First Mates. Cecelia Dowdy

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Название First Mates
Автор произведения Cecelia Dowdy
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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      “I just hope you don’t mind spending so much time with me, Rainy. This ship is full of people and I don’t think you’ve had the opportunity to mingle with the other passengers.”

      I can’t believe he seems to be on the verge of apologizing for spending time with me. What if he wants to be rid of me for the rest of the cruise so that he can meet other women?

      “Look, Winston, if you’re having second thoughts about spending the day together in Cozumel—”

      “No,” he said quickly, “it’s not that. If you get tired of my company, then you’ll need to say something, because…” He glanced toward the windows before looking at her again. “Because I haven’t had such a good time in ages….”


      has been an avid reader since she learned to string letters together to form words. While she pursued a business degree in college, one of her professors tried to convince her to get an English degree since he felt she was a great writer. Years later, after receiving her B.S. in finance, she took her former teacher’s advice and started pursuing her literary career.

      She loves to read, write and bake delicious desserts during her spare time. Traveling is another favorite hobby, and she’s been to various countries around the world, including Germany, France, England, Tahiti, New Zealand, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Santo Domingo. She enjoys listening to old tunes with her husband on Saturday nights. Currently she resides with her spouse in Maryland.

      First Mates

      Cecelia Dowdy

      The Lord is my strength and my shield;

      My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;

      Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,

      And with my song I will praise Him.

      —Psalms 28:7

      First, I would like to thank my Heavenly Father.

      I would also like to mention my family who gave

       me strength and encouragement over the years, namely, my sisters Joanna, Dorva and Raquel, and my parents, Joe and Mattie Dowdy.

      Thanks to my fellow writing friends,

       Michelle Monkou and Loree Lough, and to my best buddies Patty Elliott-Gray, Alice Turner, Jay Briscoe and Alva Roane.

      Hugs and kisses to my beloved husband,

       Christopher Toomer, for always believing in me.

      Much gratitude to my critique partners from

       American Christian Romance Writers (ACRW): Jennifer Johnson, Joy Libby, Flavia Crowner, Rose McCauley and Amber Miller (Tiff).

      My gratitude also extends to

       Krista Stroever, my editor.

      Dear Reader,

      I certainly hope you enjoyed Rainy and Winston’s story! I would like to stress the importance of keeping our Heavenly Father in our lives. No matter what battles you may be struggling with, you can always lean on Him, and He will see you through the tough times!

      I enjoy hearing from readers. Feel free to visit my Web site, or e-mail me at [email protected]. You can also write to me at the following address:

      Cecelia Dowdy

      P.O. Box 951

      Greenbelt, MD 20768-0951



      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen


      Chapter One

      Rainy Jackson peeked into the crowded dining room of the cruise ship. Stepping away from the entrance, she glanced down the empty hallway. Pacing down the hall, she ran her fingers through her hair. What am I supposed to do now? Was traveling alone a mistake?

      Heavy footsteps pounded on the plush carpet. A voice, deep and masculine, resounded in the deserted foyer. “Hello.”

      She jerked toward the passenger, almost spraining her neck. While rubbing her collarbone, she gazed at the attractive man she’d seen earlier in the lounge. A warm smile graced his full lips as his presence filled the hallway.

      Rainy tore her eyes away from the stranger, glancing into the crowded dining room again. She licked her lips before responding. “Hi.”

      His light-brown eyes seemed to pierce into hers. “Are you traveling alone?”

      She touched her shorts. Should she have ironed them before coming to dinner?

      After swallowing nervously, she nodded. “My best friends practically forced me to take this cruise.”

      He chuckled. “Really? My brother had to make me go on this cruise. He even bought my ticket.” He paused as he continued to stare. “Did you want to eat together?”

      She nodded. “Okay.”

      They entered the dining room and a waiter approached, clutching two menus. “Are the two of you dining together?” Rainy nodded and as she strolled behind her dinner companion, she watched his dark jeans hug his lean hips.

      The waiter placed their menus on the table. “Enjoy your meal.”

      After settling into the padded chair, she slipped her shoes off and wiggled her toes in the plush cranberry-colored carpet. Photos of the aqua sea decorated the cream-colored walls. Voices droned in the dining room as contented travelers enjoyed their evening meal. “You know, I’ve never been on a cruise before. I was afraid of getting seasick. But I kind of like the gentle rocking of the boat.”

      He opened his menu. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

      She tried to read her menu, continuing to steal glances at her dinner partner. Long thick lashes surrounded his hazel eyes. She sighed. I could get lost looking into his eyes. He looked up and their eyes locked. She quickly looked away. He chuckled. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

      He put his menu aside. “We’re about to share a meal, and I don’t even know your name.” Tremors of delight coursed through her veins as he spoke.

      “My name is Lorraine. Lorraine Jackson.” They shared a firm handshake as he introduced himself.

      “I’m Winston Michaels.” She reluctantly released his hand.

      “Everybody calls me Rainy, though.” She pretended to study her menu.

      The waiter returned to their table a short time later. “Would either of you care to order a drink? We have several wine selections to choose from.”

      He closed his menu. “I don’t drink alcohol. Just bring me a Coke.”

      “I’ll have the same.” She gazed at her