“If we had wings we would fly to you”. Kiril Feferman

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Название “If we had wings we would fly to you”
Автор произведения Kiril Feferman
Жанр Историческая литература
Серия Jews of Russia & Eastern Europe and Their Legacy
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781644693520

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Beliaev and Bondar′, Kuban′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, vol. 1, 38–39.

      37 Ibid., 56–57.

      38 Information from the First Secretary of the Stavropol District Committee of the VKP(b) Mikhail Suslov on defensive preparations of the territory, Top secret, August 6, 1941, GANISK: 1/2/63, pp. 113–114. In Belokon′, Stavropol’e, 32.

      39 With the exception of special one-time compensation paid to those evacuated in an organized manner. Decree no. 1791 of the SNK SSSR “On the payment of monetary allowances to those resettled from their locations on account of the relocation of their plants and institutions to other areas,” July 1, 1941. In L. Snegireva (ed.), Vo imia pobedy: Evakuatsiia grazhdanskogo naseleniia v Zapadnuiu Sibir′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny v dokumentakh i materialakh (Tomsk: Izdatel′stvo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 2005), vol. 1, 282–283.

      40 Directive letter of the Committee of the VKP(b) of the Krasnodar territory on the work with the evacuees. In Khachemizova, Obshestvo i vlast′, 141.

      41 TsDNIKK: 2507/1/3a, p. 47. In Khachemizova, Obshestvo i vlast′, 141–142.

      42 Beliaev and Bondar′, Kuban′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 76–77.

      43 Towns: Elista, Kislovodsk, Mozdok, and Nalchik. Testimony of Bradichevsky, ICJ: (217) 183, p. 1. Cf. Testimonies of Fiks, Rechister, Shaulov, Gisa, Bergman, Shaposhnikova, and Yury Piler, July 16, 1990, Yad Vashem Hall of Names (henceforth YVHN).

      44 Villages: Naturbovo, Ivanovsky raion, Krasnodar territory; Russky farm, Stavropol territory. Questioning of Klavdia Parshikova, b. 1902, August 12, 1942, YVA: M.33/291, p. 98. Cf. Testimony of Brimer, YVA: 0.3/2501.

      45 Labinskaya and Tbilisskaya stanitsy, Krasnodar territory. Questioning of Anna Suzdalenko, May 10, 1944, YVA: M.33/308, p. 29.

      46 TsDNIKK: 1774-A/2/373, pp. 69–76. In Beliaev and Bondar′, Kuban′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 181–182.

      47 Evgenii Movshovich, Ocherki istorii evreev na Donu (Rostov-on-Don: Donskoi izdatel′skii dom, 2006), 127.

      48 See the testimony related to November 29, 1941 in this book.

      49 Note on the work of Department of SNK RSFSR on the economic arrangements made for the evacuated population, October 14, 1942. In Snegireva, Vo imia pobedy, 308.

      50 Beliaev and Bondar′, Kuban′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 249.

      51 Memorandum of the Committee of the VKP(b) of the Karachaevo Autonomous Area, no later than June 24, 1943, GARF: 7021/17/8, pp. 2–3.

      52 In Essentuki, Kislovodsk, and Pyatigorsk. Testimonies of Tsilya Gadleva, October 25, 1990, YVA: 0.3/4391, p. 9. Cf. Testimonies of Mira Idina, Anatoly Tukhshnaid, Khasya Epshtein, and Sima Royak, November 8, 1992, YVHN.

      53 In Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Testimonies of Idina, Tukhshnaid, and Debora Shklovskaya, YVHN.

      54 TsDNIKK: 1774-A/2/626, pp. 11–18. In Beliaev and Bondar′, Kuban′ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 249.

      55 Essentuki, Kislovodsk, and Pyatigorsk. Testimonies of Shklovskaya, March 5, 1991, Idina, April 1, 1991, Tukhshnaid, no date, Epshtein, November 8, 1992, and Royak, September 24, 1994, YVHN.

      56 Novozavedennoe village, Soldato-Aleksandrovsky raion, Stavropol territory. Statement of Anna Shlaen, 1943, GARF: 7021/17/11, p. 114.

      57 Kotlyarevskaya stanitsa, Maisky raion, Kabardino-Balkar ASSR. Report no. 75 of the local commission of the Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation and Establishment of the Crimes Committed by the German Fascists and their Henchmen in the Temporarily Occupied Soviet Territories of the Kabardino-Balkar ASSR, June 24, 1943, GARF: 7021/7/109, p. 171. Cf. Statement of the Commission of Aleksandriiskaya Stanitsa, Aleksandriisko-Obilnensky Raion, Stavropol Territory, January 25, 1943, GARF: 7021/17/9, p. 12.

