Affirmations and Thought Forms. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Название Affirmations and Thought Forms
Автор произведения Linda LLC Stein-Luthke
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456601997

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      Affirmations and Thought Forms

      You Can Change Your Mind!

      A Discourse from the

      Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN


      Linda Stein-Luthke

      and by

      Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D.

      Copyright 2011 Linda Stein-Luthke,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0199-7

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      It is with great joy that we offer this second booklet in a series of publications on applied metaphysics. Since it is often easier to relate to new information if you have at least a vague idea of the person or source it is coming from, we wish to introduce ourselves in a few sentences.

      Linda Stein-Luthke is the one who actually brought the following text to paper, but she is not the one who composed it. Among her many gifts is the ability to “channel” wisdom from sources other than her human consciousness. Channeling is a process during which we open ourselves to higher-vibrational frequencies of Light. The frequencies we access can be from our own being or from other beings of Light working in conjunction with us. For many years Linda has been channeling highly evolved spiritual beings of Light, most frequently the Ascended Masters El Morya Khan and St. Germain. The latter is the true author of this publication.

      Linda is or has been a mother and foster mother, successful business woman, activist and philanthropist in the women's community, a teacher of astrology and Applied Metaphysics, and, first and foremost, a seeker throughout her life. She has traveled to India, Nepal, and Cyprus and has studied and channeled with Masters there and in the United States. Her training has been within the Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, Christian, and Jewish traditions.

      Linda, or “Leia,” as she is called by the Masters, is working as a metaphysical teacher and healer with individuals and groups, utilizing the various skills she has learned in many years “on the path.” Linda has authored several books in collaboration with the Ascended Masters (see appendix).

      Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist, author, teacher of Applied Metaphysics, and energy-based healer. A Diplomate, Comprehensive Energy Psychology, he is the founder and director of the Institute of Psychoenergetic Healing. The Masters refer to Martin by his spirit name, “Manalus.” He took responsibility for the editing and production aspects of this collaborative project [we thank Julianne Stein and Katherine Hvistendahl for their help in the editing process of this publication].

      In addition to their work, Linda and Martin are enjoying their two adult and two young children, one grandchild, and four companion animals.

      St. Germain is probably the best known of the Ascended Masters, a group of Light Beings who once walked this Earth in human bodies and who have gained complete awareness of their Totality. They are serving humanity and all of Creation from the higher planes of existence, offering their light, love, and wisdom freely to all at this time of accelerating change and awakening.

      While it may be more than a stretch for some to accept the reality of invisible Light Beings in general and Ascended Masters in particular, we can only appeal to your willingness to suspend your disbelief and to entertain, and test, the teachings offered on these pages. The authors of this publication as well as countless other perfectly “normal” and “sane” human beings have opened themselves to an awareness of the reality of Light Beings, and have benefited immeasurably in the process.

      Most importantly, however, listen to your own “still small voice within” and to the guidance you will be receiving, if only you choose to sit, meditate, and ask. We offer our truth as a service, but we wish you to honor your own truth, above all. And now, enjoy the journey within.

      Love and Light,

      Linda & Martin


      After the success of our first publication, Balancing the Light Within, a channeled discourse on healing from the Ascended Master St. Germain, the question arose as to what would be the most effective way to utilize the information received in that publication. Of course, the Master had an answer, which resulted in this new manual. Our goal with these short, concise books is to explain as simply as possible the metaphysical laws of manifestation. To some that may seem an impossible task, but as we repeatedly hear in these channeling sessions, the truth is simple. It is the human mind that chooses to complicate matters. And once that mind is trained to think in new and positive ways, the concept of manifestation becomes easily accessible.

      We have also been hearing repeatedly that the energies that create manifestation are more powerful than ever before. Because the vibrational frequencies of the Earth plane are rising more rapidly every day (and this is being observed by scientists), the energies that create manifestation are more easily available to us. As we grow in wisdom and awareness, we become capable, then, of utilizing these powerful vibrational frequencies to create healing and transformation within.

      In Balancing the Light Within, the basic goal was to explain how the Light can be utilized to create healing and well-being. In the present publication information is being shared that takes that process one step further. By directly addressing patterns of thinking, even more efficient and healthy ways of living can be created. We hope you will find this publication both enjoyable and useful in its applications.

      Love and Light,

      Linda & Martin

      Chapter 1

      Why We Wish to Share With You Once Again

      We thank you, beloved friend, for your willingness once again to let us, so to speak, write through you so that others may read these words. We understand this has been an intense time of change and growth upon the human plane for all beings, and we wish to extend our help to you as you traverse this new, uncharted path for all of humanity.

      We are here to help you. We are beings of Light who have also been human in many, many embodiments, but at this time are choosing to remain in a higher-vibrational frequency in order to be of service to all who dwell on Earth while the planet moves into a new time and space that has never been witnessed by any living creature at any time. It is an exciting time to be alive on the planet you call Earth, and it is also a time of very rapid and, at times, for the human mind, confusing change. And so, we are here to be of help in any way we can. The one we call Leia, who has agreed to allow us to work with her, is a being who, after much encouragement from us, has tried all the information she will share with you here in collaboration with her partner Manalus. Together they have walked the path of truth and have found that the simple metaphysical laws we have shared with them have proven effective when utilized with diligence and purity of heart.

      It is not easy to be human now. It never was. For the Earth plane has been a plane of free will, and once one has manifested into that frequency, what occurs for many is a forgetting of the very laws of manifestation that brought one to the Earth in the first place. And so, for all of you who read this publication it is a journey into remembering what you have always known, but have chosen until now to forget. You chose to forget so that you could test living on the Earth more fully, or so you thought.
