The Ideology of the XXI Century. Viktor Kazantsev

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Название The Ideology of the XXI Century
Автор произведения Viktor Kazantsev
Жанр Публицистика: прочее
Издательство Публицистика: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005092731

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Ideology of the XXI Century

      Viktor Kazantsev

      © Viktor Kazantsev, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-9273-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      “In the beginning was the Word…”

Gospel of St. John

      However, by whomever, whenever, wherever, for whatever reason the word was said, nevertheless the word is the beginning of everything.

      A sincere, kind, deceitful, evil idea is put into the spoken word – this will excite people.

      The people’s court will come and raise the person who has spoken a true, kind word, or will plunge him into nonentity and will judge him forever if he has mouthed a deceitful, evil, mercenary word.

      It is twenty first century. New young leaders will come soon. They will put disgusting, awful monuments to lying, evil and corrupt people. I say this for people during life could remember that they will be judged after death by their true deals.

      “True relations’ ideology”

      There are no smart people, but there are smart or stupid deeds.

V. Kazantsev

      1. Beginning of the XXI century

      The beginning of the XXI century. Nations of many countries are immersed in universal deception and anger. Lying, duplicity, hatred, atrocity, desperation, blasphemy, disgrace are being prospered now. Many people don’t have food. There are too many orphans. People are not afraid of prison in chase of gold. He who doesn’t have God inside is reined by devil. Every thinking person has an internal wish — it is justice.

      It is justice. Justice is the highest degree of kindness!

V. Zarubin 2.

      2. Society

      Every state consists of a set of legally defined or spontaneous established human groups. Let’s call such group a society.

      Relationship between people in every society can be equitable or inequitable. If a society consists of people who act honestly, kindly, fairly, then such a society is of fair relations (SoFR).

      It is significant that each member of SoFR assumes a voluntarily liability to be fair, honest and kind.

      3. Partners

      All SoFR employees are partners of the employer in monthly “calendar” profit creating and distributing! Profit is distributed in proportion to the labor price coefficient.

      4. Labor cost ratio (LCR)

      Any work, profession, different work intensity or quality of work has its own price and LCR in labor-management relations.

      At the same time, the employer’s profit is distinguished by a higher labor cost ratio that reflects the status of the employer and his assets. It is correct. Every person has the right to improve his status without unlimitedly but legally. However, it is better to spend large funds in a place where they were purchased. It is quite true as it enriches the place…

      5. The heart of the SoFR law

      The heart of the SoFR law is “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”. Firstly I do a good for you, and then you do good for me. That is, if I do a good to you whole-heartedly and unselfishly then it is a sponsorship. But if I wait or demand a good from you then it is bribery.

      The physics of this law: the profit is divided between the employer and each employee in proportion to the LCR.

      The labor cost ratio (LCR) coefficients should be evaluated in the minimum wage. LCR should be fixed by the law of the country.

      6. The world is unfair

      The world is unfair. The sower and builder are immeasurably poor while their employer is overly rich. However, an employer cannot earn a dime being isolated from people. Therefore, the profit is divided now unfairly. The working class should take part in profit fair distribution. Just unfair, deceitful, evil people can oppose fair, honest and good relations.

      7. Ideology

      Each state lives according to the laws of particular ideology. The most effective ideology is capitalist ideology. But it is an antagonistic ideology. I suggest a new ideology which I called the “Ideology of Fair Relations (IoFR)”. This is the ideology of the XXI century. It should be accepted by all countries as it satisfies both the workers as well as their employers.

      8. IoFR characteristic

      IoFR feature means that employees of the SoFR will ask God: “Please God; give more profit this month than last month to my employer.”

      Such a wish appears naturally among the workers as the more profit their employer has, the greater profit will have the workers. They are partners, therefore the profits of SoFR employees increase or fall in proportion to the growth or fall in profits of their employer!

      The ideology of fair relations creates friendship between employers and workers who had hated each other doe centuries.

      9. The main purposes of IoFR are

      1. To prevent wars between countries

      2. To prevent revolutions within countries.

      3. To prevent discords and mess within countries.

      4. To prevent lie, duplicity, hatred and anger.

      5. To create societies of fair relations between people.

      6. To enrich the working class in proportion to the employer’s enrichment.

      7. To assistance the poor to assimilate advanced technologies in view of victualing and the hunger prevention.

      8. Rich countries will support poor countries not by lethal weapon or by force but in humanitarian way.

      10. Total justice

      Total justice is possible in any society. For this it is necessary to get rid of harmful vices: lies, envy and anger.

      11. Ideology of Fair Relations advantages

      1. The desire to become rich in proportion to the employer will let the employees of the SoFR show creative initiative which is intended to increase working efficiency and product quality.

      2. The employer will hold his employees in high respect as they are his partners.

      3. Employees will hold their employer in high respect as he is the organizer of their work.

      4. The staff turnover will be decreased.

      5. Sickness time will be reduced.

      6. Workers’ skills will be increased.

      7. Batch production will be increased.

      8. Products’ quality and competitive strength will be improved.

      9. Workers’ education, culture and consciousness will be increased.

      10. Enterprise workers’ family dynasties will appear.

      11. New comfortable residential districts of the SoFR will appear near the factory. Residential houses will have kindergartens inside including round-the-clock stay; sports and gymnastic wellness areas; recreation areas including evergreens. New water pools will appear as well as more good