Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016. Krygiel Eddy

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Название Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016
Автор произведения Krygiel Eddy
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119044659

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      James Vandezande


      Acquisitions Editor: Stephanie McComb

      Development Editor: Kelly Talbot

      Technical Editors: Eric Bogenschutz, Jon McFarland

      Production Editor: Rebecca Anderson

      Copy Editor: Elizabeth Welch

      Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield

      Production Manager: Kathleen Wisor

      Associate Publisher: Jim Minatel

      Book Designers: Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama; Judy Fung

      Proofreader: Jen Larsen, Word One New York

      Indexer: Johnna VanHoose Dinse

      Project Coordinator, Cover: Brent Savage

      Cover Designer: Wiley

      Cover Image: John Linden

      Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

      Published simultaneously in Canada

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04461-1

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04458-1 (ebk.)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04465-9 (ebk.)

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      Ah, acknowledgments. Although all the glory of writing a book is consumed by the authors, it takes so many more people than just us to actually make this happen. Just like building design, the process of writing and publishing a book is truly a team sport – and without the hard work, dedication, and willingness to put up with the authoring team, this book would have never have happened.

      Of all the people to thank, first of all, we'd like to thank the staff at the Revit Factory. Without their fine work, this would be a very empty book. Thank you, guys and gals, for your hard work, innovative ideas, and desire to stay in touch with current design and construction issues.

      Second, a thank-you goes to Brendan Dillon of the Denver International Airport for his wonderful foreword and, more important, the spectacular work he's done. In his time there he's spearheaded the creation of a very comprehensive BIM guideline to help his agency figure out what they want from BIM during design and construction and into operations; see

      Finally, a big thanks to our technical team. They dot our i's, cross our t's, and chide us every time we turn in something late. Their work and effort ensure that we as authors can produce something that you the reader can actually follow. So a thank-you to our developmental editor, Kelly Talbot, for putting up with our school-yard antics; to copy editor Liz Welch for taking our architectural slang and making it readable; and to production editor Becca Anderson for putting all the pieces together and getting it ready for print. Thanks also to Mary Beth Wakefield for watching the schedule and allowing us to use you as an excuse not to visit family on weekends or holidays during “Book Season.” A thank-you to Jon McFarland and Eric Bogenschutz, technical editors, who have given a careful and detailed eye to all of our Revit workflows, and to our excellent support team at Sybex, who helped us develop all this foxy content. And a final thank-you to Willem Knibbe for getting us into this in the first place.

      The building photograph on the cover was provided by photographer John Linden and features the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) designed by HOK. ARTIC is a new world class transportation gateway to Orange County, California, the 5th most densely populated county in the United States. The project links freeways, major arterial roadways, bus, taxi and rail systems, as well as bike and pedestrian pathways in one central location.

      ARTIC anchors the Anaheim Rapid Connection (ARC), a high-capacity, fixed-guideway transit system and will be the southern terminus of the California High Speed Rail which will link the State's southern and northern urban centers. The use of BIM on ARTIC helped engage the many engineers, builders, and public agencies involved in the project. For more information on this project, please visit the following web page:

      About the Author

      James Vandezande is a registered architect and a principal at HOK in New York City, where he is a member of the firm-wide BIM leadership and is managing its buildingSMART initiatives. A graduate of the New York Institute of Technology, he worked in residential and small commercial architecture firms performing services ranging from estimating and computer modeling to construction administration. James transformed from an architect to a digital design manager in his 10-year span at SOM. In this capacity, he pioneered the implementation of BIM on such projects as One World Trade Center, aka Freedom Tower. James has been using Revit since version 3.1 and has lectured at many industry events, including Autodesk University, VisMasters Conference,