Image Carriers. Genel Anthony

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Название Image Carriers
Автор произведения Genel Anthony
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781922328724

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       This book is dedicated to all those enlightened individuals who possess common sense

      Author’s Note

      I was always open to the mysterious goings-on in our world, metaphysically speaking, but never thought that I would actually invest time and energy in a book on such a subject. You can imagine my surprise when the life-after-death discovery was announced, and to myastonishment, when I realised that a handful of people already knew about this discovery longbefore it was made public; and have-not only known about it, but expected it to happen!

      These secret people with their enlightened information and mystical experiences organised themselves in well- coordinated groups and met regularly, sharing their astounding information; information that continually made me question my own scientific background and how I thought the world worked. The more I got involved in this field of study, the more I realised that something else was going on out there, and what I discovered would eventually alter the way I saw life.

      I won’t tell you here what I learnt over the last few years working with these amazing people and the messages they shared with me; you will just have to read the book. Furthermore, the writings and information in this book are unique and will make you question your own thinking and belief system.

      I guess I should say that I have been working in the people improvement area for over twenty years and have seen an awaking of sorts among certain individuals on this very subject. Eitherpeople are waking up now and are willing to talk about their supernatural stories or they have always been awake, but just not ready to express them. In my profession, I have seen more and more people willing to speak about their mystical experiences. Some individuals are quite happy to talk freely about their supernatural experiences and will chat for hours about the strange dreams and prophetic messages that spooked them on occasions. Nevertheless, a handful of people, known as Image Carriers, remain hidden and tend to keep their spiritual knowledge to themselves; that is, until now.

      In these pages, I have tried to report everything I discovered when working with these unique and gifted people. I have ensured that the information written down has been corroborated and given approval by the Image Carriers themselves, and they have given permission for me to record some of their stories. That said, people often challenge evidence relating to the paranormal or supernatural, and this is where things become murky and not really straightforward. You can’t actually measure or quantify paranormal experiences as such, andthis is where the spiritual side of things becomes hard to grasp by many. It is likened to having a faith. You either believe or you do not believe. Some people are still sitting on the fence, as they know deep down that there is more to life than just the physical and natural world; that there is also a hidden and unseen world.

      Additionally, what is obvious to some may not necessarily be apparent to others. Different people will get different things out of this book. The creatively astute will join the dots and pick up things that others may overlook.

      This book is not meant to advance a political agenda, but rather to tell the facts pertaining to my experiences with these enlightened people. No political order of businesses here! In fact, this book is quite the contrary! The people who have shared their images and stories with meare from all backgrounds. Yet, their uncanny messages are dauntingly similar.

      Image Carrier is the name traditionally used to identify people with clairvoyant abilities. Thesepeople are similar to psychics or mystics, as we know them today, but I have been notified that they are slightly different in their methods and how they go about managing themselves. Image Carriers belong to small, secret groups. These groups meet regularly and exchange information about their supernatural experiences and are supported by their trusted Overseer and supporters. You will find out more about these people as you read the book.

      Image Carriers have been around for centuries, if not thousands, of years, keepingthemselves to themselves and handing down their secrets from one generation to the next. They claim to know things that will make your hair stand on end! They also know things thatmodern science is only now beginning to understand. They report that they can solve complex problems instantly, using intuition rather than embarking on an arduous scientific ormathematical journey that is time-consuming and that would only give them a quarter of the answers, anyway.

      In the past, these nomadic people were often banished from their towns and villages becauseof their strange abilities

      and prophetic powers. It was a great sin to be an Image Carrier, and anyone associated with them would be banished from the village as well. Historically, these people have beenpersecuted, and in many cases, they continue to be victimised today.

      Traditionally, Image Carriers often lived together in families, like drifters or gypsies, travellingabout from place to place to escape harassment from the locals. In order to stay in one townand survive and prosper, they had to blend in and keep their powers to themselves. They had to keep their psychic heads down and pretend that they were, well, normal.

      People would wonder why image carriers were banned, ridiculed, punished and even murdered if they were just ordinary folk, causing no harm and minding their own business. Like now, we don’t have to really think long and hard to find the answer. They are a threat tothose wanting power over others. They know the true history of mankind and ancient peoples.Image Carriers can also be considered the enemy of powerful and corrupt people and organizations, as they can expose evil deeds and much more, even before they happen.

      Many of them, as you will read, continue to be in hiding and meet secretly, touching base with one another while keeping one watchful eye over their collective shoulders. There are many groups out there that would like to rid the world of these hidden people altogether.

      Regrettably, these enlightened and common sense people continue to go missing. Many image carriers will not make themselves known for this very reason. Imagine being in a position where you can see the bigger picture, can see into various dimensions, know instinctively what is right, wrong, or true or false; can dapple in quantum physics (and many other complex sciences), although you have no mathematical or scientific training. Contemplate about knowing the secrets of health, happiness, healing–in fact, everything! You also appear to be at one with nature, aware of your personal electromagnetic field (that information carrying field that surrounds you); you have the abilityand the know-how to access this invisible field of abundance and knowledge–and the universe itself! The information you possess makes you a formidable person, and this is the very reason why some people want you out of the picture!

      Some image carriers have vanished altogether and have never been seen again. And as you read on, you will find out for yourself why they are so feared by the establishment, the cabal, religious groups and others with sinister agendas, including the controlled media and elites. Even criminals and corrupt people want image carriers out of the way, so they often join forceswith so-called reputable groups to attack them on a united front, forcing pressure on these peaceful people to hide in fear.

      I have attempted to write in a way that is easily intelligible, but that also stays true to the experiences I came across. So please keep in mind that this book is not written in a way where questions are put forward and then later answered in a neat and orderly manner.Unfortunately, this is not how the hidden or quantum world works. So do not expect clearblack-or-white or rational solutions to all of the queries put forth. This is for you to read andpossibly throw light on these complex and mysterious queries.

      I suggest readers make notes and write down messages for their own records, as I am surethat one day they will make sense if it doesn’t at this time. As well, keep in mind that we are totally on different spiritual (and other) levels, and some individuals will initially take more from this book than others.

      Genel Anthony

      Chapter One

      It was an unusually warm day for autumn in this magical city, which seemed to come alive with excitement as its rainbow people went about their business. Even the massive grey monolith, standing proudly, keeping watch over this vibrant land, yawned tiredly as clouds slowly nestled around its well-known flat top. Table Mountain in