Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services. Savill John

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Название Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services
Автор произведения Savill John
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119003298

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>John Savill

      Mastering Microsoft® Azure™ Infrastructure Services

      Acquisitions Editor: Mariann Barsolo

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      Associate Publisher: Jim Minatel

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      Proofreader: Kathy Pope, Word One New York

      Indexer: Ted Laux

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      Cover Image: ©Getty Images, Inc./ColorBlind Images

      Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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      ISBN: 978-1-119-00327-4

      ISBN: 978-1-119-00328-1 (ebk.)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-00329-8 (ebk.)

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For my wife Julie and my children Abby, Ben, and Kevin.


      I could not have written this book without the help and support of many people. First, I need to thank my wife Julie for putting up with me being busier than usual for the last 6 months and for picking up the slack as always, and for always supporting the crazy things I want to do! My children, Abby, Ben, and Kevin, make all the work worthwhile and can always make me see what is truly important with a smile. Thanks to my parents for raising me to have the mind-set and work ethic that enables me to accomplish the many things I do while maintaining some sense of humor.

      Of course, the book wouldn't be possible at all without the Wiley team: acquisitions editor Mariann Barsolo, developmental editor Mary Ellen Schutz, production editor Dassi Zeidel, copy editor Liz Welch, proofreader Kathy Pope, and indexer Ted Laux.

      Many people have helped me over the years with encouragement and technical knowledge, and this book is the sum. The following people helped with specific aspects of this book, and I wanted to mention them for helping make this book as good as possible – if I've missed anyone, I'm truly sorry: Scott Guthrie, Mark Russinovich, Corey Sanders, Kenaz Kwa, Mahesh Thiagarajan, Michael Leworthy, David Powell, Paul Kimbel, Aashish Ramdas, Manoj K Jain, Praveen Vijayaraghavan, Andrew Zeller, Girija Sathyamurthy, Steve Cole, Eric Orman, Sirius Kuttiyan, Gautam Thapar, Karandeep Anand, Yochay Kiriaty, Justin Hall, Nasos Kladakis, Shreesh Dubey, Ganesh Srinivasan, Narayan Annamalai, Dean Wells, Leonidas Rigas, Ziv Rafalovich, Yousef Khalidi, Eamon O'Reilly, Beth Cooper, Rob Davidson, Brannan Matherson, Chris Van Wesep, Mark Sorenson, David Browne, Drew McDaniel, Pat Filoteo, Yu-Shun Wang, and Marie Honoré-Grant at Gartner.

      About the Author

      John Savill is a technical specialist who focuses on Microsoft core infrastructure technologies, including Microsoft Azure, Windows, Hyper-V, System Center, and anything that does something cool. He has been working with Microsoft technologies for 20 years and is the creator of the highly popular website and a senior contributing editor for Windows IT Pro magazine. He has written six previous books covering Hyper-V, Windows, and advanced Active Directory architecture. When he is not writing books, he regularly writes magazine articles and white papers. He also creates a large number of technology videos, which are available on his YouTube channel,, and regularly presents online and at industry-leading events, including TechEd and Windows Connections. As of this writing, he had just completed running his annual online John Savill Master Class – it was even bigger than last year. He also hosts annual Hyper-V, Azure, and PowerShell Master Classes that provide technical goodness.

      Outside of technology, John enjoys teaching and training in martial arts including Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu; spending time with his family; and participating in any kind of event that involves running in mud, crawling under electrified barbed wire, running from zombies, and generally pushing limits. While writing this book, John was training for his first (and only) IRONMAN Triathlon.

      John updates his blog at with the latest news of what he is working on.


      The book you are holding is the result of 20 years of experience in the IT world; over 15 years of virtualization experience that started with VMware, Virtual PC, and now Hyper-V; and many years focusing on public cloud solutions, especially Microsoft Azure. My goal for this book is simple: to make you knowledgeable and effective in architecting and managing an Azure-based public cloud environment. If you were to look at the scope of Azure functionality in a single book, that book would be the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica. My focus for this book is the infrastructure-related services,