      58 Mordechai Altshuler, “The Holocaust in the Soviet Mass Media during the War and in the First Postwar Years Re-examined.” Yad Vashem Studies 39, no. 2 (2011): 121–168. Cf. Karel C. Berkhoff, “‘Total Annihilation of the Jewish Population’: The Holocaust in the Soviet Media, 1941–1945,” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 10, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 61–105.

      59 Inna Somova, Kul′turnye i religioznye uchrezhdeniia Stavropol′skogo kraia v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, PhD diss., Pyatigorsk, Piatigorskii gosudarstvennyi lingivisticheskii universitet, 2004, 47–48.

      60 Ordzhonikidzevskaya pravda was published daily by the Ordzhonikidze Territorial Committee of the VKP(b), the District Council of the Deputies of Workers, and the Voroshilovsk Municipal Committee of the VKP(b). Bolshevik was published daily by the Krasnodar Territorial and Municipal Committee of the VKP(b) and the District Council of the Deputies of Working People. I looked through all the issues of these two newspapers from June 22, 1941 to late July 1942, when their publication ceased.

      61 See editorial “O khode sbora urozhaia,” and the Decree of the Bureau of the Ordzhonikidze Territorial Committee of the VKP(b) from July 9, 1942, Ordzhonikidzevskaia pravda, no. 159 (2534), July 10, 1942. Editorial “Rabotat′ i ne shchadit′ sily dlia fronta,” Bol′shevik, no. 176 (1469), July 26, 1942.

      62 A. Faigel′man, “V lapakh gitlerovskikh grabitelei,” Ordzhonikidzevskaia pravda, no. 154 (2218), July 2, 1941.

      63 Editorial “Otbit′ napadenie vraga!,” Ordzhonikidzevskaia pravda, no. 175 (2550), July 29, 1942. Editorial “Rabotat′ i ne shchadit′ sily dlya fronta,” Bol′shevik, no. 176 (1469), July 26, 1942.

      64 Testimony of Aleksandr Simakhov, January 8, 1998. In Iskhod gorskih evreev: razrushenie garmonii mirov, ed. Svetlana Danilova (Nalchik: Poligrafservis IT, 2000), 171. Cf. Testimony of Kalnitskaya, ICJ: TC 2759.

      65 Testimony of Melinsky, YVA: 0.3/4342, p. 4.

      66 Krasnodar was the largest city close to the village of Ivanovka, and it was much easier to join the evacuation from this city than from the village. Testimony of Gurevich, ICJ: TC 2761.

      67 Shternshis, “Between Life and Death,” 497–498.

      68 These events are analyzed in depth in chapter 2.1.

      69 On this issue, see, for example, Wolfram Dornik and Peter Lieb, “Misconceived Realpolitik in a Failing State: The Political and Economical Fiasco of the Central Powers in the Ukraine, 1918,” First World War Studies 4, no. 1 (2013): 111–124; Pam Maclean, “Control and Cleanliness: German-Jewish Relations in Occupied Eastern Europe during the First World War,” War & Society 6, no. 2 (1988): 47–69.

      70 Testimony of Raisa Rakhlin, b. 1924, May 24, 1997, YVA: O.93/30459. Cf. Testimony of Tankha Otershtein, b. 1932, May 25, 1997, YVA: O.93/31823. Cf. Yaakov Krut, Povest′ o podarennoi zhyzni (Petakh-Tikva: n.p., 2008), 9.

      71 Professor Dobruskin from the Leningrad’s Polytechnic Institute. See the institute’s website, http://nashpolytech.ru/index.php?id=59, accessed September 16, 2019. See also Nicholas Poppe, Reminiscences (Bellingham: Western Washington, 1983), 161. See also Testimony of Klara Shcheglova, b. 1931, September 6, 1997, YVA: O.93/35826.

      72 Testimony of Elizaveta Nazarova, January 6, 1998. In Danilova, Iskhod gorskih evreev, 131.

      73 Testimony of Liviia Digilova, b. 1936, August 19, 1999. In Danilova, Iskhod gorskih evreev, 45. Testimony of Nushum Shamilov, b. 1922, October 11, 1988, YVA: 0.3/5157, p. 12.

      74 Anatolii Skorokhodov, Takoi dolgii, dolgii put′. Vospominaniia, razdum′ia, razmyshleniia (Moscow: Izdatel′stvo Glavnogo arkhivnogo upravleniia goroda Moskvy, 2010), 217.

      75 Shternshis, “Between Life and Death,” 500.

      76 Testimony