow and set feather to cord. He knew well enough that the plan was to permit the enemy to pass unmolested until his whole line was within the span of the ambush, but the rumble of that distant song was like spark to powder. And now, far down the way beyond the cut, he saw the dust rising. Joaquin Smith was at hand.

      Then—the unexpected! Ever afterward Hull told himself that it should have been the expected, that the Master’s reputation should have warned them that so simple a plan as theirs must fail. There was no time now for such vain thoughts, for suddenly, through the trees to his right, brown-clothed, lithe little men were slipping like charging shadows, horns sounding, whistles shrilling. The woods runners of the Master! Joaquin Smith had anticipated just such an ambush.

      Instantly Hull saw their own weakness. They were ten thousand, true enough, but here they were strung thinly over a distance of two miles, and now the woods runners were at a vast advantage in numbers, with the main body approaching. One chance! Fight it out, drive off the scouts, and retire into the woods. While the army existed, even though Ormiston fell, there was