The Resurrection of Titanic. Mark Boykov

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Название The Resurrection of Titanic
Автор произведения Mark Boykov
Жанр История
Серия Nabokov Prize Library
Издательство История
Год выпуска 2016
isbn 978-5-906857-03-3

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brought to the integrity as a social and economic formation, with the appropriate superstructure in the form of developing democracy and local self-government, on the basis of universal democracy and freedom. Socialism was not defeated in the struggle against the foreign enemy /the American imperialism, having taken the role of the world police officer, should not appropriate the victory/ but never happened because of the constraint and even a certain ugliness of internal development, determined not by the fallacy of Marxism but its Stalin's perversion.

      Stalin, having usurped power, deformed socialism and discredited it. Having put himself in the role of the standard bearer, he became, in the end, its grave-digger. It was Stalinism, to be more precise, that did not stand the test of historical practice.

      Socialism, to put it bluntly, was destroyed in the covert internecine struggle of the ruling class, and between the upper and the lower classes for their share of consumer happiness. It was not that the communist idea was wrong but because the country was mostly ruled by power-loving, hungry for revenues and power, politicians, as it had happened before, who were thinking more about themselves. Instead of the full development of creation, they fought mainly for increasing the value of consumption. Having come from the top, and having secretly and criminally hardened since Stalin, the universal war of consumer ambitions, in the end, absorbed socialism.

      The communists should have disassociated themselves from Stalin and Stalinism long ago, having apologized to the compatriots and all humankind for his excessive authoritarianism under the banner of communism.

      2. What to do?

      However, our task is not in the search of the culprits, in the identification of dictators, in the exposure of the present political chameleons and traitors, but in the search and the specification of the causes of the failed communist experience. No one of the rulers has never admitted guilt. And the present ones do not do this. But when we understand «why» something has happened, it becomes clearer what to do next.

      One must stop a series of successive usurpers of power and restore the succession of historical development. The culprits cannot be held accountable, and the situation should be corrected. One needs clear knowledge of causes and effects, as well as the understanding of their relations. And the first thing, which should be done for it, – restoration of Marxism-Leninism in its historical rights and original purity. Not as an ideology in its vulgarized form, allowing one to push and then to push into some blocks-regulations depending on the class, ruling at the moment, but as a scientific theory of the universal significance with its most universal method: dialectics.

      It is the rejection of Marxism, the ostentatious devotion to it by word of mouth that resulted in many negative and tragic causes, with the dialectical sequence. The arrogance of the rulers, whatever techniques they would use, turns into the objective course of historical development. And the expected results are in strong opposition to what has been intended, bringing the innumerable troubles to people. So it was with the «father of nations», Stalin. And it was even more repulsive with the nomenclative werewolf, Yeltsin.

      Now we are quite aware of the fairness of the comment of Marx: «As the individual cannot be judged on the basis of what he/she thinks about himself/herself, the same way one cannot judge such an epoch of revolution by its consciousness» (13).

      In fact: 1936 – the Constitution of a new society was adopted. The thunder of applause! The enthusiasm of the winners! And then – repressions… 1985 – Gorbachev's perestroika. Tired from great work and vain expectations, people were enthusiastically applauding to the new Messiah! And then – the loss of control… August 1991 – the failure of SCSE /the State Committee on the State of Emergency/, the troops were returned to barracks, the victory. The triumpher is on the tank, the people rejoice! And then – the collapse of the economy, monstrous robbery of people and their subsequent extinction… a million a year.

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