Health For Power. Edwin Anthony Bay

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Название Health For Power
Автор произведения Edwin Anthony Bay
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456600181

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      Health for Power

      Changing your life

      Edwin Bay

      Published by Napana Publications Inc

      Copyright 2010 Edwin Bay

      Design by Maksim Chernikov

      Translation from Russian by Ekaterina Rogalskaya-Zeyen

      Published for the Internet by

      Napana Publications Inc

      465 boul. de l’Hopital CP 12012

      Gatineau, QC, J8T 0C3, Canada

      Phone: + 1 819 243 3241

      Fax: + 1 819 243 5753

      Email: [email protected]


      ISBN: 978-1-4566-0018-1

      All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author, Edwin Bay.

      About the author:

      Edwin Bay was born and raised in Eastern Siberia, Russia. He spent his childhood and adolescence among Siberian indigenous peoples: Koryaks, Chukchi, Itelmen and Evens. He received his Master’s Degree in Telecommunications and Broadcasting and his name was entered in the University’s Book of Honour. He worked at space communication stations, created and directed TV programs, produced and directed documentary films. Edwin Bay studied Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, and Shamanism. He lives in North America.

      About the training:

      This technique develops and strengthens latent abilities of the human body to restore itself. Regular exercises improve health and performance, develop comprehensive personality, enhance intuition and help make the right decisions in life. It does not contain any medical advice regarding specific diseases.


      First came the book. According to this book, once a person attained physical and spiritual health, no goal, however lofty, was out of reach: family, career, politics – the works. The book maintained that man can turn his life around - that he can be both powerful and happy. That he can cast off his illnesses and achieve anything he sets out to accomplish.

      I wrote this book. As soon as I wrote it, however, I knew that there was absolutely no sense in publishing it. There are thousands of such books out there, and yet people are unable to maintain their health, to enjoy successful careers, or to find happiness.

      We all buy informative, helpful books that tell us about the inner workings of the brain, our internal organs, our senses; we engage in discussions, looking for the root of certain illnesses and for ways to fight them. We go from medication to medication, driving doctors mad with our questions and problems. And yet, the illness persists.

      That means the books are not an answer. But then – what is? For centuries, a vast body of knowledge on human health has been at our fingertips, but the majority of us are, for one reason or another, utterly incapable of putting this knowledge into practice.

      I have studied many concepts: eating right, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the latest health-exercise programs, the ancient methods, yoga – all in search of answers. I’ve read about wealth and power, meditation and achieving happiness and the meaning of both life and death. I have bought volumes upon volumes penned by sages of the Orient and philosophers of Europe.

      Among them are such magnificent authors as Gurdzhiev, Schopenhauer, Goethe, Solovyov, Castaneda, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Da Vinci, Blavatsky, Khayyam and many others. All of them led me to an ocean of knowledge about man and mankind, but not one of them gave me a formula. The illusive formula for attaining health and power seemed so close – but kept slipping right through my fingers!

      At first, I thought of my query as a problem to be solved. Soon after, however, I changed my way of thinking – it was not a problem, but a riddle that was before me. Or, perhaps, a secret.

      And soon, it became a fascination – a desire to find the answer, the key that would fit. A key, which would unlock the door to human health and to the fulfillment of our full human potential. The search was long. Twenty years, to be exact. Of course, on the universal scale this is but a moment, but on the scale of one human life – twenty years measures in billions of moments.

      Now, I can be so bold as to state that the key has indeed been found. The shamanic traditions of the Siberian indigenous peoples have proven instrumental and invaluable to my search. This key will enable you to open your own door, unique to you, beyond which you will find your health, your power, and your life’s happiness.

      Welcome, and best of luck on your journey!

      In dealing with certain specific illnesses, it is best to seek the advice of your doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended for people suffering from severe mental disorders with regular psychiatric involvement, severe cases of cancer, heart disease, prior cardiac infarction, stroke, high blood pressure, or for women who are pregnant.


      Causes of Illness

      It is easy to believe that the causes of illness are well known: there are genetic factors, infections, trauma and the aging process. Is there anything we can even do about that? Man, it would seem, is powerless before them. The only hope we have is drugs - a quick-fix medical relief.

      But is that the whole picture?

      First of all, the list of causes above is incomplete. There are other things that can be harmful to your health: bad eating habits, a polluted atmosphere, poor water quality, a sedentary lifestyle, physical and mental overloads, negative thoughts, negative emotions… had enough yet? The list goes on. It turns out that there are many factors and causes affecting our health – and that our health is not limitless. Such thinking might make us want to call it quits and succumb to depression. But, where there’s a will there’s a way. There is an answer.

      The answer I speak of does not lie in listing causes for different diseases, but in enlisting the body’s own ingenious ability to regenerate and rebuild itself.

      Life Pre-Training

      The human brain controls and manages millions of minute actions instrumental to a human being’s vital functions. With each passing moment in the human body, there are new cells being born and old cells dying, there is a variety of chemical processes taking place, not to mention the entire complex array of reflexes that ensure our survival.

      The brain is amazingly adept at handling these tasks. It is truly second to none.

      You are able to carry on a conversation, read, watch a movie, eat – all the while your brain is controlling your body.

      But when we get to such things as thinking, making decisions, and reacting to old and new illnesses, when it comes to responding to certain situations that we find ourselves in over the course of our daily life, there can be errors and malfunctions. Often, the brain gives us logically accurate but not realistically viable decisions. The opposite is also true. People who are in harmony with their own body and with their mind often come up with decisions that bear no outward logic, but that nevertheless prove to be correct for the given situation.

      Here’s an example. Your knee starts hurting. Your body, via the brain, is telling you that there