Children of the gods. Irina Ritter

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Название Children of the gods
Автор произведения Irina Ritter
Жанр Современные детективы
Издательство Современные детективы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785447437275

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drove the mother to her home and nursed her. Sons of Tatiana Petrovna, Oleg and Igor are long married and lived their lives. Husband Constantine died five years ago from a stroke at the age of 57 years. Two or three times a month, the son of Oleg’s grandson brought the Seeds back to sleep. These days the life of Tatiana Petrovna is filled with meaning and vibrant colours. More recently, she was engaged in a small business, rented space from a local businessman. My husband had contacts in the police. Life raged like a mountain river. After her husband’s death and mother’s illness – it all went downhill. From morning till night had to cook, wash, wash, change diapers. Addition was a large garden in which work is always nemeryannom. Out of the house Tatyana Petrovna only in stores. Thank God she had own car HONDA Jazz light gray color, which managed to buy during the time of doing business. Now I had to live on two pensions – your pension and the mother, plus extra payments for disability. Diapers and medicines provided by the state free of charge. Besides this spring, as luck would have flooded the house and it needed repair. The city administration had to pay compensation, but very long. All spring and all summer Tatyana Petrovna had to fight with city officials. In the end justice prevailed, and the victim transferred to the account owed money.

      About the disappearance of Nadia Timofeeva Tatiana learned from a neighbor Veronica. Veronica studied in the same class with Nadia. The next day after the disappearance Veronica was walking home from school past the house Berezikova:

      – Hello, Baba Tanya! – greeted Veronica with Tatiana Petrovna, who at the time was engaged in cleaning the garden in front of the house.

      – Hello, Veronica! How was school? I guess straight a’s?!

      – And at us the girl was gone, Nadia Timofeeva! Yesterday, it was not found!

      – How is missing?

      – Yes, gone. Yesterday she left school after school, and to the house not reached. Her mother came to school, and then went to the police. Looking for it now!

      Uh – Oh, so small! What happened to her?

      – I don’t know. At school they say she was kidnapped. Girls from the second shift saw her at the gate of Park “Anniversary” – on her way home, and they went to school for lessons. Today at school the police came. We asked about it.

      Veronica ran home, and Tatiana thought looking at her children still don’t fully understand. They are thinking it is. For adults, especially for those who have their children and grandchildren, the loss of a child is a terrible tragedy.

      Finished cleaning the garden, Tatiana went to the house. The time was dining and she had failed to cook anything.

      – You want to eat? – she cried the mother, coming into the kitchen.

      “A little,” force said Vera Ilyinishna from his room.

      – Hold on a little bit, I’ll make soup now!

      – Yes take your time, don’t die!

      Tatiana turned on the old lamp TV “TOSHIBA”, which was sent to the kitchen after buying a new big LCD TV “LG”, and began to cook lunch.

      On the stove stood a pot with pre-boiled pork and meat broth. Tatiana turned on the burner under the pan and proceeded to cook vegetables for borscht. One eye she watched the events on TV, while in turn cutting on a large wooden Board cabbage, onions, carrots and beets. Soon began the transfer with the local news and leading her girlfriend announced that yesterday in their town went missing 11 year old girl Nadia Timofeeva. Tatiana stopped and remembered that she told Veronica, became closely at the girl’s face, a picture which now was situated on the entire screen. The face seemed familiar. Hearing the address, where she lived, Nadia, Tatiana realized that probably saw her more than once. The soul feels the heaviness and bad feeling. With the TV screen encouraged all residents to take part in the search. Peregrev beets, carrots and onions in a pan and loaded with cabbage in boiling broth, the woman began to peel the potatoes. After all the vegetables were in the pot and the soup only have to reach readiness, Tatiana sat down at the table to drink coffee and relax. And Intrusive thoughts constantly returned to that missing girl: what happened? They live very close to us… And the semen is not much younger than her. The woman was seized by severe anxiety.

      The soup had dovarese and Tatiana went to feed the mother. She adjusted the pillows behind her and lifted them so that the Faith of Ilinichna was comfortable to sit:

      – Well, let’s eat! – with one hand holding a plate on a stand and the other holding a spoon of soup, said Tatiana.

      – What was that, Tanya? On TV they say the girl disappeared, everyone is looking for?

      – Yes, Nadya Timofeeva. They are here, near us, live, on Voroshilov. Said was walking home from school and disappeared. Our neighbor Veronica know? Well, Genkina daughter? She studied in a class.

      – Oh yeah? A mountain of some sort! Where could she have gone? Mother go crazy now goes! – in the eyes of Faith by Ilinichny reflected genuine sadness and concern.

      – Invite everyone to go out searching. I think maybe I should go? The machine I have.

      – Tanya, you go, it will be hard?

      – In the garden to dig is not difficult, and it is difficult! Yes, I even shatter!

      Well itself look. – agreed with her daughter Vera Ilyinishna.

      In the evening, feeding and putting Faith Ilinichna to sleep, Tatiana turned on the computer and went to your page at Classmates. Exchanged a few messages with his friend from Kazakhstan, where they used to live, she decided to go to the homepage of the city.

      On the main page, the woman immediately saw the focus on Nadia and link at the bottom of the group. By clicking on the link, Tatiana began to read comments.

      The people in the group were many, several thousand people. The announcement of the loss was on the main television channels of the country and in the news on the Internet. People with totally different cities and areas and even our former compatriots from other hot countries discussed the incident. People were screaming at each other, each trying to prove their case and defend their version of events. Many psychics or as they called themselves, tried to contact local volunteers, in order to check their versions. Most of them shared the version that the girl was dead – murdered. Then there were different versions of what happened and a description of the perp. Psychics asked for a city map and mark the areas where you may be the girl’s body and where to find it. Many volunteers and local residents, independently involved in the search, i.e. not in the units themselves contacted psychics on the phone, hoping with their tips to find Nadia. Most Tatyana Petrovna interested in the psychic who writes under the name Michael the Archangel. He assured everyone that with his help, find a single man. The real name of the Archangel Michael, as he wrote knowing it was Mikhail Savchenko and he lived in the city of Tomsk with my family. Many sitting on this forum knew him in the case of the missing child in Tomsk. They and Savchenko claimed that Michael accurately called the date and the place where the child is found. Savchenko wrote that the girl killed her friend teen of about fourteen. Wrote that Nadia reached the bridge, where he met her and invited me to his home. There, according to Savchenko. the teenager tried to rape the girl and accidentally smothered, and in the evening the body was washed and buried near the home. Michael is very in detail described appearance of this teenager and where and with whom he lives. Also, he assured that he knows a place where a girl needs to look and that he wants people to check his vision.

      Tatyana Petrovna had not noticed reading the forum that it’s been a while. Outside the window, dawn. My head was buzzing from the abundance of new information, and his eyes were red and ached from sitting too long at the computer. We had a little bit of sleep and to put his thoughts in order. Wearily dropping onto the bed and closing her eyes, Tatiana was fast asleep.

      The morning dawned gray and cloudy. Waking up, the woman lay still for a long time and stared out the window